Another Win for the Good Guys. CHPO Exonerated in Shooting of Ashli Babbitt

This follows the DOJ investigation that also exonerated the officer. From the piece....

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While there is no doubt that Babbitt's shooting was completely justified--the video from WAPO showed that, we should remember that this woman fought for our nation and for that she deserves our gratitude. We can add this to the sad lineage of President Trump who was responsible for the attack on the capitol and continues to lie about the 2020 election.

Its just a tragedy from every standpoint.
Now if she had been black we might have had riots all over this nation for months.

I suspect the cop had his finger on the trigger of his pistol and with his adrenaline flowing he accidentally discharged his weapon and Babbitt ended up dead.

This follows the DOJ investigation that also exonerated the officer. From the piece....

View attachment 529170

While there is no doubt that Babbitt's shooting was completely justified--the video from WAPO showed that, we should remember that this woman fought for our nation and for that she deserves our gratitude. We can add this to the sad lineage of President Trump who was responsible for the attack on the capitol and continues to lie about the 2020 election.

Its just a tragedy from every standpoint.

CHPO Exonerated in Shooting of Ashli Babbitt​

When was the trial?
What court “exonerated” the filthy toad?
Now if she had been black we might have had riots all over this nation for months.
I suspect the cop had his finger on the trigger of his pistol and with his adrenaline flowing he accidentally discharged his weapon and Babbitt ended up dead.
There is video at the link in the OP and on PBS's Frontline of Babbitt getting shot.
All of that is false. No one knew what that bitch had so their lives were in danger. Her life had no value. No one will miss her. If her life was of equal value where was her security detail that was assigned to protect her?
So I can shoot you if you walk near me or my family on the street. Good to know. I don’t know what you have so my family is in danger. Nobody would miss you.
CHickenshit Byrd couldn’t discipline a toddler without a gun. A murderer. Period. End of argument Asslips.
I wasnt arguing. I was just trying to let clowns like you know that you better not fuck around and find out. Byrd is a pretty good shot if he is the one that shot that crazy bitch.
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I wasnt arguing. I was just trying to let clowns like you know that you better not fuck around a find out. Byrd is a pretty good shot if he is the one that shot that crazy bitch.
Nobody is afraid of chickenshit Byrd. A gutless coward just like you.

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