Another Black Lives Matter Thug Arrested For Killing Whites


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

According to the Statesboro Herald, William Marcus Wilson,21, turned himself last Wednesday afternoon for the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Haley Hutcheson in Statesboro-- Hutcheson’s mother posted the following status on her Facebook page. She says: “My white daughter was shot and KILLED by this black man who chased her down in a MOVING vehicle. When we gonna say start saying that white lives matter??? When will we see an uproar in the media about this??? Stay tuned #JusticeforHaley.”

I don't see much media reporting about Haley Hutcheson and how she was chased and gunned down by a black thug in Georgia this past weekend...but there were hundreds of celebrations and demonstrations across the country of blacks praising what this guy did....And as all blacks do when they kill whites, they play the race card....

"Witnesses say Wilson and his girlfriend Emma were in a parking lot when Hutchenson and a group of friends started to harass the couple. Apparently they called his girlfriend a “n**** lover.” The couple is reported to have entered their vehicle to avoid any confrontation and Hutchenson’s friends followed them while screaming the n-word and tried to run them off of Veteran’s Memorial Parkway near Fair Road. Allegedly, Wilson fired a warning shot from his car so the teens could leave the couple alone. Unfortunately, Hutchenson was fatally wounded at the scene. "

Yea right......I highly doubt that is what happened...and even if it did, he still is wrong....but I am sure this thug will not be prosecuted as has been historically the case with black thugs when they murder innocent whites...Until groups like BLM stop killing innocent whites, they are all responsible and they all have blood on their hands...
I don't see much media reporting about Haley Hutcheson and how she was chased and gunned down by a black thug in Georgia this past weekend...but there were hundreds of celebrations and demonstrations across the country of blacks praising what this guy did.

If there were hundreds of celebrations over the murder then post them so you can prove what you claim...
He was arrested and will go to prison for the rest of his life. That does say her life mattered. Why is this so hard for some to grasp?

Despite this, those who lied and killed Breonna Taylor are still walking free.
Murder is always wrong but this isn't the murder I'm going to spend a lot of energy on. Not that I support it or defend it but there are enough other murders to take up my time, like murders of 3 year babies in Chicago.
I don't see much media reporting about Haley Hutcheson and how she was chased and gunned down by a black thug in Georgia this past weekend...but there were hundreds of celebrations and demonstrations across the country of blacks praising what this guy did.

If there were hundreds of celebrations over the murder then post them so you can prove what you claim...
If all the facts are accurate the white girls were acting very foolishly

the black guy may serve time but I dont he’ll get life
He and his girlfriend were doing a little polar bear hunting. If they say the magic words"she called me the n word. I got a right to kill her." Sort of like the guy who beat up a Macy's clerk. Blacks have s license to kill and they will use it.

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