Another Dem caught with huge taxpayer slush fund


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
to be disposed of at her whim and drive up student costs .....cause she just dont have enough.
UC CAUGHT Hiding $175 Million—Yet RAISED Tuition - California Political Review
By .definition, government is incompetent, mismanaged and/or corrupt. In the case of UC Chancellor Janet Napolitano, it is all three.
“The Office of the President did not disclose to the University of California Board of Regents, the Legislature, and the public $175 million in budget reserve funds.
  • It spent significantly less than it budgeted for and asked for increases based on its previous years’ over‑estimated budgets rather than its actual expenditures.
  • It created an undisclosed budget to spend the reserve funds; the budget ranged from $77 million to $114 million during a four-year period.
  • The reserve included $32 million in unspent funds it received from an annual charge levied on the campuses—funds that campuses could have spent on students.”

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