Another Executive Order and the WAR ON COAL CONTINUES!


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change..

Well the fucktard has done it again...One more worthless EO to try and kill Coal Mines. The EO halts all new leases and stops lease renewals. This Socialist piece of crap cant get out of office fast enough for me.

The U.S. temporarily halts coal leasing on federal lands to reassess its policy in light of global warming.

The Obama administration on Friday brought a temporary halt to new coal mining leases on federal lands while it conducts a three-year review meant to bring coal leasing in line with U.S. climate policy.

The moratorium comes just days after Obama said in his State of the Union Address that he would push to change the way the government manages its oil and coal resources to reflect the costs they impose on both taxpayers and the planet. The moratorium takes place immediately, but does not halt coal mining and production currently underway.

“How do we manage the program that is consistent with our climate change objective? There is no short answer,” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said during a news conference. “It is also clear that we need to take into account the science we have now on the environment and climate change.”

About 40 percent of all the coal produced in the U.S. comes from mines on federal public lands, mainly in the West. As of the end of 2014, there were 308 active coal mining leases on more than 464,000 acres of public lands in Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Montana and Colorado, with an additional 10,500 acres in Kentucky, Alabama and West Virginia.

Burning coal and other fossil fuels for electricity is the largest single source of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change, accounting for about 31 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gases.
Read more: Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change
Obama and his leftist minions are more of a danger to the US than terrorists.. Wait, They are terrorists, destroying our infrastructure and ability to feed ourselves while welcoming other Islamic Terrorists to help them..
Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change..

Well the fucktard has done it again...One more worthless EO to try and kill Coal Mines. The EO halts all new leases and stops lease renewals. This Socialist piece of crap cant get out of office fast enough for me.

The U.S. temporarily halts coal leasing on federal lands to reassess its policy in light of global warming.

The Obama administration on Friday brought a temporary halt to new coal mining leases on federal lands while it conducts a three-year review meant to bring coal leasing in line with U.S. climate policy.

The moratorium comes just days after Obama said in his State of the Union Address that he would push to change the way the government manages its oil and coal resources to reflect the costs they impose on both taxpayers and the planet. The moratorium takes place immediately, but does not halt coal mining and production currently underway.

“How do we manage the program that is consistent with our climate change objective? There is no short answer,” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said during a news conference. “It is also clear that we need to take into account the science we have now on the environment and climate change.”

About 40 percent of all the coal produced in the U.S. comes from mines on federal public lands, mainly in the West. As of the end of 2014, there were 308 active coal mining leases on more than 464,000 acres of public lands in Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Montana and Colorado, with an additional 10,500 acres in Kentucky, Alabama and West Virginia.

Burning coal and other fossil fuels for electricity is the largest single source of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change, accounting for about 31 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gases.
Read more: Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change

I'm guessing you didn't read much more than the Drudge headline...

A full review of the federal coal program has occurred twice in the past, during the Nixon and Reagan administrations, and a coal leasing moratorium occurred during both reviews.
Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change..

Well the fucktard has done it again...One more worthless EO to try and kill Coal Mines. The EO halts all new leases and stops lease renewals. This Socialist piece of crap cant get out of office fast enough for me.

The U.S. temporarily halts coal leasing on federal lands to reassess its policy in light of global warming.

The Obama administration on Friday brought a temporary halt to new coal mining leases on federal lands while it conducts a three-year review meant to bring coal leasing in line with U.S. climate policy.

The moratorium comes just days after Obama said in his State of the Union Address that he would push to change the way the government manages its oil and coal resources to reflect the costs they impose on both taxpayers and the planet. The moratorium takes place immediately, but does not halt coal mining and production currently underway.

“How do we manage the program that is consistent with our climate change objective? There is no short answer,” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said during a news conference. “It is also clear that we need to take into account the science we have now on the environment and climate change.”

About 40 percent of all the coal produced in the U.S. comes from mines on federal public lands, mainly in the West. As of the end of 2014, there were 308 active coal mining leases on more than 464,000 acres of public lands in Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Montana and Colorado, with an additional 10,500 acres in Kentucky, Alabama and West Virginia.

Burning coal and other fossil fuels for electricity is the largest single source of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change, accounting for about 31 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gases.
Read more: Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change

I'm guessing you didn't read much more than the Drudge headline...

A full review of the federal coal program has occurred twice in the past, during the Nixon and Reagan administrations, and a coal leasing moratorium occurred during both reviews.

I am supposing you didn't notice that Obama halted the "RENEWAL PROCESS" as well. something neither of the two previous presidents have done.. This will kill many mines placed in Idle by the Obama administrations rule changes over the last 7 years. This is a cold and calculating blow to the mining industry, If they are not currently producing coal they can not renew..
Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change..

Well the fucktard has done it again...One more worthless EO to try and kill Coal Mines. The EO halts all new leases and stops lease renewals. This Socialist piece of crap cant get out of office fast enough for me.

The U.S. temporarily halts coal leasing on federal lands to reassess its policy in light of global warming.

The Obama administration on Friday brought a temporary halt to new coal mining leases on federal lands while it conducts a three-year review meant to bring coal leasing in line with U.S. climate policy.

The moratorium comes just days after Obama said in his State of the Union Address that he would push to change the way the government manages its oil and coal resources to reflect the costs they impose on both taxpayers and the planet. The moratorium takes place immediately, but does not halt coal mining and production currently underway.

“How do we manage the program that is consistent with our climate change objective? There is no short answer,” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said during a news conference. “It is also clear that we need to take into account the science we have now on the environment and climate change.”

About 40 percent of all the coal produced in the U.S. comes from mines on federal public lands, mainly in the West. As of the end of 2014, there were 308 active coal mining leases on more than 464,000 acres of public lands in Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Montana and Colorado, with an additional 10,500 acres in Kentucky, Alabama and West Virginia.

Burning coal and other fossil fuels for electricity is the largest single source of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change, accounting for about 31 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gases.
Read more: Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change

I'm guessing you didn't read much more than the Drudge headline...

A full review of the federal coal program has occurred twice in the past, during the Nixon and Reagan administrations, and a coal leasing moratorium occurred during both reviews.
Ah, now, let Silly Billy have his panic attack.
Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change..

Well the fucktard has done it again...One more worthless EO to try and kill Coal Mines. The EO halts all new leases and stops lease renewals. This Socialist piece of crap cant get out of office fast enough for me.

The U.S. temporarily halts coal leasing on federal lands to reassess its policy in light of global warming.

The Obama administration on Friday brought a temporary halt to new coal mining leases on federal lands while it conducts a three-year review meant to bring coal leasing in line with U.S. climate policy.

The moratorium comes just days after Obama said in his State of the Union Address that he would push to change the way the government manages its oil and coal resources to reflect the costs they impose on both taxpayers and the planet. The moratorium takes place immediately, but does not halt coal mining and production currently underway.

“How do we manage the program that is consistent with our climate change objective? There is no short answer,” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said during a news conference. “It is also clear that we need to take into account the science we have now on the environment and climate change.”

About 40 percent of all the coal produced in the U.S. comes from mines on federal public lands, mainly in the West. As of the end of 2014, there were 308 active coal mining leases on more than 464,000 acres of public lands in Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Montana and Colorado, with an additional 10,500 acres in Kentucky, Alabama and West Virginia.

Burning coal and other fossil fuels for electricity is the largest single source of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change, accounting for about 31 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gases.
Read more: Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change

I'm guessing you didn't read much more than the Drudge headline...

A full review of the federal coal program has occurred twice in the past, during the Nixon and Reagan administrations, and a coal leasing moratorium occurred during both reviews.

I am supposing you didn't notice that Obama halted the "RENEWAL PROCESS" as well. something neither of the two previous presidents have done.. This will kill many mines placed in Idle by the Obama administrations rule changes over the last 7 years. This is a cold and calculating blow to the mining industry, If they are not currently producing coal they can not renew..
At least he was honest about one thing. He said he was going to kill the coal mining industry. And, of course. all of the jobs go with it.
Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change..

Well the fucktard has done it again...One more worthless EO to try and kill Coal Mines. The EO halts all new leases and stops lease renewals. This Socialist piece of crap cant get out of office fast enough for me.

The U.S. temporarily halts coal leasing on federal lands to reassess its policy in light of global warming.

The Obama administration on Friday brought a temporary halt to new coal mining leases on federal lands while it conducts a three-year review meant to bring coal leasing in line with U.S. climate policy.

The moratorium comes just days after Obama said in his State of the Union Address that he would push to change the way the government manages its oil and coal resources to reflect the costs they impose on both taxpayers and the planet. The moratorium takes place immediately, but does not halt coal mining and production currently underway.

“How do we manage the program that is consistent with our climate change objective? There is no short answer,” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said during a news conference. “It is also clear that we need to take into account the science we have now on the environment and climate change.”

About 40 percent of all the coal produced in the U.S. comes from mines on federal public lands, mainly in the West. As of the end of 2014, there were 308 active coal mining leases on more than 464,000 acres of public lands in Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Montana and Colorado, with an additional 10,500 acres in Kentucky, Alabama and West Virginia.

Burning coal and other fossil fuels for electricity is the largest single source of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change, accounting for about 31 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gases.
Read more: Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change

I'm guessing you didn't read much more than the Drudge headline...

A full review of the federal coal program has occurred twice in the past, during the Nixon and Reagan administrations, and a coal leasing moratorium occurred during both reviews.
Those fucktards, those socialist pieces of crap...!! Why Billyboob is so mad he's gonna dig up the dead presidents body and have sexual relations with them...
Excellent. Our President is doing the right thing. And we are installing solar and wind by the gigawatt,

Oh Looky here.. A left wit leftist fucktard troll... Reliable cheep energy vs unreliable high cost energy ... only an idiot fucktard troll would think this is good..

Worse still, coal fired plants are scrubbed and produce less emissions than building wind mills, batteries and solar panels which are a fools game..
Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change..

Well the fucktard has done it again...One more worthless EO to try and kill Coal Mines. The EO halts all new leases and stops lease renewals. This Socialist piece of crap cant get out of office fast enough for me.

The U.S. temporarily halts coal leasing on federal lands to reassess its policy in light of global warming.

The Obama administration on Friday brought a temporary halt to new coal mining leases on federal lands while it conducts a three-year review meant to bring coal leasing in line with U.S. climate policy.

The moratorium comes just days after Obama said in his State of the Union Address that he would push to change the way the government manages its oil and coal resources to reflect the costs they impose on both taxpayers and the planet. The moratorium takes place immediately, but does not halt coal mining and production currently underway.

“How do we manage the program that is consistent with our climate change objective? There is no short answer,” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said during a news conference. “It is also clear that we need to take into account the science we have now on the environment and climate change.”

About 40 percent of all the coal produced in the U.S. comes from mines on federal public lands, mainly in the West. As of the end of 2014, there were 308 active coal mining leases on more than 464,000 acres of public lands in Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Montana and Colorado, with an additional 10,500 acres in Kentucky, Alabama and West Virginia.

Burning coal and other fossil fuels for electricity is the largest single source of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change, accounting for about 31 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gases.
Read more: Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change

I'm guessing you didn't read much more than the Drudge headline...

A full review of the federal coal program has occurred twice in the past, during the Nixon and Reagan administrations, and a coal leasing moratorium occurred during both reviews.
Those fucktards, those socialist pieces of crap...!! Why Billyboob is so mad he's gonna dig up the dead presidents body and have sexual relations with them...

How about we kill the industry that keeps you alive and feed.. Just for shits and giggles, THEN well see how fast you pull your head from your ass..
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Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change..

Well the fucktard has done it again...One more worthless EO to try and kill Coal Mines. The EO halts all new leases and stops lease renewals. This Socialist piece of crap cant get out of office fast enough for me.

The U.S. temporarily halts coal leasing on federal lands to reassess its policy in light of global warming.

The Obama administration on Friday brought a temporary halt to new coal mining leases on federal lands while it conducts a three-year review meant to bring coal leasing in line with U.S. climate policy.

The moratorium comes just days after Obama said in his State of the Union Address that he would push to change the way the government manages its oil and coal resources to reflect the costs they impose on both taxpayers and the planet. The moratorium takes place immediately, but does not halt coal mining and production currently underway.

“How do we manage the program that is consistent with our climate change objective? There is no short answer,” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said during a news conference. “It is also clear that we need to take into account the science we have now on the environment and climate change.”

About 40 percent of all the coal produced in the U.S. comes from mines on federal public lands, mainly in the West. As of the end of 2014, there were 308 active coal mining leases on more than 464,000 acres of public lands in Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Montana and Colorado, with an additional 10,500 acres in Kentucky, Alabama and West Virginia.

Burning coal and other fossil fuels for electricity is the largest single source of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change, accounting for about 31 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gases.
Read more: Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change

I'm guessing you didn't read much more than the Drudge headline...

A full review of the federal coal program has occurred twice in the past, during the Nixon and Reagan administrations, and a coal leasing moratorium occurred during both reviews.
Those fucktards, those socialist pieces of crap...!! Why Billyboob is so mad he's gonna dig up the dead presidents body and have sexual relations with them...

How about we kill the industry that keeps you alive and feed.. Just for shits and giggles and well see how fast you pull your head from your ass..
I am a millwright, Silly Billy. I can work in any industry that uses machinery. And have worked in several already. Plus, at 72, I am already an overage worker. I can retire at any time and let you youngin's support my ass on SS and my pension. That is, if you ever get out of your Grandma's basement.
Excellent. Our President is doing the right thing. And we are installing solar and wind by the gigawatt,

everytime I PRESENT MY PLAN to put windmills on my roof------engineers I know----
Silent rooftop wind turbines could generate half of a household's energy needs

There you go, Rosie. Do it, and get the last laugh. That is, if you live in a windy enough area.

I live in the city-------with all the people and ALL OF THE OTHER BUILDINGS taller than am I and my house. ---------I need a bag of wind from POSEIDAN. They
keep BUILDING-----taller and taller and taller. I feel like I felt at age 12-----after
I stopped growing at age 11 and----EVERYONE ELSE KEPT GOING UP
Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change..

Well the fucktard has done it again...One more worthless EO to try and kill Coal Mines. The EO halts all new leases and stops lease renewals. This Socialist piece of crap cant get out of office fast enough for me.

The U.S. temporarily halts coal leasing on federal lands to reassess its policy in light of global warming.

The Obama administration on Friday brought a temporary halt to new coal mining leases on federal lands while it conducts a three-year review meant to bring coal leasing in line with U.S. climate policy.

The moratorium comes just days after Obama said in his State of the Union Address that he would push to change the way the government manages its oil and coal resources to reflect the costs they impose on both taxpayers and the planet. The moratorium takes place immediately, but does not halt coal mining and production currently underway.

“How do we manage the program that is consistent with our climate change objective? There is no short answer,” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said during a news conference. “It is also clear that we need to take into account the science we have now on the environment and climate change.”

About 40 percent of all the coal produced in the U.S. comes from mines on federal public lands, mainly in the West. As of the end of 2014, there were 308 active coal mining leases on more than 464,000 acres of public lands in Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Montana and Colorado, with an additional 10,500 acres in Kentucky, Alabama and West Virginia.

Burning coal and other fossil fuels for electricity is the largest single source of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change, accounting for about 31 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gases.
Read more: Obama Halts Federal Coal Leasing Citing Climate Change

Does anyone know how many Executive Orders Obama has now issued?

And many of those "jobs" are now dying as subsidies are been withdrawn... Even so , those numbers are just 5% of the jobs were loosing to mining and related industries for no other purpose but to line the pockets of liberals and socialists who want control...
Liberals and socialist?? What socialist industries are taking their place?

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