Another Focus Group Produces Another DemonRAT Impeachment Talking Point

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon

Another set of focus groups, another new talking point. This is how the Democrats do “impeachment.” – Last Thursday, as chronicled here at the Campaign Update, San Fran Nan and Bug-eyes Schiff rolled out their “bribery” talking point after testing the word with polls and focus groups. It turned out that “quid pro quo” hit too close to “Quid Pro Joe,” and people just fall asleep whenever Pelosi or Schiff utter the whole “obstruction of congress” nonsense,” so the Democrats needed a new word to describe the fantasy they were trying to construct.

“Blackmail” being an actual English word that most Americans – even Democrats – actually understand the meaning of helped, plus it had all those negative connotations that the man on the street can relate back to episodes of Chicago Law and Law and Order, so it’s just awesome for this purpose.

But another problem came up after the first two days of mindless testimony from three gossips in the diplomatic corps: Everything they said was hearsay. None of the three witnesses actually witnessed anything remotely related to any supposed wrongdoing by the President. Faced with a group of GOP congress members who are actually organized around a set of core messages for once, the Democrats had no effective response to the GOP contention that this is all just gossip and hearsay, mainly because it is just all gossip and hearsay, with much more gossip and hearsay to come.

So, apparently San Fran Nan and Bug-eyes got a focus group or twelve together on Saturday and rolled out this question to them: “Hey, how would you respond if we taunted President Trump to come testify himself?” That apparently produced nodding heads around the rooms, and thus we had the spectacle of San Fran Nan and Chuck Schumer saying this on Sunday:

Pelosi: “If he has information that is exculpatory, that means ex, taking away, culpable, blame, then we look forward to seeing it,” she said in an interview that aired Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” Trump “could come right before the committee and talk, speak all the truth that he wants if he wants.”

Schumer: “If Donald Trump doesn’t agree with what he’s hearing, doesn’t like what he’s hearing, he shouldn’t tweet. He should come to the committee and testify under oath. And he should allow all those around him to come to the committee and testify under oath,” Schumer told reporters. He said the White House’s insistence on blocking witnesses from cooperating begs the question: “What is he hiding?”

In other words, in the grand tradition of Democrat politicians trying to corrupt the American system of justice, they now want President Trump to come prove his innocence before their impeachment circus.....(Since their failurev of proving him guilty has morphed into a HOW DID YOU FEEL ABOUT LOSING YOUR JOB......and I HEARD IT FROM A FRIEND, WHO HEARD IT FROM A FRIEND talking points that even regular DemonRATS realize is NOTHING to do with impeachment for a HIGH CRIME!)

Sorry, but that’s not how this works, Nan and Chuck. That’s not how any of this works.

But it obviously does well with focus groups, and that’s all any Democrat really cares about. All of which clearly demonstrates one more time how un-serious these people are, and how low their regard is for the health and survival of this country.

It’s despicable. It’s demented. It’s disgraceful and disgusting. But hey, it’s Democrats – you expected something else?


According to the resolution HR660 which gives Bug-Eyes Schiff total control over witnesses, questions, subpoenas, and just about everything else, there would be absolutely no reason to testify. One man’s testimony would not outweigh a biased presentation lasting weeks or months, and a partisan party line vote.

Not to mention, it would be a bad precedent.....and WHY would our president even honor this scandalous scam of an give it a semblance of being legitimate?....I rest my case!

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