Another normal winter


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Snow as far down the Appalachian mountains to Tennessee on the first day of winter. Should we continue to be hysterical about the theory of man made global warming?
I live in the Northeast, and we had one day of snow all last Winter, and it was maybe an inch. Does that mean global warming does exist? :eek:
Snow as far down the Appalachian mountains to Tennessee on the first day of winter. Should we continue to be hysterical about the theory of man made global warming?
Actually I live in one of the winterest regions in the eastern US. The Adirondacks and my experiece mirrors what many sane scientist have said. It got warmer in the 80's and 90's then leveled off or cooled back down a bit but not back to the winters on the 60's and 70's and I'm fine with that in fact I'd take more warming anytime. Was it entirely natural patterns? Don't know. Was it influenced by us? Don't know. Guess is a little bit of both. But we can outrun a few inches of water per decade. But maybe we shouldn't. It's a good time to re-imagine the coastal megacities.
Snow as far down the Appalachian mountains to Tennessee on the first day of winter. Should we continue to be hysterical about the theory of man made global warming?
I wonder what the over 60 crowd thinks. They have seen many winters
I'm over 60 and Idetailed my experiences in post #5
Im at 60 years old and i remeber in oct when i was young deer hunting used to be colder. Lately about 5 to 10 years ago it was incredibly hot for oct and i would look for a creek to cool off the deer meat quickly after it was shot. Definitly warmed a little bit. Also the school bus stops seemed colder at certain times of the year when i was younger
Snow as far down the Appalachian mountains to Tennessee on the first day of winter. Should we continue to be hysterical about the theory of man made global warming?
I wonder what the over 60 crowd thinks. They have seen many winters

I'm close enough at 55.
And no I dont see any difference.
I remember getting my new Yamaha YZ 80 for Christmas in 1980 and riding around in 80 degree temps on Christmas day.
Hmmm....those numbers are awfully coincidental.
Snow as far down the Appalachian mountains to Tennessee on the first day of winter. Should we continue to be hysterical about the theory of man made global warming?
I wonder what the over 60 crowd thinks. They have seen many winters

I'm close enough at 55.
And no I dont see any difference.
I remember getting my new Yamaha YZ 80 for Christmas in 1980 and riding around in 80 degree temps on Christmas day.
Hmmm....those numbers are awfully coincidental.
Interesting. Where are you from? 80 on Christmas? California. Florida. Or TexasI really w o uld here from a lot of older folks aboit the weather and the airplane trails and the whitened sky. Swear it used to not be so pale. Also watched one day when whithin an hour a blue cloudless sky was painted or completely covered by plane trails that fanned out and completely hazed the sky so much that where the sun was was a full circle rainbow corona. In the clouds within a less than an hours time.
Snow as far down the Appalachian mountains to Tennessee on the first day of winter. Should we continue to be hysterical about the theory of man made global warming?
I wonder what the over 60 crowd thinks. They have seen many winters

I'm close enough at 55.
And no I dont see any difference.
I remember getting my new Yamaha YZ 80 for Christmas in 1980 and riding around in 80 degree temps on Christmas day.
Hmmm....those numbers are awfully coincidental.
Interesting. Where are you from? 80 on Christmas? California. Florida. Or TexasI really w o uld here from a lot of older folks aboit the weather and the airplane trails and the whitened sky. Swear it used to not be so pale. Also watched one day when whithin an hour a blue cloudless sky was painted or completely covered by plane trails that fanned out and completely hazed the sky so much that where the sun was was a full circle rainbow corona. In the clouds within a less than an hours time.

We've had snow and Ice storms in December as well as 80 degree temps.
Nothing new at all. I've seen Galveston bay damn near Iced over in 83 when we had temps in the teens for over five days,even in the Laguna Madre.
Snow as far down the Appalachian mountains to Tennessee on the first day of winter. Should we continue to be hysterical about the theory of man made global warming?
I wonder what the over 60 crowd thinks. They have seen many winters

I'm close enough at 55.
And no I dont see any difference.
I remember getting my new Yamaha YZ 80 for Christmas in 1980 and riding around in 80 degree temps on Christmas day.
Hmmm....those numbers are awfully coincidental.
Interesting. Where are you from? 80 on Christmas? California. Florida. Or TexasI really w o uld here from a lot of older folks aboit the weather and the airplane trails and the whitened sky. Swear it used to not be so pale. Also watched one day when whithin an hour a blue cloudless sky was painted or completely covered by plane trails that fanned out and completely hazed the sky so much that where the sun was was a full circle rainbow corona. In the clouds within a less than an hours time.

Oh...we dont have chemtrails here.
Snow as far down the Appalachian mountains to Tennessee on the first day of winter. Should we continue to be hysterical about the theory of man made global warming?
I wonder what the over 60 crowd thinks. They have seen many winters

That'd be me too......and what you know is, you have years of drought and years you dont. Harsh winters......warmer winters. Lots of snow......little snow. Lots if hurricanes......few hurricanes.

You will notice.........the climate nutters come out of the woodwork when things get sketchy. They took the concept of extreme weather.........a certainty......and built a Reality Manufacturing Co. Its never been about the climate.......its about political power. You see the same thing now with Covid......the certainty of co-morbitities and death.....and built a Reality Manufacturing Co. Its a scheme of genius.
Snow as far down the Appalachian mountains to Tennessee on the first day of winter. Should we continue to be hysterical about the theory of man made global warming?
I wonder what the over 60 crowd thinks. They have seen many winters

I'm close enough at 55.
And no I dont see any difference.
I remember getting my new Yamaha YZ 80 for Christmas in 1980 and riding around in 80 degree temps on Christmas day.
Hmmm....those numbers are awfully coincidental.
Interesting. Where are you from? 80 on Christmas? California. Florida. Or TexasI really w o uld here from a lot of older folks aboit the weather and the airplane trails and the whitened sky. Swear it used to not be so pale. Also watched one day when whithin an hour a blue cloudless sky was painted or completely covered by plane trails that fanned out and completely hazed the sky so much that where the sun was was a full circle rainbow corona. In the clouds within a less than an hours time.

We've had snow and Ice storms in December as well as 80 degree temps.
Nothing new at all. I've seen Galveston bay damn near Iced over in 83 when we had temps in the teens for over five days,even in the Laguna Madre.
I always try to keep an open mind. The whole climate thing I never really paid attention to the soapboxes. Do appreciate the input from people who have seen a little climate. Now that i think about , yeah there were times when the same month one year was snow and cold. Others when it was very hot outside. The whole thing is sybjective I guess. I do know that from geologic data that jas been gathered that the earth throughout its history has had natural warming cycles amd natural cooling cyles that can continue in one directiin for thousands of years. Its totally natural for our planet to do this. Its never stagnant anyways. Has to trend one ways or the other.
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I wonder what the over 60 crowd thinks. They have seen many winters

10 feet of snow in downtown Los Angeles every year ... the glacier coming down the Tennessee Valley would block off the Mississippi ... polar bears in Atlanta, Georgia ...

Oh, 60 ... I thought you said 60,000 ... sorry ...
Yeah those ice age guys are always screaming global warming
Yeah those ice age guys are always screaming global warming

Global warming is a good thing ... longer growing seasons, more robust primary producer growth, less snow and ice ... it's absolute false that warmer means drier; the opposite is true, warmer and wetter ... although the extra rain will no way be enough to solve our drinking water shortages ... and if Arctic Amplification turns out to be a real long term effect, then the rain will be more widespread; less flooding events, fewer droughts ... in general more moderate weather ... "climate change" is New Speak to get the masses afraid of something we need not be afraid of ...
"The first of December was covered with snow, so was the turnpike from Stockbridge to Boston" ....James Taylor "Sweet Baby James"-1970. It seems that the turnpike from Stockbridge to Boston will be covered in snow on the 4th day of December this year. What goes around etc.

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