Anti government white men are gov. biggest beneficiaries

What do you want golliwog whites pay the most into the system are almost 5x more of them than your peeps and deserve to get back more.....fair and balanced is a biitch to the low IQ'd!

Well when you control the wages of the rest of the people, of course, you're going to make the most money. Which groups are you planning on disenfranchising to "make America great again"?
My education and work ethic is what allowed me access to good paying jobs and a quality future. White had nothing to do with it unless you're willing to admit white people instill that in their children and other races don't.

Bullshit. You trade on your white privilege every day and don't even realize it. I spent most of my working career working in the land of white man's privilege and you a$$hats are so certain that you and you alone got ahead because you don't have the first clue how being born a white male gives you a distinct advantage over every other person out there applying for a job.

Nah, it was all brains and hard work. Just ask George W Bush.
My education and work ethic is what allowed me access to good paying jobs and a quality future. White had nothing to do with it unless you're willing to admit white people instill that in their children and other races don't.

Bullshit. You trade on your white privilege every day and don't even realize it. I spent most of my working career working in the land of white man's privilege and you a$$hats are so certain that you and you alone got ahead because you don't have the first clue how being born a white male gives you a distinct advantage over every other person out there applying for a job.

Nah, it was all brains and hard work. Just ask George W Bush.

If what you say is true, why did I spend all those years working hard, getting an education, and pushing myself to get to the top. According to you all I needed to do when was tell them I was a white male and it would have automatically come my way.

Not my fault you're a fuck up that can't make it.
My education and work ethic is what allowed me access to good paying jobs and a quality future. White had nothing to do with it unless you're willing to admit white people instill that in their children and other races don't.

Bullshit. You trade on your white privilege every day and don't even realize it. I spent most of my working career working in the land of white man's privilege and you a$$hats are so certain that you and you alone got ahead because you don't have the first clue how being born a white male gives you a distinct advantage over every other person out there applying for a job.

Nah, it was all brains and hard work. Just ask George W Bush.
So how do you explain obama's success? And, the success of all the other successful blacks? Do tell.
My education and work ethic is what allowed me access to good paying jobs and a quality future. White had nothing to do with it unless you're willing to admit white people instill that in their children and other races don't.

Bullshit. You trade on your white privilege every day and don't even realize it. I spent most of my working career working in the land of white man's privilege and you a$$hats are so certain that you and you alone got ahead because you don't have the first clue how being born a white male gives you a distinct advantage over every other person out there applying for a job.

Nah, it was all brains and hard work. Just ask George W Bush.

Obama hasn't worked a day in his life, he is a self admitted pothead underachiever. Black privilege must be better than white privilege.

I have had the 'privilege' of working my ass off, sometimes at jobs where it was quite clear EEOC gave preference to others, so give me exact details how I had some sort of privilege.
Funny! When you ask a libtard for specifics they run like cockroaches.
If you pay the most, its because you've had you foot on the necks of every race in this country, preventing their potential, so own the burden, bitch!!

So how do you explain Asians being the most educated and most financially successful race in the U.S.?
What do you want golliwog whites pay the most into the system are almost 5x more of them than your peeps and deserve to get back more.....fair and balanced is a biitch to the low IQ'd!

Well when you control the wages of the rest of the people, of course, you're going to make the most money. Which groups are you planning on disenfranchising to "make America great again"?

I'm confused. Which group of people, has their wages controlled, to hold them down? Who is, or was, disenfranchised, to make American great in the past?

Which person is incapable of being wealthy, because their group is selectively held down?

The Mexican immigrant who set up a global drone firm - BBC News

This Mexican who was held down so badly, he became a multi-billionaire CEO of a company?

Golden Krust CEO Appears On UNDERCOVER BOSS

This black Jamaican who started a multi-billion dollar restaurant chain, and appeared on under-cover boss?

PepsiCo Chairman & CEO Indra K. Nooyi ’80 Endows Deanship at Yale School of Management

This immigrant from India, now CEO of Pepsi?

Tanka Bar :: Real Food :: Real People

These native Americans who operating a nation wide food service company?

Which group has been disenfranchised? How give the lousy track record of support for such a claim, what do you base your empty accusations on?
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


"Da gubermint" is nothing but a massive corporate entity that is owned by the international bankers that also run the IMF, BIS and Global banks. It's an insidious form of slavery with it's roots going all the way back to the Knights Templar as it pertains to the banking system. "Gubermint" has grown and become more draconian to keep the huddled masses under their thumb while fooling them into believing that bigger "gubermint" is necessary to keep them safe from the very things that they themselves were 9/11/01, the OKC Murrah building false flag. They play the Hegelian Dialectic card constantly. They manufacture the crisis and then propose a solution that dilutes the rights of the people. Your childlike faith in this corporate entity known as "gubermint" would be hilarious if I was watching this from afar but since it affects me? I don't find it so funny. I doubt that you have the intellectual capacity to fathom what it is I am trying to convey but I know of what I speak. Keeping us divided along racial, economic, gender, religious and even sexual orientation is how they keep us divided and distracted.
My education and work ethic is what allowed me access to good paying jobs and a quality future. White had nothing to do with it unless you're willing to admit white people instill that in their children and other races don't.

Bullshit. You trade on your white privilege every day and don't even realize it. I spent most of my working career working in the land of white man's privilege and you a$$hats are so certain that you and you alone got ahead because you don't have the first clue how being born a white male gives you a distinct advantage over every other person out there applying for a job.

Nah, it was all brains and hard work. Just ask George W Bush.

Did you ever read the story of Chris Gardner?
Christopher Gardner Biography

You want to tell me, that it wasn't hard work? At the time that Gardner was getting his foot in the door at Dean Witter Reynolds in the 1970s, the entire financial market was white. DWR was all white. His bosses where all white. And he showed up late to a interview without a shirt. And you want to tell me about white privilege?

Why didn't they hold him down? Why didn't they disenfranchise him? Huh? What lame excuse do you have for his success?

There's a restaurant that opened just down the road from me called Skyward Grill.

Screen Shot 2016-08-14 at 1.32.44 AM.png

This black man, was one of those grilled cheese steak and brat cart vendors you would see down town on the street, or at the rest areas. The guy worked his butt off. Saved up money. Now bought a closed store, and converted it into a diner.

You know what the difference is between people like you, and people like him? He did sit around blaming people for the difficulties in life. He wasn't being a jerk, talking about white privilege. He wasn't crying about not having a silver spoon. Instead he worked and got his own sliver spoon.

That said, you are right about one thing... it's not all hard work. Nor is it all brains. A good portion of it is attitude. Yours sucks.

"white privilege" excuses is for the lazy, the whiny, and the useless. The kind of attitude that you are displaying right now, right here on this forum, is exactly the kind of attitude that I've seen destroy people like you. You think the rest of your co-workers and your boss, can't see through you? You think your customers don't see through you?

You think that guy would have been able to save up the money, and open his own store, if he had been standing around complaining how unfair it was others were born white? B!tching about how he had to stand outside and cook brats?

No, of course not. Customers wouldn't buy from him if he had this under-class whiny attitude.

See, he didn't buy the left-wing memo that he was held down, and disenfranchised. That's why he's a winner.
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


"Da gubermint" is nothing but a massive corporate entity that is owned by the international bankers that also run the IMF, BIS and Global banks. It's an insidious form of slavery with it's roots going all the way back to the Knights Templar as it pertains to the banking system. "Gubermint" has grown and become more draconian to keep the huddled masses under their thumb while fooling them into believing that bigger "gubermint" is necessary to keep them safe from the very things that they themselves were 9/11/01, the OKC Murrah building false flag. They play the Hegelian Dialectic card constantly. They manufacture the crisis and then propose a solution that dilutes the rights of the people. Your childlike faith in this corporate entity known as "gubermint" would be hilarious if I was watching this from afar but since it affects me? I don't find it so funny. I doubt that you have the intellectual capacity to fathom what it is I am trying to convey but I know of what I speak. Keeping us divided along racial, economic, gender, religious and even sexual orientation is how they keep us divided and distracted.


You tell em.
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


"Da gubermint" is nothing but a massive corporate entity that is owned by the international bankers that also run the IMF, BIS and Global banks. It's an insidious form of slavery with it's roots going all the way back to the Knights Templar as it pertains to the banking system. "Gubermint" has grown and become more draconian to keep the huddled masses under their thumb while fooling them into believing that bigger "gubermint" is necessary to keep them safe from the very things that they themselves were 9/11/01, the OKC Murrah building false flag. They play the Hegelian Dialectic card constantly. They manufacture the crisis and then propose a solution that dilutes the rights of the people. Your childlike faith in this corporate entity known as "gubermint" would be hilarious if I was watching this from afar but since it affects me? I don't find it so funny. I doubt that you have the intellectual capacity to fathom what it is I am trying to convey but I know of what I speak. Keeping us divided along racial, economic, gender, religious and even sexual orientation is how they keep us divided and distracted.


You tell em.

I speak only the truth....just because you don't know doesn't make any less true.
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


"Da gubermint" is nothing but a massive corporate entity that is owned by the international bankers that also run the IMF, BIS and Global banks. It's an insidious form of slavery with it's roots going all the way back to the Knights Templar as it pertains to the banking system. "Gubermint" has grown and become more draconian to keep the huddled masses under their thumb while fooling them into believing that bigger "gubermint" is necessary to keep them safe from the very things that they themselves were 9/11/01, the OKC Murrah building false flag. They play the Hegelian Dialectic card constantly. They manufacture the crisis and then propose a solution that dilutes the rights of the people. Your childlike faith in this corporate entity known as "gubermint" would be hilarious if I was watching this from afar but since it affects me? I don't find it so funny. I doubt that you have the intellectual capacity to fathom what it is I am trying to convey but I know of what I speak. Keeping us divided along racial, economic, gender, religious and even sexual orientation is how they keep us divided and distracted.


You tell em.

I speak only the truth....just because you don't know doesn't make any less true.

No I agree completely. Entirely true every bit of it. We just need more tin foil to help the rest to know the truth.
Did it ever occur to you why tig?

White, percent,

Black or African American percent,

should you decide to start pitching in a little more, we'll be glad to close our wallets and step aside. It would be nice not to have to pay for everybody's everything for a change.. Don't like whites paying for everything? Then ante up to correct what you see as a problem.

And your OP while biting, but wasn't specific enough. Democrats are the ones holding you back. Democrats voted to keep slaves slaves, Democrats voted against your citizenship, and voted 100% to keep you from voting.
So by all means, vote for Hillary because she likes to parade you around a stage to get votes.
Democrats aren't holding blacks back, its black people holding ourselves back....niggas that don't care, black women that aren't raising their children the right way, white women taking all the good ones and good ones abandoning communities to be with white people. Dem's ain't got a gotdamned thing to do wit dat!!
Dems have always tried to hold you back. That being said, you are absolutely correct. But Black women are raising their children the best they can with no fathers there to help. Start there. Stop using the # of children you spawn as a sign of manliness. I can't afford 11 kids. You can't either.
Then both of you raise your children to respect all lives. Yeah, all of them. Teach them how to succeed. Ben Carson had the same opportunities that your child has. Get them the hell off the streets and in the classrooms and at the kitchen table.
What do you want golliwog whites pay the most into the system are almost 5x more of them than your peeps and deserve to get back more.....fair and balanced is a biitch to the low IQ'd!
If you pay the most, its because you've had you foot on the necks of every race in this country, preventing their potential, so own the burden, bitch!!
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


Its was the Republican Party that freed the slaves and gave minorities the right to vote. For generations the Democratic party took liberties with the Constitution and Bill of Rights to keep the foot on the necks of minorities. In the 60's when they realized that the party would never win a national election again they changed tactics. Promising government programs for votes.
Did it ever occur to you why tig?

White, percent,

Black or African American percent,

should you decide to start pitching in a little more, we'll be glad to close our wallets and step aside. It would be nice not to have to pay for everybody's everything for a change.. Don't like whites paying for everything? Then ante up to correct what you see as a problem.

And your OP while biting, but wasn't specific enough. Democrats are the ones holding you back. Democrats voted to keep slaves slaves, Democrats voted against your citizenship, and voted 100% to keep you from voting.
So by all means, vote for Hillary because she likes to parade you around a stage to get votes.
Democrats aren't holding blacks back, its black people holding ourselves back....niggas that don't care, black women that aren't raising their children the right way, white women taking all the good ones and good ones abandoning communities to be with white people. Dem's ain't got a gotdamned thing to do wit dat!!
Democrats certainly aren't doing anything to help.
What do you want golliwog whites pay the most into the system are almost 5x more of them than your peeps and deserve to get back more.....fair and balanced is a biitch to the low IQ'd!
If you pay the most, its because you've had you foot on the necks of every race in this country, preventing their potential, so own the burden, bitch!!
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


Its was the Republican Party that freed the slaves and gave minorities the right to vote. For generations the Democratic party took liberties with the Constitution and Bill of Rights to keep the foot on the necks of minorities. In the 60's when they realized that the party would never win a national election again they changed tactics. Promising government programs for votes.
Listen, boy....stop trying to educate me on this Lincoln freeing the slaves bullshit....fact Lincoln stressed over freeing the slave and really didn't want to do it, is historically recorded. Secondly, we didn't get the vote until the 60's and still we're stressing today over shit that should have been our constitutional rights, so giving us anything is already DOA.

As for democrats keeping minorities down??? Its white people period, trying to keep a nigga down, regardless of party affiliation...the fact of the matter is, its not workin!!
What do you want golliwog whites pay the most into the system are almost 5x more of them than your peeps and deserve to get back more.....fair and balanced is a biitch to the low IQ'd!
If you pay the most, its because you've had you foot on the necks of every race in this country, preventing their potential, so own the burden, bitch!!
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


Its was the Republican Party that freed the slaves and gave minorities the right to vote. For generations the Democratic party took liberties with the Constitution and Bill of Rights to keep the foot on the necks of minorities. In the 60's when they realized that the party would never win a national election again they changed tactics. Promising government programs for votes.
Listen, boy....stop trying to educate me on this Lincoln freeing the slaves bullshit....fact Lincoln stressed over freeing the slave and really didn't want to do it, is historically recorded. Secondly, we didn't get the vote until the 60's and still we're stressing today over shit that should have been our constitutional rights, so giving us anything is already DOA.

As for democrats keeping minorities down??? Its white people period, trying to keep a nigga down, regardless of party affiliation...the fact of the matter is, its not workin!!

Poor little nigga...perhaps you can become a slave again in one of those cool Islamic countries?
What do you want golliwog whites pay the most into the system are almost 5x more of them than your peeps and deserve to get back more.....fair and balanced is a biitch to the low IQ'd!
If you pay the most, its because you've had you foot on the necks of every race in this country, preventing their potential, so own the burden, bitch!!
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


Its was the Republican Party that freed the slaves and gave minorities the right to vote. For generations the Democratic party took liberties with the Constitution and Bill of Rights to keep the foot on the necks of minorities. In the 60's when they realized that the party would never win a national election again they changed tactics. Promising government programs for votes.
Listen, boy....stop trying to educate me on this Lincoln freeing the slaves bullshit....fact Lincoln stressed over freeing the slave and really didn't want to do it, is historically recorded. Secondly, we didn't get the vote until the 60's and still we're stressing today over shit that should have been our constitutional rights, so giving us anything is already DOA.

As for democrats keeping minorities down??? Its white people period, trying to keep a nigga down, regardless of party affiliation...the fact of the matter is, its not workin!!

Poor little nigga...perhaps you can become a slave again in one of those cool Islamic countries?
Poor little niga? How bout poor stupid ignorant white fuck. I don't need your sympathy bitch, but you sho need mine.....cause the world is finding you white mf's stupid, not just here at poor stupid white motherfuckers are the embarrassment, bitch.

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