Another conspiracy theory that almost cost lives was the 4 Chan conspiracy theory called pizza gate about Hillary and a child sex ring.

For what it's worth, "Pizza-gate" was hyped by the left media, not the right. I'm a right-leaning libertarian, and I've never seen "Pizza-gate" mentioned anywhere except by the left.

Whenever there is a deep partisan divide, there will be kooks on both sides of the issue. The left media likes to present the right-wing kooks as the mainstream of the right, while the left invites its worst "men can get pregnant and will need abortion services" kooks to testify in congress.
The right wing preys on the good nature of this man and played with his emotions and what kinda person would stand by and let something like this to happen and nothing is being done about the guy thought.

So he was going to take matters into his own hands.

This is the danger of these right wing conspiracy theories.
The low I.Q. right doesn't have critical thinking skills.
What do you want us to do?
Set up the thought police?

Cool. They could even have a theme song:


The thought police,
they live inside of you head

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