
Platinum Member
Jun 19, 2009
Leave it to a California Democrat to lie and use a poor analogy narrative.
Kamala Harris turned my argument on Trumps wording of "Hope" around by claiming if a robber used the term it would show decisive, yet no robber would use the term "Hope you'd give me your wallet."
And she forgets this argument works both ways as many Dems asked "I hope you find something"=they'd be saying Dem politicians have been obstructing justice.
=hit their own party going after their opponent with a standard that even sends them out of office. Brilliant!
Leave it to a Dem Politician to jump straight to a Wallet theft, since they are good at grabbing our wallets, but worse, does she have any sensitivity to the Seth Rich incident and didn't her analogy open up those can or worms since the cover up is that he was killed while being robbed even though nothing was taken not even his wallet?
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