Another Senator Tunes Out On His Constituency.

Donald J. Trump


How can you certify an election when the numbers being certified are verifiably WRONG. You will see the real numbers tonight during my speech, but especially on JANUARY 6th. @SenTomCotton Republicans have pluses & minuses, but one thing is sure, THEY NEVER FORGET!
This claim about election fraud is disputed
9:07 AM · Jan 4, 2021
The media will not cover the speech but the word will get out loud and clear, and they know it.

In 2005 and 2017, the democrats challenged the results of the electoral college. Which of course, failed. It was nothing more than politics, playing to their base.

In 2021 some republicans are going to do the same thing. Which of course, will fail. There is no way the democrat-controlled House is going to reject any states election results that went to Biden. Not going to happen. And frankly, shouldn't.

As AG Barr has said, there is insufficient evidence that election/voter fraud occurred ENOUGH TO PROVE THAT THE RESULTS WERE CHANGED. I do not doubt the fraud did occur, and it may have been enough to warrant overturning the election results in some states. But guys, you can't overturn election results based on allegations, you gotta have evidentiary proof that can stand up in court that enough legal ballots were were added or changed or enough illegal ballots were entered to make a difference in the final results. And to this day, sufficient evidentiary proof does not exist. Case after case has been thrown out of court.

If some of the congressional republicans want to challenge the results, that is their right according to our laws. The end result will not change, and they may rue that decision in the future, but that's what we do in this country. We have these measures in place to try to prevent a miscarriage of our election system, and there's nothing at all wrong about exercising those measures. Get over it. Move on.
Senators no longer have a constituency. Neither do congressmen. They only need the approval of the communist party. The election will then go their way.

The epitaph of a once great nation.
Look at the cities in the process of disintegration. Take Portland. There has been a phenomenal amount of destruction. Yet the politicians who support that destruction are still in office. Do the people want this mayhem? Who voted for these politicians? The mayor and city council aren't worried about a constituency. They don't care about votes. They have fraud on their side. Same with Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis. Democrat run cities don't need votes or voters.
Opposing an authoritarian is good, supporting and playing along with an authoritarian is bad.
Which is your liberal bias

i say democrat election fraud is bad and opposition to election fraud is good

this election will not go away
Opposing an authoritarian is good, supporting and playing along with an authoritarian is bad.
Which is your liberal bias

i say democrat election fraud is bad and opposition to election fraud is good

this election will not go away
IF there was really "fraud" Trump would have won at least some of his legal challenges. And not just in courts, but in recounts.

I voted absentee in …. wait for it …. 1974. And it was really a pain in the ass. I had to personally mail in a request, and then after I got the ballot in the mail, I had to take it to a post office and physically fill in out in somebody's presence. While I've generally voted gop in elections for natl office, and while mail in voting generally helps the gop, I think we need to "go back to the good old days" and make it harder to vote for everyone using mail. Unless a state like Colo wants to spend the money to mail ballots out to every tom dick and harry in the whole state.
Opposing an authoritarian is good, supporting and playing along with an authoritarian is bad.
Which is your liberal bias

i say democrat election fraud is bad and opposition to election fraud is good

this election will not go away
IF there was really "fraud" Trump would have won at least some of his legal challenges. And not just in courts, but in recounts.

I voted absentee in …. wait for it …. 1974. And it was really a pain in the ass. I had to personally mail in a request, and then after I got the ballot in the mail, I had to take it to a post office and physically fill in out in somebody's presence. While I've generally voted gop in elections for natl office, and while mail in voting generally helps the gop, I think we need to "go back to the good old days" and make it harder to vote for everyone using mail. Unless a state like Colo wants to spend the money to mail ballots out to every tom dick and harry in the whole state.
IF there was really "fraud" Trump would have won at least some of his legal challenges. And not just in courts, but in recounts.
Very dishonest of you. The court never saw any evidence. They are allowing the fraud on technicalities. And the recounts mean nothing. Illegal votes can be counted a million times with the same result.
IF there was really "fraud" Trump would have won at least some of his legal challenges. And not just in courts, but in recounts.
Many of the suits were dismissed for the excuse that the challengers had no legal standing

that does not mean there was no fraud

we need to return to in person voting only and only on paper ballots
Is Marco Rubio loyal or not?

The smarter members of the GOP are loyal to Trump.
Congressmen's loyalty is not supposed to be a single man, even if it is the head of his party.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
In your biased world any time a republican defies trump that is good because its for the good of the country

but if they support trump that is bad because they are just being loyal to one man
Not that simple, actually. This has become another of Trump's frequent loyalty tests. No big deal, right, having a leader who insists loyalty to him be above our democracy? THAT is why even Mitch McConnell is saying Leave It.

The insanity is going to fade out, eventually, but there are many who won't forget this attempt at an authoritarian takeover and those who vocally supported it. Moderation toward the center is trending. Those on both extreme ends are going to be held in extreme disregard in the future.
For those of you who harbor a primal dislike of trump everything is very simple

you wanted him gone and dont care how that happens

now the nation is more divided and in the long run weaker than it would have n
been without cheating and a resulting second term for trump
But HOW is that different from how Trump and the BIRTHERS felt about Obama? I didn't like Obama. I think Obamacare is bad. All you have to do is watch ANY ad on Fox or MSNBC in the morning about "free or at low cost with Medicare" and "get what you deserve" to realize we are toying with social benefits that are not funded by actual revenues.

But elections have consequences. And the gop is as much about tax cuts that create deficits as the dems are about heathcare. And there was some truth to Obama's claims that taxes paid for at least most of Obamacare policies though probably not expanded Medicaid
Senators no longer have a constituency. Neither do congressmen. They only need the approval of the communist party. The election will then go their way.

The epitaph of a once great nation.
Look at the cities in the process of disintegration. Take Portland. There has been a phenomenal amount of destruction. Yet the politicians who support that destruction are still in office. Do the people want this mayhem? Who voted for these politicians? The mayor and city council aren't worried about a constituency. They don't care about votes. They have fraud on their side. Same with Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis. Democrat run cities don't need votes or voters.

You don't have to convince me.

We are one stolen election from the modern Dark Ages.
IF there was really "fraud" Trump would have won at least some of his legal challenges. And not just in courts, but in recounts.
Many of the suits were dismissed for the excuse that the challengers had no legal standing

that does not mean there was no fraud

we need to return to in person voting only and only on paper ballots
Yeah, bringing a suit by a person not having standing is losing. It's not that hard. Trump simply brought baseless suits. And he lost every recount.

But I agree that we need to vote by paper (even with machine tabulation). But that would mean we'd need voting places open for much longer times because those with less money have a harder time voting.
But HOW is that different from how Trump and the BIRTHERS felt about Obama?
We didnt have the Deep State to mount a soft coup

and failing that we didn't steal the 2016 election so that a stiff like romney could replace obama
But I agree that we need to vote by paper (even with machine tabulation). But that would mean we'd need voting places open for much longer times because those with less money have a harder time voting.
Ok I can live with that

there is no reason not to have more polling places and even early voting as long as mail in ballots are not allowed

then it is up to republicans to recruit enough poll watchers to observe the process

Of we could allow republicans and democrats to nominate an equal number of poll workers to a pool and then randomly assign them to voting places on a daily basis which would be a strong deterrent against cheating
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Senators no longer have a constituency. Neither do congressmen. They only need the approval of the communist party. The election will then go their way.

The epitaph of a once great nation.
Look at the cities in the process of disintegration. Take Portland. There has been a phenomenal amount of destruction. Yet the politicians who support that destruction are still in office. Do the people want this mayhem? Who voted for these politicians? The mayor and city council aren't worried about a constituency. They don't care about votes. They have fraud on their side. Same with Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis. Democrat run cities have mo interest in meeting the needs of the people. Gov. Whitmer in particular takes a perverse joy in crushing the people. Almost as if she knows she doesn't have to rely on votes.

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