The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
This is gaining more and more momentum as Sensible Democrats are realizing NANCY PELOSI played them when she cajoled them in to at least voting for The Inquiry while she lied through her dentures & promised it would be fair and bi-partisan and was nothing of the sort and represented an ABUSE OF POWER by THE DEMOCRATS.

Another Democrat Breaks Ranks.

More Defections Coming:

Peterson says he'll likely vote against impeachment

Democrats expect handful of defections on impeachment vote

Trump impeachment: Some Democrats may not be united on articles
Last edited:
Your title says she's "against impeachment" and the article says she's voting "for impeachment" need to brush up on your English, Comrade, before Putin puts you in a gulag for incompetence.
Your title says she's "against impeachment" and the article says she's voting "for impeachment" need to brush up on your English, Comrade, before Putin puts you in a gulag for incompetence.
Peterson says he'll likely vote against impeachment

Barring new information that could convince him otherwise, Rep. Collin Peterson said Saturday he will vote against impeaching President Trump when the issue comes for a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Peterson, a conservative Democrat who has not yet announced whether he'll seek a 16th term representing western Minnesota's 7th District, said he expects four or five other Democrats will do the same.

Peterson, who represents Minnesota’s 7th Congressional District, made the comments Saturday while attending the annual meeting of the First District Association, a dairy cooperative in Litchfield.

After the House Judiciary Committee voted to approve two articles of impeachment on Friday, the full House is set to vote on the articles in the coming week. Peterson said he normally doesn’t make a decision until an issue — and all the information — is on the floor for a vote but said “unless they come up with something between now and Wednesday,” he will not support the articles of impeachment.
This is gaining more and more momentum as Sensible Democrats are realizing NANCY PELOSI played them when she cajoled them in to at least voting for The Inquiry while she lied through her dentures & promised it would be fair and bi-partisan and was nothing of the sort and represented an ABUSE OF POWER by THE DEMOCRATS.

Another Democrat Breaks Ranks.

More Defections Coming:

Peterson says he'll likely vote against impeachment

Democrats expect handful of defections on impeachment vote

Trump impeachment: Some Democrats may not be united on articles



Donald Trump beats every Democrat frontrunner in three key battleground states amid impeachment

President Donald Trump is beating all Democratic primary frontrunners in three key battleground states despite the ongoing impeachment inquiry, according to a new poll.

The latest survey by Republican public affairs firm Firehouse Strategies and Optimus puts the commander-in-chief ahead of his would-be Democratic challengers by significant margins with likely voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

This is gaining more and more momentum as Sensible Democrats are realizing NANCY PELOSI played them when she cajoled them in to at least voting for The Inquiry while she lied through her dentures & promised it would be fair and bi-partisan and was nothing of the sort and represented an ABUSE OF POWER by THE DEMOCRATS.

Another Democrat Breaks Ranks.

More Defections Coming:

Peterson says he'll likely vote against impeachment

Democrats expect handful of defections on impeachment vote

Trump impeachment: Some Democrats may not be united on articles



Its not really going to matter in the end anyway. But it is interesting to see if any Prog politicians vote against it. Lets get this Broadway flop over with. It should be entitled...Impeachment, "the musical".
That's pretty good. LOL. The momentum is running away from Impeachment and For Support of President Trump.

This is gaining more and more momentum as Sensible Democrats are realizing NANCY PELOSI played them when she cajoled them in to at least voting for The Inquiry while she lied through her dentures & promised it would be fair and bi-partisan and was nothing of the sort and represented an ABUSE OF POWER by THE DEMOCRATS.

Another Democrat Breaks Ranks.

More Defections Coming:

Peterson says he'll likely vote against impeachment

Democrats expect handful of defections on impeachment vote

Trump impeachment: Some Democrats may not be united on articles



Its not really going to matter in the end anyway. But it is interesting to see if any Prog politicians vote against it. Lets get this Broadway flop over with. It should be entitled...Impeachment, "the musical".
This is gaining more and more momentum as Sensible Democrats are realizing NANCY PELOSI played them when she cajoled them in to at least voting for The Inquiry while she lied through her dentures & promised it would be fair and bi-partisan and was nothing of the sort and represented an ABUSE OF POWER by THE DEMOCRATS.

Another Democrat Breaks Ranks.

More Defections Coming:

Peterson says he'll likely vote against impeachment

Democrats expect handful of defections on impeachment vote

Trump impeachment: Some Democrats may not be united on articles




Their hypocrisy is astounding, these Democrats.
Do they really believe Americans are stupid enough to believe them
at this point ? ( don't answer that )

One thing is for sure The Core Leadership of The Democrat Party is a Bunch of Unrepentant Evil and Pathological Liars that NO ONE SHOULD TRUST! need to brush up on your English, Comrade, before Putin puts you in a gulag for incompetence.
Exactly why no one takes the democrats much less this impeachment thing seriously. It is bad enough the arrogance, the sanctimonious condescension of the democrats with specious charges that change by the hour with scant evidence to support it at best, the strained and tedious claims of noble causes in lieu of constitutional integrity even as they pick and choose which things to be noble about while grossly ignoring less convenient ones, but now the continued effort to try to claim any person, any argument, any rationale or viewpoint not in lock-step with their mindless forward lunching toward the goals first expressed three years ago to dismiss all as "Russian Interference" just makes you appear unbelievably weak.

And I'm still waiting for someone to produce the first actual person to claim a Facebook ad made them change their vote in 2016, much less explain to me how a president wishing to know how a guy misused his power as VP to manipulate foreign governments to protect his crooked son is a greater "constitutional threat to the integrity of our elections" than actually rewarding and putting the guy who misused his power into the White House?! need to brush up on your English, Comrade, before Putin puts you in a gulag for incompetence.
Exactly why no one takes the democrats much less this impeachment thing seriously. It is bad enough the arrogance, the sanctimonious condescension of the democrats with specious charges that change by the hour with scant evidence to support it at best, the strained and tedious claims of noble causes in lieu of constitutional integrity even as they pick and choose which things to be noble about while grossly ignoring less convenient ones, but now the continued effort to try to claim any person, any argument, any rationale or viewpoint not in lock-step with their mindless forward lunching toward the goals first expressed three years ago to dismiss all as "Russian Interference" just makes you appear unbelievably weak.

And I'm still waiting for someone to produce the first actual person to claim a Facebook ad made them change their vote in 2016, much less explain to me how a president wishing to know how a guy misused his power as VP to manipulate foreign governments to protect his crooked son is a greater "constitutional threat to the integrity of our elections" than actually rewarding and putting the guy who misused his power into the White House?!
When The DemNazis try to impeach The President on Crimes that do not exist and cannot be found in US Code, using a Whistleblower who is not a Whistleblower, and who no one has seen or heard from, who filed a False Report, and remains a secret, and you use Secret Hearings, and Secret Transcripts, and you with hold Secret Testimony, and on top of that, you violate not only Due Process but your own rules to try to ram rod it through, I am going to lay a bet Most Americans are not going to like that at all.
This is gaining more and more momentum as Sensible Democrats are realizing NANCY PELOSI played them when she cajoled them in to at least voting for The Inquiry while she lied through her dentures & promised it would be fair and bi-partisan and was nothing of the sort and represented an ABUSE OF POWER by THE DEMOCRATS.

Another Democrat Breaks Ranks.

More Defections Coming:

Peterson says he'll likely vote against impeachment

Democrats expect handful of defections on impeachment vote

Trump impeachment: Some Democrats may not be united on articles




They polled NY and Cali.
This is gaining more and more momentum as Sensible Democrats are realizing NANCY PELOSI played them when she cajoled them in to at least voting for The Inquiry while she lied through her dentures & promised it would be fair and bi-partisan and was nothing of the sort and represented an ABUSE OF POWER by THE DEMOCRATS.

Another Democrat Breaks Ranks.

More Defections Coming:

Peterson says he'll likely vote against impeachment

Democrats expect handful of defections on impeachment vote

Trump impeachment: Some Democrats may not be united on articles



A Civiqs poll last week found that 91 percent of Democrats favor impeachment, but only 49 percent of independents favor impeachment. Moreover, in swing states, voters are decidedly against the impeachment of Trump, complicating any potential electoral success for Democrats which may have resulted from the rushed impeachment proceedings.

According to a Washington Post average of polls in the swing states of Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Wisconsin, an average of 44 percent of voters favor the impeachment of Trump, and 51 percent oppose. Given that these are arguably some of the most critical states for Democrats to capture in 2020, impeachment will likely become politically problematic as Trump, who will almost surely be acquitted by the Senate, will be emboldened.
This is gaining more and more momentum as Sensible Democrats are realizing NANCY PELOSI played them when she cajoled them in to at least voting for The Inquiry while she lied through her dentures & promised it would be fair and bi-partisan and was nothing of the sort and represented an ABUSE OF POWER by THE DEMOCRATS.

Another Democrat Breaks Ranks.

More Defections Coming:

Peterson says he'll likely vote against impeachment

Democrats expect handful of defections on impeachment vote

Trump impeachment: Some Democrats may not be united on articles



A Civiqs poll last week found that 91 percent of Democrats favor impeachment, but only 49 percent of independents favor impeachment. Moreover, in swing states, voters are decidedly against the impeachment of Trump, complicating any potential electoral success for Democrats which may have resulted from the rushed impeachment proceedings.

According to a Washington Post average of polls in the swing states of Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Wisconsin, an average of 44 percent of voters favor the impeachment of Trump, and 51 percent oppose. Given that these are arguably some of the most critical states for Democrats to capture in 2020, impeachment will likely become politically problematic as Trump, who will almost surely be acquitted by the Senate, will be emboldened.
BTW, what The Democrats Pulled with This INSANE and unfair, Impeachment Devoid of Due PROCESS should show everyone we need The Electoral College more than ever and we have to challenge Motor Voter Registrations, as well as shut down Illegal Immigration and get Immigration Reform Passed.
This is gaining more and more momentum as Sensible Democrats are realizing NANCY PELOSI played them when she cajoled them in to at least voting for The Inquiry while she lied through her dentures & promised it would be fair and bi-partisan and was nothing of the sort and represented an ABUSE OF POWER by THE DEMOCRATS.

Another Democrat Breaks Ranks.

More Defections Coming:

Peterson says he'll likely vote against impeachment

Democrats expect handful of defections on impeachment vote

Trump impeachment: Some Democrats may not be united on articles



A Civiqs poll last week found that 91 percent of Democrats favor impeachment, but only 49 percent of independents favor impeachment. Moreover, in swing states, voters are decidedly against the impeachment of Trump, complicating any potential electoral success for Democrats which may have resulted from the rushed impeachment proceedings.

According to a Washington Post average of polls in the swing states of Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Wisconsin, an average of 44 percent of voters favor the impeachment of Trump, and 51 percent oppose. Given that these are arguably some of the most critical states for Democrats to capture in 2020, impeachment will likely become politically problematic as Trump, who will almost surely be acquitted by the Senate, will be emboldened.
BTW, what The Democrats Pulled with This INSANE and unfair, Impeachment Devoid of Due PROCESS should show everyone we need The Electoral College more than ever and we have to challenge Motor Voter Registrations, as well as shut down Illegal Immigration and get Immigration Reform Passed.

You post this? How about posting that I just owned Siete like the Patriots have owned the AFC East for the past 20 years. Siete is sitting at home crying right now.
This is gaining more and more momentum as Sensible Democrats are realizing NANCY PELOSI played them when she cajoled them in to at least voting for The Inquiry while she lied through her dentures & promised it would be fair and bi-partisan and was nothing of the sort and represented an ABUSE OF POWER by THE DEMOCRATS.

Another Democrat Breaks Ranks.

More Defections Coming:

Peterson says he'll likely vote against impeachment

Democrats expect handful of defections on impeachment vote

Trump impeachment: Some Democrats may not be united on articles



A Civiqs poll last week found that 91 percent of Democrats favor impeachment, but only 49 percent of independents favor impeachment. Moreover, in swing states, voters are decidedly against the impeachment of Trump, complicating any potential electoral success for Democrats which may have resulted from the rushed impeachment proceedings.

According to a Washington Post average of polls in the swing states of Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Wisconsin, an average of 44 percent of voters favor the impeachment of Trump, and 51 percent oppose. Given that these are arguably some of the most critical states for Democrats to capture in 2020, impeachment will likely become politically problematic as Trump, who will almost surely be acquitted by the Senate, will be emboldened.
BTW, what The Democrats Pulled with This INSANE and unfair, Impeachment Devoid of Due PROCESS should show everyone we need The Electoral College more than ever and we have to challenge Motor Voter Registrations, as well as shut down Illegal Immigration and get Immigration Reform Passed.

You post this? How about posting that I just owned Siete like the Patriots have owned the AFC East for the past 20 years. Siete is sitting at home crying right now.
You did give him a good Pimp Slap, though!

I acknowledge Your GREATNESS!
Their hypocrisy is astounding, these Democrats.
Do they really believe Americans are stupid enough to believe them
at this point ? ( don't answer that )

One thing is for sure The Core Leadership of The Democrat Party is a Bunch of Unrepentant Evil and Pathological Liars that NO ONE SHOULD TRUST!

Five years ago, I never dreamed I'd say this but
thank God for Fox News. They've been on top of it the whole way.

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