President Biden Makes Another Good Move: He Keeps and Expands Trump's Tariffs on Chinese Imports

It took the old dude almost four years to decide on whether or not to keep Trump's tariffs? What else about the Trump administration will seem logical to the Biden administration as the time draws down to the election?
The only things that idiot has done right have been keeping in place some of Trump's policies. :laughing0301:
I'm not voting for Biden, but I applaud his decision last week to extend and expand Trump's tariffs on Chinese imports. Trump was absolutely right to impose tariffs against China, and Biden deserves great credit for extending and expanding those tariffs.

It is just as I have been saying since 2016. Trump is a far left liberal. This move by Biden is yet more evidence of that.

Protectionism is a far left wet dream, and very, very stupid.
It is just as I have been saying since 2016. Trump is a far left liberal. This move by Biden is yet more evidence of that.

Protectionism is a far left wet dream, and very, very stupid.
HUH????? Protectionism is pro-American and is a form of self-defense against unfair labor practices in other nations. Furthermore, the Republican Party was ardently, proudly protectionist until well into the 1950s. "Mr. Republican," staunch conservative Senator Robert A. Taft, helped block the creation of an international trade organization in the 1950s. Abraham Lincoln was an ardent, proud protectionist. Calvin Coolidge, a favorite President among modern conservatives, was a strong protectionist.

Trump deserves great credit for taking the GOP back to its America-First protectionist roots.
I'm not voting for Biden, but I applaud his decision last week to extend and expand Trump's tariffs on Chinese imports. Trump was absolutely right to impose tariffs against China, and Biden deserves great credit for extending and expanding those tariffs.

So how is making American consumers pay more a good thing, exactly?

No skin off China's nose. They are still getting paid for those goods they are producing.

HUH????? Protectionism is pro-American and is a form of self-defense against unfair labor practices in other nations. Furthermore, the Republican Party was ardently, proudly protectionist until well into the 1950s. "Mr. Republican," staunch conservative Senator Robert A. Taft, helped block the creation of an international trade organization in the 1950s. Abraham Lincoln was an ardent, proud protectionist. Calvin Coolidge, a favorite President among modern conservatives, was a strong protectionist.

Trump deserves great credit for taking the GOP back to its America-First protectionist roots.

Then the GOP realized that Protectionism doesn't work. The problem with protectionism is that other countries impose tariffs on your goods. For instance, when Trump imposed his tariffs on China, China retaliated with tariffs on American Agricultural products, particularly pork and soy beans. That meant that the Farmers needed a bailout in 2020.

I would have no problem if Chinese imports went down because Americans refused to buy them and instead chose to buy American. I have a real big problem with the government telling me that I have to pay more for something made in China because we are butthurt that our big corporations moved all the jobs over there.

The thing is, Tariffs on China will not make jobs come back to the US. The big international corporations will just move their factories to Vietnam or Malaysia, where the labor is cheaper and the environmental laws are even more lax.

(Mormon Mike has also heard things about sideways hoo-has and he's really freaked out about them.)
So how is making American consumers pay more a good thing, exactly?

No skin off China's nose. They are still getting paid for those goods they are producing.

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If you had the choice to buy a cheaply made Chinese product vs a better made American product for the same price, which would you choose? It will take a while to bring US manufacturing back to the point where they can make some of the things China provides, but that is the point of the tarriffs. Price leveling. We need to do the same with wages to prevent US companies from hiring a foreign worker instead of an American one for pennies on the dollar. Sure, they could move overseas to get cheap labor, but if the products they sell back to the US are tariffed correctly, it would be a zero net gain for them.

Why do you think Joe is doing the same thing as Trump? You hated them when Trump proposed the idea.
If you had the choice to buy a cheaply made Chinese product vs a better made American product for the same price, which would you choose?

It would depend on the product. But at the end of the day, that should be MY choice, not the government's choice. Making me pay more for a Chinese product because our industries are too inefficient to compete is foolish.

It will take a while to bring US manufacturing back to the point where they can make some of the things China provides, but that is the point of the tarriffs. Price leveling.

Naw, guy, those prices are never coming back. Do you know how China got around those tariffs? They set up shell companies in Mexico, imported them into Mexico, which has no tariffs with the US thanks to whatever Trump pretended to replace NAFTA with.

Now, there is a reason why we will see some production move out of China, is that China isn't as cheap as it used to be. The average wage in China is $15,000 a year. The average wage in Vietnam is $3000 a year. Now, labor is only a small part of that cost, there's also time, transportation costs, etc.

We need to do the same with wages to prevent US companies from hiring a foreign worker instead of an American one for pennies on the dollar. Sure, they could move overseas to get cheap labor, but if the products they sell back to the US are tariffed correctly, it would be a zero net gain for them.

Wow, you are stupid, aren't you, Cleetus? Big Corporations aren't your friend. Offshoring was ALWAYS about Crushing the American worker. And you wingnuts went along with it for decades until Trump decided that China was being mean to him. (That is when he wasn't having his MAGA hats made in China.)


Why do you think Joe is doing the same thing as Trump? You hated them when Trump proposed the idea.
And it's stupid for Biden to play to the crowd. But politics will be politics.
It would depend on the product. But at the end of the day, that should be MY choice, not the government's choice. Making me pay more for a Chinese product because our industries are too inefficient to compete is foolish.

Our industries can’t compete because nuts like you want to overpay our workers. They pay peanuts in China. The way to level the field is to tariff the Chinese products coupled with NOT overpaying our workers. That results in the most fair price for the American consumer.

Wow, you are stupid, aren't you, Cleetus? Big Corporations aren't your friend. Offshoring was ALWAYS about Crushing the American worker. And you wingnuts went along with it for decades until Trump decided that China was being mean to him. (That is when he wasn't having his MAGA hats made in China.)

What are you talking about? I just stated that tariffs should be placed on wages. How did you interpret that as me saying that big corporations are our friend?
Our industries can’t compete because nuts like you want to overpay our workers. They pay peanuts in China. The way to level the field is to tariff the Chinese products coupled with NOT overpaying our workers. That results in the most fair price for the American consumer.
Right, we should pay people poverty wages!

Um, not sure how that will help when no one can afford anything.

When your fellow Trailer Trash in Jesusland goes waddling down the aisles of Walmart, how are they going to be able to afford anything?

Maybe we need to cut the wages of shareholders and executives first before we cut them off the people who DO THE ACTUAL WORK.

What are you talking about? I just stated that tariffs should be placed on wages. How did you interpret that as me saying that big corporations are our friend?
Yes, you guys are great at fucking working people. Sadly, too many of them love Jesus and hate Mexicans to realize you are screwing them.
Right, we should pay people poverty wages!

Um, not sure how that will help when no one can afford anything.

When your fellow Trailer Trash in Jesusland goes waddling down the aisles of Walmart, how are they going to be able to afford anything?

Maybe we need to cut the wages of shareholders and executives first before we cut them off the people who DO THE ACTUAL WORK.

I didn’t say we should pay poverty wages, but in a fair market that is not competing with China, it will work itself out. Companies would pay ditch diggers like yourself 500k/yr if there was a shortage of ditch diggers. Here is an idea, secure the border. You guys aren’t quite smart enough to figure out how that works I guess.

Ditch diggers like yourself are already struggling to pay for essentials thanks to your God Biden who is spending like a drunken sailor. Yes dimwit, out of control government spending contributes to inflation.

You are a peon who vilifies successful people who are capable of leading a company and making decisions that benefit not only him/herself but also the workers. The ditch diggers like yourself aren’t capable of doing that kind of work and are a dime a dozen, which is why ditch diggers like yourself don’t get paid nearly as much. That is how it works in the real world and not in some fantasy land where ditch diggers like yourself are living next door to your company’s CEO.

Yes, you guys are great at fucking working people. Sadly, too many of them love Jesus and hate Mexicans to realize you are screwing them.

I am not against working people. I am a working person. I don’t hate Mexicans, but I am not a fan of illegals. Ironically, it is illegals that are negatively affecting the ditch diggers like yourself more than the higher quartile earners and yet it is the Democrat “working people” that vote against their own self-interest and allow illegal immigrants to flood into our country. Ditch diggers aren’t generally the highest IQ folks, so I guess that explains why they are largely Democrats.

PS: From henceforth, since you continue to not only bash my religion and my area of the country but also me personally, I will refer to you as the ditch digger. Why should I show you any respect when you show me none? I think you know that I don’t likely live in a trailer and am not some hick named Cleetus, but because you disagree with me, you choose to use these disparaging terms. Turnabout is fair play.
I didn’t say we should pay poverty wages, but in a fair market that is not competing with China, it will work itself out. Companies would pay ditch diggers like yourself 500k/yr if there was a shortage of ditch diggers. Here is an idea, secure the border. You guys aren’t quite smart enough to figure out how that works I guess.

Here's an idea. Garuntee everyone a fair wage, no matter where they come from and crack down hard on anyone who isn't following the rules. You could end the illegal "problem" in five minutes by cracking down on the white people who hire them because you Trailer Trash are too lazy to do the job, Cleetus.

You are a peon who vilifies successful people who are capable of leading a company and making decisions that benefit not only him/herself but also the workers. The ditch diggers like yourself aren’t capable of doing that kind of work and are a dime a dozen, which is why ditch diggers like yourself don’t get paid nearly as much. That is how it works in the real world and not in some fantasy land where ditch diggers like yourself are living next door to your company’s CEO.

Funny, I actually run two businesses now. (One of them belongs to my wife, but I do all the admin things). So you'd be wrong again, Cleetus.

The Rich are a parasite that have convinced you they are a vital organ. China realized that, which is why they are beating the pants off of us.

PS: From henceforth, since you continue to not only bash my religion and my area of the country but also me personally, I will refer to you as the ditch digger. Why should I show you any respect when you show me none? I think you know that I don’t likely live in a trailer and am not some hick named Cleetus, but because you disagree with me, you choose to use these disparaging terms. Turnabout is fair play.
My brother in law was a ditch digger. He belonged to a union, raised his two daughters with good values, and was overall a decent guy (albeit annoying). As opposed to some inbred trailer park from Jesusland who keeps voting to fuck over other working people because he hates gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.
You could end the illegal "problem" in five minutes by cracking down on the white people who hire them because you Trailer Trash are too lazy to do the job, Cleetus.

Democrats aren't just offering jobs you dope. They are offering free housing, free healthcare, sanctuary and debit cards. I guess you are just too stupid to put two and two together.

The Rich are a parasite that have convinced you they are a vital organ.

Exactly what I expect to hear from a brainwashed ditch digger.

My brother in law was a ditch digger. He belonged to a union, raised his two daughters with good values, and was overall a decent guy (albeit annoying). As opposed to some inbred trailer park from Jesusland who keeps voting to fuck over other working people because he hates gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.

Again, stop bashing my religion. I know are an evil heathen, but try to control yourself.

For the upteenth time, I don't hate anyone for their race or gender or any other immutable characteristic, including where they are from. That would make me just like you and the majority of Democrats.
Democrats aren't just offering jobs you dope. They are offering free housing, free healthcare, sanctuary and debit cards. I guess you are just too stupid to put two and two together.
None of which are worth coming up here for.

Sanctuary is a different issue, of course, than jobs. And if your Orange Jesus hadn't fucked up that system, Cleetus, we wouldn't have an issue there.

Exactly what I expect to hear from a brainwashed ditch digger.
Says a guy who never did a hard day of his life thinking calling someone a ditch-digger is an insult.

Again, stop bashing my religion. I know are an evil heathen, but try to control yourself.
Start acting the way Jesus said to, and I'll be happy to respect your religion.

Jesus did not say, "Blessed are those who fuck porn stars, give tax breaks to the rich and fuck over brown people." (Actually, Jesus didn't say anything because he never existed, but let's not dwell on that.)

For the upteenth time, I don't hate anyone for their race or gender or any other immutable characteristic, including where they are from. That would make me just like you and the majority of Democrats.
then stop supporting racism, misogyny, and homophobia.

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