What can we do to stop the Democrats from cheating again??


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
We know CNN and the Hillary campaign CHEATED.

Hillary was given the debate questions before the debate, an act that would get any student expelled from school....


"Donna Brazile is not apologizing for leaking CNN debate questions and topics to the Hillary Clinton campaign during the Democratic primary. Her only regret, it seems, is that she got caught."

Here we have Schiff whining about "cheating" he cannot prove. Well, we can PROVE that HILLARY CHEATED....

What is to stop CNN and other anti-Trump media outlets from CHEATING again??

And that's just what we can PROVE....

We know every election dead people and illegals vote for the Dems.....

We know the Dems under Clinton raised money at a Buddhist Temple from Chinese Intelligence....

We know that the truth of the Florida 2000 recount is that Dems deliberately tossed specifically Black Republican ballots, 50 times more than any other type of ballot....

Dems cheat. Dems lie. Dems steal. And now Dems tell us that we must impeach a President to prevent him from "cheating" again, even as they NEVER PROVED ANYTHING ABOUT TRUMP CHEATING IN 2016, but we CAN PROVE HILLARY AND CNN CHEATED....

The hypocrisy of the Left is galactic.....
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Schiff's definition of "cheating" = allowing the American people to see the truth that Hillary cheated
Don't forget the biggest political scandal in US history!

The Obama admin used the Federal government agencies to "break in" to the Trump campaign, and illegally spy on Trump. The CIA used foreign assets to setup Operation Crossfire Hurricane, then the FBI used the Steele Dossier where the Hillary campaign and the DNC paid Russians for dirt on Trump, which was used by the FBI to get illegal FISA warrants to illegally spy on US citizens. The DOJ setup the Mueller Investigation to prove that Trump colluded with Russia to help win the 2016 election. All of that was a scandal, the biggest in US history. The scandal will be outed when Durham starts issuing his indictments in the spring.
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Safe for "democracy" = when the Democrat Party has the right to use Homeland Security to help them win elections..... and bill the American taxpayer for doing so....
Theyll continue. They've already preempted the next election saying it's rigged. If trump wins in 2020, lib violence will escalate. Get ready.

I hope not. Its already at the edge of civil war.

The main thing I want is VOTER ID!!! No more California running up the numbers with huge illegal alien turnout and their obscene Motor Voter. Trump has started talking about that, but he can't reasonably move against the illegals voting until after he wins re-election.
We know CNN and the Hillary campaign CHEATED.

Hillary was given the debate questions before the debate, an act that would get any student expelled from school....


"Donna Brazile is not apologizing for leaking CNN debate questions and topics to the Hillary Clinton campaign during the Democratic primary. Her only regret, it seems, is that she got caught."

Here we have Schiff whining about "cheating" he cannot prove. Well, we can PROVE that HILLARY CHEATED....

What is to stop CNN and other anti-Trump media outlets from CHEATING again??

And that's just what we can PROVE....

We know every election dead people and illegals vote for the Dems.....

We know the Dems under Clinton raised money at a Buddhist Temple from Chinese Intelligence....

We know that the truth of the Florida 2000 recount is that Dems deliberately tossed specifically Black Republican ballots, 50 times more than any other type of ballot....

Dems cheat. Dems lie. Dems steal. And now Dems tell us that we must impeach a President to prevent him from "cheating" again, even as they NEVER PROVED ANYTHING ABOUT TRUMP CHEATING IN 2016, but we CAN PROVE HILLARY AND CNN CHEATED....

The hypocrisy of the Left is galactic.....
what do you want to do about it?
We know CNN and the Hillary campaign CHEATED.

Hillary was given the debate questions before the debate, an act that would get any student expelled from school....


"Donna Brazile is not apologizing for leaking CNN debate questions and topics to the Hillary Clinton campaign during the Democratic primary. Her only regret, it seems, is that she got caught."

Here we have Schiff whining about "cheating" he cannot prove. Well, we can PROVE that HILLARY CHEATED....

What is to stop CNN and other anti-Trump media outlets from CHEATING again??

And that's just what we can PROVE....

We know every election dead people and illegals vote for the Dems.....

We know the Dems under Clinton raised money at a Buddhist Temple from Chinese Intelligence....

We know that the truth of the Florida 2000 recount is that Dems deliberately tossed specifically Black Republican ballots, 50 times more than any other type of ballot....

Dems cheat. Dems lie. Dems steal. And now Dems tell us that we must impeach a President to prevent him from "cheating" again, even as they NEVER PROVED ANYTHING ABOUT TRUMP CHEATING IN 2016, but we CAN PROVE HILLARY AND CNN CHEATED....

The hypocrisy of the Left is galactic.....
The dishonesty of the right is reprehensible.
Theyll continue. They've already preempted the next election saying it's rigged. If trump wins in 2020, lib violence will escalate. Get ready.

I hope not. Its already at the edge of civil war.

The main thing I want is VOTER ID!!! No more California running up the numbers with huge illegal alien turnout and their obscene Motor Voter. Trump has started talking about that, but he can't reasonably move against the illegals voting until after he wins re-election.

I hope not either but the libs were already angry that they lost mad could not accept the results. A landslide this time will bring out the full rage.
I hope not either but the libs were already angry that they lost mad could not accept the results. A landslide this time will bring out the full rage.

That is an interesting prediction. I assumed that they would resign themselves --- because the main problem was that they were so surprised, and shamed at how wrong they had been. I think that was true of leftists I knew that went to pieces: they were embarrassed at being so wrong, and people hate that. I have thought they'd figure it out and give up with time.

But you think they'll fight harder and more viciously. You may be right and I await the event with interest.

The near-term violence I'm concerned about is the reaction to one or more pre-election Supreme Court replacements Trump may have to make. That last one --- whoa.
what do you want to do about it?

I want the truth to be out for the American people to see, as it was when Podesta's emails became public.

The Democrats hide behind a "cloak" of bullshit pushed by the media, that the Democrats are "good." Nothing could be further from the truth. The Democrats steal from the taxpayer. That's what they do. That's all they do. They don't feel pity or remorse. And they won't stop stealing until the US is bankrupt or they are voted out of office, whichever comes first....
The dishonesty of the right is reprehensible.

but you cannot find one thing "dishonest" in the OP.... which makes your claim just as laughable as everything else the Dems push on the American people. You folks on the Left have no truth. Truth is your enemy.
  • Voter ID
  • Challenge Driver Licenses for Illegals in SCOTUS
  • Challenge Motor Voter Registration in SCOTUS
  • Build a Bigger more Beautiful Wall and Finish It
  • Immigration Reform.
  • Challenge Sanctuary City Status in SCOTUS.
  • Abolish FISA
  • Give Trump a Super Majority and make Impeachment require a 2/3rds vote in The House.
  • Ban Family Members of Politicians from Receiving Payments from Foreign Nations or Foreign Companies.
  • Ban Politicians from working for Lobbiests or The Media for 5 years after leaving Office.
  • Put in Place MANDATORY DUE Process Rights (which is already the law btw) for any sort of Congressional Hearings.
what do you want to do about it?

I want the truth to be out for the American people to see, as it was when Podesta's emails became public.

The Democrats hide behind a "cloak" of bullshit pushed by the media, that the Democrats are "good." Nothing could be further from the truth. The Democrats steal from the taxpayer. That's what they do. That's all they do. They don't feel pity or remorse. And they won't stop stealing until the US is bankrupt or they are voted out of office, whichever comes first....
Well if you know about it then it’s out there right? What more do you want to do?
Well if you know about it then it’s out there right?

We only KNEW the TRUTH of all of Hillary's CHEATING after Podesta's emails were hacked.

We did not KNOW that the "fights" at Trump events were by PAID HILLARY CAMPAIGN "WORKERS" because CNN was telling us that "Trump was inciting violence...."

There was the LIE, slanted for the Dems, and then there was truth, which outed Dems as LIARS and CHEATERS.... and "HATE HOAXERS"
Well if you know about it then it’s out there right?

We only KNEW the TRUTH of all of Hillary's CHEATING after Podesta's emails were hacked.

We did not KNOW that the "fights" at Trump events were by PAID HILLARY CAMPAIGN "WORKERS" because CNN was telling us that "Trump was inciting violence...."

There was the LIE, slanted for the Dems, and then there was truth, which outed Dems as LIARS and CHEATERS.... and "HATE HOAXERS"
Right, so back to my question. What do you want to do about it?

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