Another Question For The Lefty,


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
What if we Republicans rioted over Hillary had she won? Would that be acceptable? So why don't you stop your side? WTF?
What if we Republicans rioted over Hillary had she won? Would that be acceptable? So why don't you stop your side? WTF?

Though Republicans do not riot....they would have called for martial law with orders to shoot to kill.....
If Clinton would have won, Republican supporters would have shook their heads, having been disappointed and gone about their day, aware that their great-great-grandchildren, or great-great-great grandchildren would be living under an Islamic theocracy where women were significantly oppressed by males, yet hoping that in the next election, perhaps it might change the outcome.
did not a bunch of people on the left say they would if she did?...and look what is Spock would say....."fascinating"....
All that mattes is that their hearts are in the right place. It's all about their intentions. Results do not matter.

Keep repeating that over and over.

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