Ann Coulter was Correct...and Liberals Laughed

I know right, it's a beautiful thing. I've said many times, love or hate her, her analysis of situations is first rate.
She is the bomb. She is not from the Rust Belt but she sensed it. I am from Rust Belt and saw this shit coming in 2012.

No shit huh?

Keep an ear open anytime Anne Coulter has something to say. You're doing yourself a disservice if you don't. Unless she's participating in a roast, wholly shit. I rarely read books, but I think I have a Xmas present in mind.
I know right, it's a beautiful thing. I've said many times, love or hate her, her analysis of situations is first rate.
She is the bomb. She is not from the Rust Belt but she sensed it. I am from Rust Belt and saw this shit coming in 2012.

No shit huh?

Keep an ear open anytime Anne Coulter has something to say. You're doing yourself a disservice if you don't. Unless she's participating in a roast, wholly shit. I rarely read books, but I think I have a Xmas present in mind.
I think it is the best video compilation yet. + it has Obama on Jimmy Kimmel talking shit.
She was wrong....again. More people voted for Hillary. Fact. The GoP LOST seats in the house and senate. Fact.
ya I hear Ryan threw for more yards than Brady in the Superbowl

Don't watch American Football. One of the most boring games invented by man. Are you saying more people didn't vote for Hillary? Or that the GoP didn't lose seats in the house or senate?

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