angry big black woman at a car dealership

I regret the clickage. What has been seen and heard can be neither unseen nor unheard.

And I'll point out the obvious: the only person responsible for the "Customer's" behavior is said customer.

Anyone make heads ot tells of this? I believe it has something to do with a bad check. boy is she mad.

You make a point of finding blacks with anger issues. Did you get lost and can't find stormfront or something? This is getting old.

There is an endless supply of these videos because the black community constantly misbehaves in public. Maybe you should be more mad that this widespread cultural problem exists, rather than being mad at the evidence of this cultural problem.

I'm not "mad" at either the OP or the fat ass woman.
We all know what angry black men and women do. This constant vid sharing of them in action gets old. No emotion. Not anger. Just stating an opinion.

It's done by design, I could waste time posting videos of angry white folks at the store, car dealership, etc. The OP does it to bring his right wing, redneck, racist buddies out the wood work and it works every time. Just like catching a fish on a hook.
The lady behind the counter is clearly a racist
All this thread is trying to do is justify slavery
the black lady is an idiot. she paid with a check with insufficient funds and she wants to pay with another check again.When these idiots do not get their way the first thing they do is use the race card. They can take their race card and stick it where the sun dont shine.
you here her mother tell the clerk she was evil. ugh
This is the blacks were raising right now.

Soon this kind of black person will be commonplace.

Again. LEARN TO SPELL. You give all racist rednecks a bad name. Ya probably got missing front teeth too, dontcha?

Meanwhile....AGAIN...I think Mom went a tad overboard. She could have handled it better. But I still agree with her rant because I did the same thing when it came to my cub.

Those african outfits were AWESOME. Love it when blacks dress in colorful stuff and head wraps and in general look nice INSTEAD of black guys wearing their drawers down to their knees. Mom did well in raising them to appreciate their heritage. White lady clerk needs to learn some PR skills. Or, lady clerk is just flat out stupid, which I believe is the case here. Why ask about Halloween? Has she never seen african style apparel before? Probably not, cuz she's probably like ol lightening. Ignorant, stupid, tacky.

Wrong thread. I was referring to the other thread. There are so many lately, of Angry Black People, one can just throw a dart and hit one.

I won't edit it either. It pertains. Just not in this particular thread.
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We need two new forums down there with Badlands and Rubber Room.

Angry White People.

Angry Black People.

Let them duke it out down there.

Anyone wanna give their two cents to this thread?

Again. LEARN TO SPELL. You give all racist rednecks a bad name. Ya probably got missing front teeth too, dontcha?

Meanwhile....AGAIN...I think Mom went a tad overboard. She could have handled it better. But I still agree with her rant because I did the same thing when it came to my cub.

Those african outfits were AWESOME. Love it when blacks dress in colorful stuff and head wraps and in general look nice INSTEAD of black guys wearing their drawers down to their knees. Mom did well in raising them to appreciate their heritage. White lady clerk needs to learn some PR skills. Or, lady clerk is just flat out stupid, which I believe is the case here. Why ask about Halloween? Has she never seen african style apparel before? Probably not, cuz she's probably like ol lightening. Ignorant, stupid, tacky.

Wrong thread. I was referring to the other thread. There are so many lately, of Angry Black People, one can just throw a dart and hit one.

I won't edit it either. It pertains. Just not in this particular thread.
I spell just right. STFU! tHe pot calling the kettle black. what is your problem with white folk?> I still have all my teeth how but I do not know about you .

Anyone wanna give their two cents to this thread?
then leave the thread.

Anyone make heads ot tells of this? I believe it has something to do with a bad check. boy is she mad.

You make a point of finding blacks with anger issues. Did you get lost and can't find stormfront or something? This is getting old.

There is an endless supply of these videos because the black community constantly misbehaves in public. Maybe you should be more mad that this widespread cultural problem exists, rather than being mad at the evidence of this cultural problem.

I'm not "mad" at either the OP or the fat ass woman.
We all know what angry black men and women do. This constant vid sharing of them in action gets old. No emotion. Not anger. Just stating an opinion.

It's done by design, I could waste time posting videos of angry white folks at the store, car dealership, etc. The OP does it to bring his right wing, redneck, racist buddies out the wood work and it works every time. Just like catching a fish on a hook.

Post them. Lets compare numbers. I bet i can produce 10 videos of blacks misbehaving for every example you produce of a white person doing it.

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