Anti government white men are gov. biggest beneficiaries

No, what I am saying is that white men have historically benefited from a system that EXCLUDED competing efforts from other minority groups. We'll never know the possibilities of what could have been had the red carpet not been so exclusive to white men only, now will we? Today, with all the resources of good jobs and affordable education all but unreachable to everyone, your comments are non voided. And yes if we all were treated equally, the merit of what I'm saying could be tested...but we're not all treated equally and you know that. After the crash of 08', I saw first hand how equal the system was....all the local venues where I live, which is a very diverse community, got rid of all the blacks and staffed their venues with white people. Everywhere I visited, no Tyrone, no Sha na na....just white Becky and Tom.

By "excluded" you mean didn't cut out special protections against what you seem to see as the inherent inferiority of women and minorities. It isn't like the law currently states "only white men", and has more to do with the fact you think minorities and women cannot prevail unless the law specifically gives minorities and women an upper hand.
I find it very convenient that every comment here disavows HISTORICAL FACTS AND WANT TO STAY CURRENT WITH TODAYS POLICIES....Its because of that history, specific laws were needed, duh
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


Who the hell would be surprised to learn that the largest overall demographic is also the largest demographic on welfare?

Oh that's right, stupid liberals who hate math, and science, and well just about anything else that requires thinking or skills.

Here's how math works you stupid negro

Let's look at just SNAP (that's your foodstamps)

Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly

all else being equal, negroes should make up the same percentage of food stamp recipients as they make up the general population. Meaning 13% of food stamp recipients should be black. But instead we see that FORTY fucking percent of food stamp recipients are negroes.

Just as we see in EVERY statistic, well every BAD statistic, the American Negro is over represented.
Listen, if every single time there's a debate calling out your white hypocrites for your welfare, you wanna bring up food stamps, than we're gonna have a problem. Keep in mind, bitch....they'rd be no food stamp program were it not for white people. It was to feed poor white motherfuckers in 64'.

what the fuck? Care to address the fact that almost half of food stamps (and no doubt all other form of welfare) goes to support 12% of the population?
Dude, I'll answer that question when you acknowlege the fact that white men has been and continues to be the gov. biggest beneficiaries of welfare aide...until then I have nothing to discuss with you
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


You do understand that your rant singles out the fact that if protections/benefits aren't cut out specifically for anyone (such as racial minorities or women), then you think those people who are not individually protected in legislation are incapable of accomplishing anything on their own? To say that government policy supports the white man because it doesn't give a minority the upper hand through legislative imbalance, is the same as saying minorities are incompetent of achieving their goals if in fact everyone is treated equally.
No, what I am saying is that white men have historically benefited from a system that EXCLUDED competing efforts from other minority groups. We'll never know the possibilities of what could have been had the red carpet not been so exclusive to white men only, now will we? Today, with all the resources of good jobs and affordable education all but unreachable to everyone, your comments are non voided. And yes if we all were treated equally, the merit of what I'm saying could be tested...but we're not all treated equally and you know that. After the crash of 08', I saw first hand how equal the system was....all the local venues where I live, which is a very diverse community, got rid of all the blacks and staffed their venues with white people. Everywhere I visited, no Tyrone, no Sha na na....just white Becky and Tom.

That excuse?
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


Who the hell would be surprised to learn that the largest overall demographic is also the largest demographic on welfare?

Oh that's right, stupid liberals who hate math, and science, and well just about anything else that requires thinking or skills.

Here's how math works you stupid negro

Let's look at just SNAP (that's your foodstamps)

Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly

all else being equal, negroes should make up the same percentage of food stamp recipients as they make up the general population. Meaning 13% of food stamp recipients should be black. But instead we see that FORTY fucking percent of food stamp recipients are negroes.

Just as we see in EVERY statistic, well every BAD statistic, the American Negro is over represented.
Listen, if every single time there's a debate calling out your white hypocrites for your welfare, you wanna bring up food stamps, than we're gonna have a problem. Keep in mind, bitch....they'rd be no food stamp program were it not for white people. It was to feed poor white motherfuckers in 64'.

I guess blacks having always had higher unemployment and in poverty at a higher percentage than whites doesn't matter to you.
Keep telling yourself that when blacks have the lowest average IQ of any group, the highest proportional use of social welfare of any group, the lowest graduation rate of any group, and the highest bastard birth rate of any group.

Keep your EXCEPTIONS. 25% of blacks are in poverty. The incarceration rate for blacks is 7x that of whites per 100,000 of their population. When it comes to the likelihood of imprisonment, for men as a whole, it's 1:9. For whites, it's only 1:17 but for blacks it's 1:3. With women, as a whole it's 1:56. For whites, it's only 1:111 but for blacks it's 1:18.
Its those EXCEPTIONS THAT MAKE YOU WHITE MOTHERFUCKERS run around the country whining about wanting YOUR COUNTRY BACK...YES? I'm 1000% certain nigga in prison isn't what's keeping you fucks up at night, no is it?

The exceptions don't bother me but at least you agree blacks doing things the way someone of any color should be doing them is the EXCEPTION. They're doing what an honorable person does, supporting him/herself.

Reminds me of Chris Rock "n*gger you're doing what you're supposed to do"


Buttttt....nothing is more funnier than Trump's love for his dumb white people AND HE WASN'T DOING COMEDY
No, what I am saying is that white men have historically benefited from a system that EXCLUDED competing efforts from other minority groups. We'll never know the possibilities of what could have been had the red carpet not been so exclusive to white men only, now will we? Today, with all the resources of good jobs and affordable education all but unreachable to everyone, your comments are non voided. And yes if we all were treated equally, the merit of what I'm saying could be tested...but we're not all treated equally and you know that. After the crash of 08', I saw first hand how equal the system was....all the local venues where I live, which is a very diverse community, got rid of all the blacks and staffed their venues with white people. Everywhere I visited, no Tyrone, no Sha na na....just white Becky and Tom.

By "excluded" you mean didn't cut out special protections against what you seem to see as the inherent inferiority of women and minorities. It isn't like the law currently states "only white men", and has more to do with the fact you think minorities and women cannot prevail unless the law specifically gives minorities and women an upper hand.
I find it very convenient that every comment here disavows HISTORICAL FACTS AND WANT TO STAY CURRENT WITH TODAYS POLICIES....Its because of that history, specific laws were needed, duh

That's a pretty broad brush. Certainly not what I was suggesting.
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


Who the hell would be surprised to learn that the largest overall demographic is also the largest demographic on welfare?

Oh that's right, stupid liberals who hate math, and science, and well just about anything else that requires thinking or skills.

Here's how math works you stupid negro

Let's look at just SNAP (that's your foodstamps)

Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly

all else being equal, negroes should make up the same percentage of food stamp recipients as they make up the general population. Meaning 13% of food stamp recipients should be black. But instead we see that FORTY fucking percent of food stamp recipients are negroes.

Just as we see in EVERY statistic, well every BAD statistic, the American Negro is over represented.
Listen, if every single time there's a debate calling out your white hypocrites for your welfare, you wanna bring up food stamps, than we're gonna have a problem. Keep in mind, bitch....they'rd be no food stamp program were it not for white people. It was to feed poor white motherfuckers in 64'.

what the fuck? Care to address the fact that almost half of food stamps (and no doubt all other form of welfare) goes to support 12% of the population?
Dude, I'll answer that question when you acknowlege the fact that white men has been and continues to be the gov. biggest beneficiaries of welfare aide...until then I have nothing to discuss with you

Holy shit you are stupid. My very first post in this thread acknowledged it and asked if anyone was surprised that the LARGEST overall demographic is also the largest welfare demographic. You dumb fuck.
I find it very convenient that every comment here disavows HISTORICAL FACTS AND WANT TO STAY CURRENT WITH TODAYS POLICIES....Its because of that history, specific laws were needed, duh

I shit my diapers when I was a baby, and don't need a law to keep from shitting my pants now. If that is a simple matter of convenience, then I am thankful I just know better.
Last edited:
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


What's ironic is that you support a government that has done all these things.
Dude we all support the gov. its called paying taxes and white men like you who whine about it, should get down on your hands and knees and thank God for a system that took you lunatics from the cave to a free pass society that you thrive on today.

Half the country doesn't pay income taxes.

Are you saying that all I had to do when I sent in a resume was put on their "I'm white"?
Half the country do pay taxes....another GOP lie. Most working class black women don't have kids. With so many nigga's flocking to white bitches, a lot of single black women are out here working with no kids, paying into a system just like their white counterpart males. Do the math...white women with thier mix veggie kids are dominating the welfare roles these days. As for putting on a resume your white, how bout it?
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


Who the hell would be surprised to learn that the largest overall demographic is also the largest demographic on welfare?

Oh that's right, stupid liberals who hate math, and science, and well just about anything else that requires thinking or skills.

Here's how math works you stupid negro

Let's look at just SNAP (that's your foodstamps)

Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly

all else being equal, negroes should make up the same percentage of food stamp recipients as they make up the general population. Meaning 13% of food stamp recipients should be black. But instead we see that FORTY fucking percent of food stamp recipients are negroes.

Just as we see in EVERY statistic, well every BAD statistic, the American Negro is over represented.
Listen, if every single time there's a debate calling out your white hypocrites for your welfare, you wanna bring up food stamps, than we're gonna have a problem. Keep in mind, bitch....they'rd be no food stamp program were it not for white people. It was to feed poor white motherfuckers in 64'.

what the fuck? Care to address the fact that almost half of food stamps (and no doubt all other form of welfare) goes to support 12% of the population?
Dude, I'll answer that question when you acknowlege the fact that white men has been and continues to be the gov. biggest beneficiaries of welfare aide...until then I have nothing to discuss with you

Holy shit you are stupid. My very first post in this thread acknowledged it and asked if anyone was surprised that the LARGEST overall demographic is also the largest welfare demographic. You dumb fuck.
Or it could be your rants are so stupid, I simply ignored most of it, eh?
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


Who the hell would be surprised to learn that the largest overall demographic is also the largest demographic on welfare?

Oh that's right, stupid liberals who hate math, and science, and well just about anything else that requires thinking or skills.

Here's how math works you stupid negro

Let's look at just SNAP (that's your foodstamps)

Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly

all else being equal, negroes should make up the same percentage of food stamp recipients as they make up the general population. Meaning 13% of food stamp recipients should be black. But instead we see that FORTY fucking percent of food stamp recipients are negroes.

Just as we see in EVERY statistic, well every BAD statistic, the American Negro is over represented.
Listen, if every single time there's a debate calling out your white hypocrites for your welfare, you wanna bring up food stamps, than we're gonna have a problem. Keep in mind, bitch....they'rd be no food stamp program were it not for white people. It was to feed poor white motherfuckers in 64'.

what the fuck? Care to address the fact that almost half of food stamps (and no doubt all other form of welfare) goes to support 12% of the population?

I've run the numbers and presented them to that dumbass and she still doesn't understand it.

12.5% of the population uses 25% of the food stamps and tiggered sees no problem with that.
I find it very convenient that every comment here disavows HISTORICAL FACTS AND WANT TO STAY CURRENT WITH TODAYS POLICIES....Its because of that history, specific laws were needed, duh

I shit my diapers when I was a baby, and don't need a law to keep from shitting my diapers now. If that is a simple matter of convenience, then I am thankful I just know better.
Keep in mind, Uncle Sam was changin them diapers for you white fucks....another leg up, paid with my hard earned tax dollars.
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


Who the hell would be surprised to learn that the largest overall demographic is also the largest demographic on welfare?

Oh that's right, stupid liberals who hate math, and science, and well just about anything else that requires thinking or skills.

Here's how math works you stupid negro

Let's look at just SNAP (that's your foodstamps)

Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly

all else being equal, negroes should make up the same percentage of food stamp recipients as they make up the general population. Meaning 13% of food stamp recipients should be black. But instead we see that FORTY fucking percent of food stamp recipients are negroes.

Just as we see in EVERY statistic, well every BAD statistic, the American Negro is over represented.
Listen, if every single time there's a debate calling out your white hypocrites for your welfare, you wanna bring up food stamps, than we're gonna have a problem. Keep in mind, bitch....they'rd be no food stamp program were it not for white people. It was to feed poor white motherfuckers in 64'.

what the fuck? Care to address the fact that almost half of food stamps (and no doubt all other form of welfare) goes to support 12% of the population?

I've run the numbers and presented them to that dumbass and she still doesn't understand it.

12.5% of the population uses 25% of the food stamps and tiggered sees no problem with that.

It's actually 40% and yes libs just don't like math.
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.

BUllShit !

I'm opposed to bloated Government programs because they waste your money without getting anything done. VA is a good example. What did the Obama stimulus plan do for you ? did it create jobs as promised? another example of big government. Its the Burocracy most people are offended by. Maybe Black people haven't noticed this because their busy thinking about other things? Time to get off Hillary's plantation. You know over 95% of the Million in donations the Clintons' made this year, went to their own foundation. Thats the kind of big government I hate. As long as they can keep Blacks being jealous of whites and whites hating blacks, its business as usual for them
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


What's ironic is that you support a government that has done all these things.
Dude we all support the gov. its called paying taxes and white men like you who whine about it, should get down on your hands and knees and thank God for a system that took you lunatics from the cave to a free pass society that you thrive on today.

Half the country doesn't pay income taxes.

Are you saying that all I had to do when I sent in a resume was put on their "I'm white"?
Half the country do pay taxes....another GOP lie. Most working class black women don't have kids. With so many nigga's flocking to white bitches, a lot of single black women are out here working with no kids, paying into a system just like their white counterpart males. Do the math...white women with thier mix veggie kids are dominating the welfare roles these days. As for putting on a resume your white, how bout it?

I specifically said income taxes and that's a fact. If you're trying to equate things like sales tax to income tax, you're an idiot. Not one person is ever required to pay a dime in sales tax unless it's their choice.

According to you, ALL I had to do to get hired was say "I'm white".
Keep in mind, Uncle Sam was changin them diapers for you white fucks....another leg up, paid with my hard earned tax dollars.

None of your tax dollars go towards anything I need or require. But then again, I don't rely on the government to cover any of my expenses or obligations. If you are incapable of handling your own responsibilities, then it is foolish to assume that no one else can handle theirs.
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


Who the hell would be surprised to learn that the largest overall demographic is also the largest demographic on welfare?

Oh that's right, stupid liberals who hate math, and science, and well just about anything else that requires thinking or skills.

Here's how math works you stupid negro

Let's look at just SNAP (that's your foodstamps)

Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly

all else being equal, negroes should make up the same percentage of food stamp recipients as they make up the general population. Meaning 13% of food stamp recipients should be black. But instead we see that FORTY fucking percent of food stamp recipients are negroes.

Just as we see in EVERY statistic, well every BAD statistic, the American Negro is over represented.
Listen, if every single time there's a debate calling out your white hypocrites for your welfare, you wanna bring up food stamps, than we're gonna have a problem. Keep in mind, bitch....they'rd be no food stamp program were it not for white people. It was to feed poor white motherfuckers in 64'.

what the fuck? Care to address the fact that almost half of food stamps (and no doubt all other form of welfare) goes to support 12% of the population?

I've run the numbers and presented them to that dumbass and she still doesn't understand it.

12.5% of the population uses 25% of the food stamps and tiggered sees no problem with that.
The tigger is not , I repeat not going to allow you white fucks to morph this thread into a blacks on welfare thread....this is about whitey and its gonna stay that way!!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Keep in mind, Uncle Sam was changin them diapers for you white fucks....another leg up, paid with my hard earned tax dollars.

None of your tax dollars go towards anything I need or require. But then again, I don't rely on the government to cover any of my expenses or obligations.
Remember that when you call on FEMA bitch!!
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


Who the hell would be surprised to learn that the largest overall demographic is also the largest demographic on welfare?

Oh that's right, stupid liberals who hate math, and science, and well just about anything else that requires thinking or skills.

Here's how math works you stupid negro

Let's look at just SNAP (that's your foodstamps)

Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly

all else being equal, negroes should make up the same percentage of food stamp recipients as they make up the general population. Meaning 13% of food stamp recipients should be black. But instead we see that FORTY fucking percent of food stamp recipients are negroes.

Just as we see in EVERY statistic, well every BAD statistic, the American Negro is over represented.
Listen, if every single time there's a debate calling out your white hypocrites for your welfare, you wanna bring up food stamps, than we're gonna have a problem. Keep in mind, bitch....they'rd be no food stamp program were it not for white people. It was to feed poor white motherfuckers in 64'.

what the fuck? Care to address the fact that almost half of food stamps (and no doubt all other form of welfare) goes to support 12% of the population?

I've run the numbers and presented them to that dumbass and she still doesn't understand it.

12.5% of the population uses 25% of the food stamps and tiggered sees no problem with that.
The tigger is not , I repeat not going to allow you white fucks to morph this thread into a blacks on welfare thread....this is about whitey and its gonna stay that way!!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

yeah, its a poorly constructed thread using a false narrative that ignores actual facts

Just the way you dumb fuck liberals like things.

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