Angle opposes abortion even in case of incest or rape

Sorry Leftwinger - A dead chicken could beat Harry Reid in November, he is going the route of the last Democrat Senate Majority leader - you remember him doncha? :lol: Reid and his loser son are DOA. At least they can have a pity party with themselves.

A dead chicken is a good description of Angles qualifications as a candidate

thanks for supplying
Nice smear piece- Unfortunately it ain't working too good....she is leading by 11 points in the latest polls. :lol:

Poll: Angle Ahead Of Reid By 11 Points | TPMDC

Read the comments. Too bad some of those people have lives, they should be over here posting!!! Good stuff!!!

Foxmussen lolol

god I hope she wins. She will not answer questions when they arent hand picked. She is the perfect republican candidate really.

[ame=]YouTube - Republican Senate Candidate Sharron Angle Literally Runs Away From Mainstream Media KLAS TV[/ame]
Oh Angle will continue to lead, until she has to answer questions and then her blazing idiocies will come out. Her beliefs range anywhere from crazy to craziest. The GOP can only keep her under wraps for so long. She is a very dangerous person. The Tea Party is getting ready to totally screw the GOP. I guess the Repubs have it coming, since they cannot say NO to their far right brothers.

I cannot figure how she won the nomination. She must have had a standin... The only thing that she hasn't advocated yet is sacrificing a virgin.
Nobody needs proof to know you're a fuckstain, autozona...



OH and still waiting for that link proving dems creating votes. Please stay on point. Thank you and god bless.

Only if that is God's will! We will have to ask Sharon...:lol:

I heard she wants to get rid of liquor in Nevada (you know, the whole Vegas thing), social security, the epa and God...(ok, just kidding with the god thing, but damn near everything else).

This woman is a nut.
Advocating no booze in Vegas!? That will win her some votes, huh? :lol:

Wow really? Holy cow, what a great idea. Let's blow apart half the tourism trade for Vegas. What a real nit-wit idea.

Wasn't she also the woman who proposed bartering with doctors or was that someone else?

In either case ... you got a video or something. This is just lunacy.
Advocating no booze in Vegas!? That will win her some votes, huh? :lol:

Wow really? Holy cow, what a great idea. Let's blow apart half the tourism trade for Vegas. What a real nit-wit idea.

Wasn't she also the woman who proposed bartering with doctors or was that someone else?

In either case ... you got a video or something. This is just lunacy.

I believe you may be correct, she is the chicken lady isnt she? Well, either way:

Sharron Angle’s stance on alcohol is perhaps the one view that could cause her the most trouble in her battle against Harry Reid in Nevada. Slash Politics reports that in a 2006 interview for Liberty Watch magazine, Angle said that alcohol should be treated the same way as marijuana. In essence, that would make alcohol illegal and hearken back to the days of prohibition.

Sharron Angle wins Nevada GOP primary, wants prohibition
Advocating no booze in Vegas!? That will win her some votes, huh? :lol:

Wow really? Holy cow, what a great idea. Let's blow apart half the tourism trade for Vegas. What a real nit-wit idea.

Wasn't she also the woman who proposed bartering with doctors or was that someone else?

In either case ... you got a video or something. This is just lunacy.

No video yet. She is still hiding in a closet in McConnell's house...:lol:
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Advocating no booze in Vegas!? That will win her some votes, huh? :lol:

Wow really? Holy cow, what a great idea. Let's blow apart half the tourism trade for Vegas. What a real nit-wit idea.

Wasn't she also the woman who proposed bartering with doctors or was that someone else?

In either case ... you got a video or something. This is just lunacy.

No video yet. She is still hiding in a closet in closet in McConnell's house...:lol:

She changed her offical web page and it doesnt say anything about it now. lol
Sharron Angle: Rape, Incest Part of God’s Plan — Opposes Abortion No Matter What SpeakEasy

MANDERS: So, in other words, rape and incest would not be something?

ANGLE: You know, I’m a Christian, and I believe that God has a plan and a purpose for each one of our lives and that he can intercede in all kinds of situations and we need to have a little faith in many things.

Wow! Another thread based on a blog written by someone who is so illiterate he can't coherently translate the story into a valid headline. Excuse me while I snore.
Gotta love Sharon Angle

Just wind her up and watch her go...this is going to be fun

I hope the Nevada debates will be brodcast nationally. It will be like the 17th century vs. the 21st century. Did the baggers screw the GOP on this one, or what?

-Fluoride is a Russion plot
-No abortion even in the case of rape or incest

No wonder Reid is still partying over her win. Once her plarform and previous statements are made public, she will be dead meat. I wouldn't be surprised to hear she favors burning witches at the stake also...:cuckoo:

How many hundreds of people before me have made the suggestion that you read something other than blogs every once in a while?

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