Another left wing gun grabber lie exposed.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Lefties, in the throes of their lunacy, are stating that it's the NRA and thier supporters that are using the deaths of people to support their agenda.

Now obama's worlwind tour of the USA with the families of Newtown victims, and the posturing and posing of gun grabbing politicians with various victims and their families aside, there's this quote by the US Champion Gun grabbing loser Dianne Feinstein:

"(My bill) will ban the sale, the transfer, the importation, and the possession, not retroactively, but prospectively, And it will ban the same for big clips, drums,or strips of more than ten bullets. So there will be a bill. We've been working on it for a year....It will be ready on the first day."

So basically, they've had it for a year and it's been sitting around waiting for a terrible tragedy that they could leverage for political expedience. Waiting for a tragedy to trot out the dead and suffering in order to gain political ground and infringe on the 2nd Amendment.

I'll bet my last dollar that they are drafting a new bill as we speak, just to have it ready and waiting for the next deaths.
They'll probably grab from the business end....... Oops! Forgot to set the safety!
Dayamn! What a mess...............
Maybe they should have learned how to safely handle a firearm.........
That's an idea, each gun grabber should be required to take a 876581 hour course before they can take anyone's guns.
They'll probably grab from the business end....... Oops! Forgot to set the safety!
Dayamn! What a mess...............
Maybe they should have learned how to safely handle a firearm.........
That's an idea, each gun grabber should be required to take a 876581 hour course before they can take anyone's guns.

Hell, it'd be a great start for them to educate themselves on what it is they are actually trying to ban...


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