Anthropologically makes no sense to fear homosexuals

Heard Bones say it on the show Bones and thought it was great.

Anthropologically makes no sense to fear homosexuals, since they are taking themselves out of the pool for competition with a mate.

So why the fear from the homophobes? REally makes no difference to them if people are gay, plus, it does limit competition for a mate.

and what makes you think people based their dislike of homosexuals in an anthropological context?

I'm sure some do, then why else be so anti-gays when it really doesn't effect that person
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What is it with internet dickheads?

I dont know. Why do you start being an ass any time someone disagrees with you?

I believe it's true as it makes sense, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that, you know, science is probably way over your head

On what planet is the television show "Bones" science?

I said there is real science in there, not everything is made up.
guess in your mind their is no such thing as fingerprints, DNA matching, forensic anthropology and determining cause of death from

the producer of the show is a forensic anthropologist, like the ER writer was an MD, they use real life things in the shows, based on fictional characters. ANd of course they will make stuff up or exaggerate to make it more hospitable to tv entertainment. Like I said already, and you apparently ignored
Heard Bones say it on the show Bones and thought it was great.

Anthropologically makes no sense to fear homosexuals, since they are taking themselves out of the pool for competition with a mate.

So why the fear from the homophobes? REally makes no difference to them if people are gay, plus, it does limit competition for a mate.

The real question is, why do you feel the need to start threads based on your own ignorance and misunderstandings?

To put it more simply, I doubt you'd know a homophobe if one crawled up your pants leg and bit you on the left ass cheek.
so because a tv show says it, it's true with absolutely nothing else to back up your claim.

Why not? It's apparently true - to him, anyway - that we want to "deny them freedoms", etc. based on nothing but a bunch of media hacks and pundits telling him so. Clearly, evidence and logic are not requirements.
so because a tv show says it, it's true with absolutely nothing else to back up your claim.

No, it just makes sense and these shows don't just make shit up, there is facts in there, unless they are trying to embellish for TV, but a lot of the show is fact based. and where did I say it was true. why do people like making shit up, just to be dicks?

"These shows don't just make shit up." :rofl: That's the best line I've heard in ages.

Fiction - Definition and More from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary
that was my reply, your argument is utter bullshit.

Very persuasive.

And I stated it in the first response, what, only heterosexuals can marry the person they love (or how about " want", since you claim love has nothing to do with it)

Way to ignore that, and claim I have nothing.

also some replies are so utterly stupid as to not warrant a rebuttal.

We've been through this about a million times. "Love" is not mentioned in the law at all. The law doesn't give a shit WHAT your motivations are.

And just to clarify your incredibly fuzzy and imprecise language, you can MARRY anyone you care to. But you can only gain government recognition for relationships between a man and a woman. Whether or not you love that person is your own concern.
Heard Bones say it on the show Bones and thought it was great.

Anthropologically makes no sense to fear homosexuals, since they are taking themselves out of the pool for competition with a mate.

So why the fear from the homophobes? REally makes no difference to them if people are gay, plus, it does limit competition for a mate.

and what makes you think people based their dislike of homosexuals in an anthropological context?

I'm sure some do, then why else be so anti-gays when it really doesn't effect that person

What makes you so sure a) that someone who disagrees with legal sanction of homosexual relationships is "anti-gay", and b) that it "doesn't effect" people?

You should really get past this tendency to think with your glands, y'know?
Dr Gregg Wrote:
And if you paid attention to the context, it has nothing to do with what you claim above that it was some old standard the writers were screaming homophobe, they were talking about the possibility of a straight man killing a gay man, talking about potential suspects of the gay man's death, hence why she mentioned that captured the context perfectly in your thread title...just as I "got it" when I watched the program.

"Anthropologically is makes no sense to FEAR homosexuals" is what you wrote...and what Bones was saying in the show...

My comments are perfectly applicable. I dislike the typically liberal notion that because someone might be a non-supporter of gay marriage or believe that homosexuality is wrong somehow must be AFRAID of gays. It is a tired cliche. One that I feel is overplayed and harmful to true discourse.
Heard Bones say it on the show Bones and thought it was great.

Anthropologically makes no sense to fear homosexuals, since they are taking themselves out of the pool for competition with a mate.

So why the fear from the homophobes? REally makes no difference to them if people are gay, plus, it does limit competition for a mate.

and what makes you think people based their dislike of homosexuals in an anthropological context?

I'm sure some do, then why else be so anti-gays when it really doesn't effect that person

Religion. Look what it says in the King James interpretation of the bible. The whole Soddom and Gomora thing....
and what makes you think people based their dislike of homosexuals in an anthropological context?

I'm sure some do, then why else be so anti-gays when it really doesn't effect that person

Religion. Look what it says in the King James interpretation of the bible. The whole Soddom and Gomora thing....
Oh you mean where the father offered his virgin daughters to strangers? The one where the daughters seduce their father after getting him drunk?
Heard Bones say it on the show Bones and thought it was great.

Anthropologically makes no sense to fear homosexuals, since they are taking themselves out of the pool for competition with a mate.

So why the fear from the homophobes? REally makes no difference to them if people are gay, plus, it does limit competition for a mate.

One does not fear general. As one does not fear males. or females general.

Homosexuals are simply Abnormal Freaks.

Just as a two headed ant is a an Abnormal Insect, etc


End of story.
Homophobes think they are irresistable to gay men? :lol::lol: Too funny!

I didn't see that in my post.......anywhere. Not very honest of a response tbh.
I saw it.

Don't see how. Homophobes being hit on and not liking it doesn't necessarily mean homophobes think they're irresistable. You have to make a lot of assumptions to jump to that conclusion. It's not fair, or honest. And no, I'm not a phobe.
so because a tv show says it, it's true with absolutely nothing else to back up your claim.

No, it just makes sense and these shows don't just make shit up, there is facts in there, unless they are trying to embellish for TV, but a lot of the show is fact based. and where did I say it was true. why do people like making shit up, just to be dicks?

"These shows don't just make shit up." :rofl: That's the best line I've heard in ages.

Fiction - Definition and More from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Man some of you just complete and utter assholes. THe science in their isn't made up. fucking a, stop being such dicks!
In my opinion, and feel free to disagree here:

Yea, people who have big problems with "homosexuals" are just being dicks.

Now, I'm not saying they don't have the right to disagree yadda yadda, but I do feel and will always say, they're dicks. :)
Dr Gregg Wrote:
And if you paid attention to the context, it has nothing to do with what you claim above that it was some old standard the writers were screaming homophobe, they were talking about the possibility of a straight man killing a gay man, talking about potential suspects of the gay man's death, hence why she mentioned that captured the context perfectly in your thread title...just as I "got it" when I watched the program.

"Anthropologically is makes no sense to FEAR homosexuals" is what you wrote...and what Bones was saying in the show...

My comments are perfectly applicable. I dislike the typically liberal notion that because someone might be a non-supporter of gay marriage or believe that homosexuality is wrong somehow must be AFRAID of gays. It is a tired cliche. One that I feel is overplayed and harmful to true discourse.

WRong, you obviously didn''t get it, cause you can't see past your hackery. It wasn't to blast people and make a political statement of those not agreeing with homosexuality, but discussing the possibility of a straight man murdering a gay man on the show. Hence the "fear" part that would make the straight guy kill the gay guy
so because a tv show says it, it's true with absolutely nothing else to back up your claim.

Why not? It's apparently true - to him, anyway - that we want to "deny them freedoms", etc. based on nothing but a bunch of media hacks and pundits telling him so. Clearly, evidence and logic are not requirements.

spoken like a hack. I liked the quote, and shared it. I never said every person who doesn't agree with gay marriage is fearful of them, I even mentioned some. WHy the fuck can't you people read what's written instead of making shit up? Are you that blind to your ideology that you have to make up reasons why people posts things, a put words in their mouths?

Unreal how many people made ASSumptions about other people's intentions.
and what makes you think people based their dislike of homosexuals in an anthropological context?

I'm sure some do, then why else be so anti-gays when it really doesn't effect that person

Religion. Look what it says in the King James interpretation of the bible. The whole Soddom and Gomora thing....

Again, they are not sinning or partaking in it, so why care what other's do? Religions is a bullshit reason for it. they need to mind their own business and worry about themselves and not what others do and believe
I'm sure some do, then why else be so anti-gays when it really doesn't effect that person

Religion. Look what it says in the King James interpretation of the bible. The whole Soddom and Gomora thing....

Again, they are not sinning or partaking in it, so why care what other's do? Religions is a bullshit reason for it. they need to mind their own business and worry about themselves and not what others do and believe

It is viewed in the context as an abomination. At one time nearly everyone in the country believed in some form of religion or another and they all called homosexuality an abnormal behavior and against God. The Democrats and progressives have slowly been eliminating religion from society, destroying the nuclear family and dividing up the nation's electorate into factions they can don't'll get what you want eventually.
Homophobia I don't think is predicated on fearing Gay men will steal your woman. It's about being grossed out when a Gay man wants....YOU. Not that I'm a homophobe, but I know plenty and that's their main sentiment basically.
Don't flatter yourself. Gay men want gay men, not you.

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