Anti gun extremists sue to enforce background check law that would not have stopped Vegas shooter.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes...this is why we think anti gun extremists are stupid, nuts, or both.....they are suing to get the new, universal background check law, enforced in Nevada...even though it would have done nothing to stop the Vegas shooter who passed current, Federal Government Background checks for the guns he had, and didn't buy them from a private seller....

This irrational behavior is one reason we don't trust you....

Lawsuit Filed Over Unimplemented Universal Background Check - Bearing Arms - Anti-Gun Laws, Gun Control, Nevada, universal background checks

The problem with universal background checks is that nothing about them is particularly enforceable. The transfer of a firearm to a family member is just one example.

Unless the state maintains a full database of who has which guns, it’s impossible to determine just when a gun was transferred and to whom. Was it before the universal background check law went into effect, or after? Was it purchased in the state of Nevada, or did it relocate into the state with the owner?

Further, it would do nothing to actually stop criminals from getting guns since they typically buy black market firearms anyway. It also would do nothing to prevent a mass shooting like Las Vegas as the killer had passed mandated background checks.

If this goes to court, perhaps a judge can point out the stupid.

Don't count on your closing sentence happening.


It could be argued that cyber attacks are more of a threat to Americans than mass shootings.
There should be background checks for buying a computer or any device that communicates on the internet.
Background checks for having an internet account.

Further more as liberals become more and more a of a danger to our lives they should be have to be registered like sexual predators.
Yes...this is why we think anti gun extremists are stupid, nuts, or both.....they are suing to get the new, universal background check law, enforced in Nevada...even though it would have done nothing to stop the Vegas shooter who passed current, Federal Government Background checks for the guns he had, and didn't buy them from a private seller....

This irrational behavior is one reason we don't trust you....

Lawsuit Filed Over Unimplemented Universal Background Check - Bearing Arms - Anti-Gun Laws, Gun Control, Nevada, universal background checks

The problem with universal background checks is that nothing about them is particularly enforceable. The transfer of a firearm to a family member is just one example.

Unless the state maintains a full database of who has which guns, it’s impossible to determine just when a gun was transferred and to whom. Was it before the universal background check law went into effect, or after? Was it purchased in the state of Nevada, or did it relocate into the state with the owner?

Further, it would do nothing to actually stop criminals from getting guns since they typically buy black market firearms anyway. It also would do nothing to prevent a mass shooting like Las Vegas as the killer had passed mandated background checks.

If this goes to court, perhaps a judge can point out the stupid.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ....

Poll: 92 percent of gun owners support universal background checks
It could be argued that cyber attacks are more of a threat to Americans than mass shootings.
There should be background checks for buying a computer or any device that communicates on the internet.
Background checks for having an internet account.

Further more as liberals become more and more a of a danger to our lives they should be have to be registered like sexual predators. is easier to get to your point than you posted......child molesters and other computer criminals are often banned from computer and internet according to our left wing, anti freedom, gun grabbers, all computer sales should require a background check, especially for private sales....

And on top of that....terrorists move their money through the internet banking of course that also calls for background checks on all computer equipment.....
Yes...this is why we think anti gun extremists are stupid, nuts, or both.....they are suing to get the new, universal background check law, enforced in Nevada...even though it would have done nothing to stop the Vegas shooter who passed current, Federal Government Background checks for the guns he had, and didn't buy them from a private seller....

This irrational behavior is one reason we don't trust you....

Lawsuit Filed Over Unimplemented Universal Background Check - Bearing Arms - Anti-Gun Laws, Gun Control, Nevada, universal background checks

The problem with universal background checks is that nothing about them is particularly enforceable. The transfer of a firearm to a family member is just one example.

Unless the state maintains a full database of who has which guns, it’s impossible to determine just when a gun was transferred and to whom. Was it before the universal background check law went into effect, or after? Was it purchased in the state of Nevada, or did it relocate into the state with the owner?

Further, it would do nothing to actually stop criminals from getting guns since they typically buy black market firearms anyway. It also would do nothing to prevent a mass shooting like Las Vegas as the killer had passed mandated background checks.

If this goes to court, perhaps a judge can point out the stupid.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ....

Poll: 92 percent of gun owners support universal background checks

No.....92% of those who responded in support of the term "universal Background checks" don't understand what they are responding to in that poll.....

If you want an accurate poll, the question would be this...

Do you support Universal Background Checks on all gun sales if it means that you will eventually have to register all of the guns you own with the Federal Government....even though when guns were registered in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, New York and California, the registration lists were used to ban, confiscate and limit access to guns for law abiding citizens....?

Put that question to the test...then come back to me...
Yes...this is why we think anti gun extremists are stupid, nuts, or both.....they are suing to get the new, universal background check law, enforced in Nevada...even though it would have done nothing to stop the Vegas shooter who passed current, Federal Government Background checks for the guns he had, and didn't buy them from a private seller....

This irrational behavior is one reason we don't trust you....

Lawsuit Filed Over Unimplemented Universal Background Check - Bearing Arms - Anti-Gun Laws, Gun Control, Nevada, universal background checks

The problem with universal background checks is that nothing about them is particularly enforceable. The transfer of a firearm to a family member is just one example.

Unless the state maintains a full database of who has which guns, it’s impossible to determine just when a gun was transferred and to whom. Was it before the universal background check law went into effect, or after? Was it purchased in the state of Nevada, or did it relocate into the state with the owner?

Further, it would do nothing to actually stop criminals from getting guns since they typically buy black market firearms anyway. It also would do nothing to prevent a mass shooting like Las Vegas as the killer had passed mandated background checks.

If this goes to court, perhaps a judge can point out the stupid.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ....

Poll: 92 percent of gun owners support universal background checks

No.....92% of those who responded in support of the term "universal Background checks" don't understand what they are responding to in that poll.....

If you want an accurate poll, the question would be this...

Do you support Universal Background Checks on all gun sales if it means that you will eventually have to register all of the guns you own with the Federal Government....even though when guns were registered in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, New York and California, the registration lists were used to ban, confiscate and limit access to guns for law abiding citizens....?

Put that question to the test...then come back to me...
Oh I know, the entire population of this nation requires your guidance on everything.
Yes...this is why we think anti gun extremists are stupid, nuts, or both.....they are suing to get the new, universal background check law, enforced in Nevada...even though it would have done nothing to stop the Vegas shooter who passed current, Federal Government Background checks for the guns he had, and didn't buy them from a private seller....

This irrational behavior is one reason we don't trust you....

Lawsuit Filed Over Unimplemented Universal Background Check - Bearing Arms - Anti-Gun Laws, Gun Control, Nevada, universal background checks

The problem with universal background checks is that nothing about them is particularly enforceable. The transfer of a firearm to a family member is just one example.

Unless the state maintains a full database of who has which guns, it’s impossible to determine just when a gun was transferred and to whom. Was it before the universal background check law went into effect, or after? Was it purchased in the state of Nevada, or did it relocate into the state with the owner?

Further, it would do nothing to actually stop criminals from getting guns since they typically buy black market firearms anyway. It also would do nothing to prevent a mass shooting like Las Vegas as the killer had passed mandated background checks.

If this goes to court, perhaps a judge can point out the stupid.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ....

Poll: 92 percent of gun owners support universal background checks

No.....92% of those who responded in support of the term "universal Background checks" don't understand what they are responding to in that poll.....

If you want an accurate poll, the question would be this...

Do you support Universal Background Checks on all gun sales if it means that you will eventually have to register all of the guns you own with the Federal Government....even though when guns were registered in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, New York and California, the registration lists were used to ban, confiscate and limit access to guns for law abiding citizens....?

Put that question to the test...then come back to me...
Oh I know, the entire population of this nation requires your guidance on everything.

See......there is something we can agree on.....
Statistically, the overwhelming majority of American gun violence is black crybaby on black crybaby. So if one wants to reduce American gun crime, it seems most logical to figure out a way to keep guns away from Crybaby-Americans.
Yes...this is why we think anti gun extremists are stupid, nuts, or both.....they are suing to get the new, universal background check law, enforced in Nevada...even though it would have done nothing to stop the Vegas shooter who passed current, Federal Government Background checks for the guns he had, and didn't buy them from a private seller....

This irrational behavior is one reason we don't trust you....

Lawsuit Filed Over Unimplemented Universal Background Check - Bearing Arms - Anti-Gun Laws, Gun Control, Nevada, universal background checks

The problem with universal background checks is that nothing about them is particularly enforceable. The transfer of a firearm to a family member is just one example.

Unless the state maintains a full database of who has which guns, it’s impossible to determine just when a gun was transferred and to whom. Was it before the universal background check law went into effect, or after? Was it purchased in the state of Nevada, or did it relocate into the state with the owner?

Further, it would do nothing to actually stop criminals from getting guns since they typically buy black market firearms anyway. It also would do nothing to prevent a mass shooting like Las Vegas as the killer had passed mandated background checks.

If this goes to court, perhaps a judge can point out the stupid.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ....

Poll: 92 percent of gun owners support universal background checks

No.....92% of those who responded in support of the term "universal Background checks" don't understand what they are responding to in that poll.....

If you want an accurate poll, the question would be this...

Do you support Universal Background Checks on all gun sales if it means that you will eventually have to register all of the guns you own with the Federal Government....even though when guns were registered in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, New York and California, the registration lists were used to ban, confiscate and limit access to guns for law abiding citizens....?

Put that question to the test...then come back to me...
Oh I know, the entire population of this nation requires your guidance on everything.

See......there is something we can agree on.....

Humanity lives only to serve thee m'Lord.
Yes...this is why we think anti gun extremists are stupid, nuts, or both.....they are suing to get the new, universal background check law, enforced in Nevada...even though it would have done nothing to stop the Vegas shooter who passed current, Federal Government Background checks for the guns he had, and didn't buy them from a private seller....

This irrational behavior is one reason we don't trust you....

Lawsuit Filed Over Unimplemented Universal Background Check - Bearing Arms - Anti-Gun Laws, Gun Control, Nevada, universal background checks

The problem with universal background checks is that nothing about them is particularly enforceable. The transfer of a firearm to a family member is just one example.

Unless the state maintains a full database of who has which guns, it’s impossible to determine just when a gun was transferred and to whom. Was it before the universal background check law went into effect, or after? Was it purchased in the state of Nevada, or did it relocate into the state with the owner?

Further, it would do nothing to actually stop criminals from getting guns since they typically buy black market firearms anyway. It also would do nothing to prevent a mass shooting like Las Vegas as the killer had passed mandated background checks.

If this goes to court, perhaps a judge can point out the stupid.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ....

Poll: 92 percent of gun owners support universal background checks

No.....92% of those who responded in support of the term "universal Background checks" don't understand what they are responding to in that poll.....

If you want an accurate poll, the question would be this...

Do you support Universal Background Checks on all gun sales if it means that you will eventually have to register all of the guns you own with the Federal Government....even though when guns were registered in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, New York and California, the registration lists were used to ban, confiscate and limit access to guns for law abiding citizens....?

Put that question to the test...then come back to me...
Oh I know, the entire population of this nation requires your guidance on everything.

See......there is something we can agree on.....

Humanity lives only to serve thee m'Lord.

If you are loyal, I shall grant thee land and titles....just don't irritate me too much....

No.....92% of those who responded in support of the term "universal Background checks" don't understand what they are responding to in that poll.....

If you want an accurate poll, the question would be this...

Do you support Universal Background Checks on all gun sales if it means that you will eventually have to register all of the guns you own with the Federal Government....even though when guns were registered in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, New York and California, the registration lists were used to ban, confiscate and limit access to guns for law abiding citizens....?

Put that question to the test...then come back to me...
Oh I know, the entire population of this nation requires your guidance on everything.

See......there is something we can agree on.....

Humanity lives only to serve thee m'Lord.

If you are loyal, I shall grant thee land and titles....just don't irritate me too much....
You unfortunately have proven you have nothing to offer anyone but rabid frothy-mouthed partisanshithead psychobabble.
No.....92% of those who responded in support of the term "universal Background checks" don't understand what they are responding to in that poll.....

If you want an accurate poll, the question would be this...

Do you support Universal Background Checks on all gun sales if it means that you will eventually have to register all of the guns you own with the Federal Government....even though when guns were registered in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, New York and California, the registration lists were used to ban, confiscate and limit access to guns for law abiding citizens....?

Put that question to the test...then come back to me...
Oh I know, the entire population of this nation requires your guidance on everything.

See......there is something we can agree on.....

Humanity lives only to serve thee m'Lord.

If you are loyal, I shall grant thee land and titles....just don't irritate me too much....
You unfortunately have proven you have nothing to offer anyone but rabid frothy-mouthed partisanshithead psychobabble. there you now I banish you to the outer darkness where creatures will torment you for all eternity.....You were soooo close...

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