Another Win for the Good Guys. CHPO Exonerated in Shooting of Ashli Babbitt

Oh boy, another "I don't like Republicans or Trump so I'm going to take every chance I can to make sure I post a story bad about them and follow it up with totally unrelated and unnecessary jabs at them" post.

Face it, this isn't a out anything other than getting a cheap sense of self satisfaction at thinking "boy I'm really turning the knife is those cocksucking Republicans that like Trump" and nothing else.

In fact it's so true that you glorify the shooting of a unarmed woman crawling on her hands and knees slowly through a barricade just so you can take pot shots at Trump.

You don't care about what's right or wrong, you just care about hating Trump. And you'll do any mental gymnastics you need to in order to do.

You sound frustrated. Good.
She was unarmed and not attacking anyone. The goon they killed her was never in any danger.

Had this been your liquor store (you sound drunk)...would you have wanted your security guard to ask if she was armed before opening fire on someone breaking through the door during a riot?

Lie to us all and say yes.
Of course not. He had a gun drawn and ready. The politicians lives were in danger and he did his job. She wont make that mistake again.
No one's lives were in danger, and legally Ashli's life is of equal value to anyone else's, including a president.
You legally can't shoot unless she has a deadly weapon.
That is the law.
There was no exception at play.
No one's lives were in danger, and legally Ashli's life is of equal value to anyone else's, including a president.
All of that is false. No one knew what that bitch had so their lives were in danger. Her life had no value. No one will miss her. If her life was of equal value where was her security detail that was assigned to protect her?
No one's lives were in danger, and legally Ashli's life is of equal value to anyone else's, including a president.
You legally can't shoot unless she has a deadly weapon.
That is the law.
There was no exception at play.

Your take on the law is as dumb as your take on not putting covid 19 patients into ICU beds.

Only Babbitt was wrong.

So then I can legally shoot any cop I see because they are armed and might harm someone?
Cops have harmed people before, and the whole War on Dtugs is totally illegal.
So then its all just a free for all, according to you, and you can shoot anyone you thing could even remotely threaten someone later.

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