And the Beat Goes On...


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010
The Eurocrats hated Trump and loathed Bush... but they would have trampled Henry Louis Gates to kneel in front of Barry and now they're on bended knee to Russian energy with Putin taking Ukraine away from Nato and the EU while continuing to strengthen his Ukrainian pipeline to Eastern Europe... all the while Western Europe is energy hamstrung ... since they shut down all their nuclear power ... for green electricity grids that fail just when you need them.


The Biden Theme Song:

Also throw in Xiden's killing of Israel's EastMed gas pipeline at Putin's orders.
Putin has his arm so far up Xiden's ass its ridiculous.

So, the US/NATO took the stick, put it in Zelensky's hand, hid behind him and made him poke the bear - then ran all the while blaming the bear.


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