And so the Ad-wars against Republican anti-immigration-reform stance begin.

Every killing of an innocent American by an illegal will wipe out millions of bought Democrat "anti-immigrant" propaganda against the Right

Except that FauxNoise will simply drive away even more Hispanic voters when it airs the hate speech of xenophobes like you and your ilk.


what have i said that is "xenophobic"???

you asinine losers have an -ist, -ic, or -ism slur for anybody that dares disagree with you

so again what have i said that is hateful of xenophobic/
be a man for once

Like all bigots you lack the cognitive skills to recognize your appalling shortcomings and if you want me to educate you I charge $500/hr. Which credit card will you be using today or do you prefer PayPal instead?

so nothing?>?

typical coward douchebag left-wing loser. i asked you very clearly to provide everybody here al this evidence of xenophobia and hatefulness. you came up empty chump

Which part of the OP do you need an adult to explain to you?
After their 2012 loss where Republicans got 27% of the Hispanic vote they pledged that they need to reach out more to Hispanics. Marco Rubio developed an immigration reform plan to provide a path to citizenship

The reaction from the right was fierce and Rubio was slapped down. Since then, Republicans have blocked any plan for immigration reform

Throw in recent rants from Trump and his supporters and Republicans will be lucky to get 15% of the vote in 2016

Since then, Republicans have blocked any plan for immigration reform

If reform means making illegal aliens into citizens, they should block it.
Let's enforce the current laws for 10 years, then we can think about "reform".

Since then, Republicans have blocked any plan for immigration reform

As they should.

Fine...then live with the political consequences

Currently..... Florida, Texas and Arizona have large and growing Hispanic populations. Two are Red States and one is a swing state.
Lose those and Republicans will never win the White House again

Currently..... Florida, Texas and Arizona have large and growing Hispanic populations.

And if we deport millions of illegals are these states redder or bluer?
If we legalize millions of illegals are these states redder or bluer?

Put out by the SuperPac for Hillary Clinton (Priorities USA). It simply uses video "footage" of Republicans saying their nonsense about immigration, from "anchor babies" to "they're getting out..."

And so the onslaught begins.


I'm not sure it makes any difference, because Latinos were not voting gop in any event.

Didn't Bush jr get 44% of the Latino vote?

GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

The Republican nominee selected to run for president in 2016 will need to get a higher share of Latino votes than in the past - as high as almost half in some key battleground states, according to a new analysis by Latino Decisions.

That's a high mountain to climb for the Republican Party considering it's twice the percentage that Mitt Romney received when he ran as the Republican presidential candidate in 2012. Back then, Romney received just 23 percent of the Latino vote.

Even if the Republican Party wins 60 percent of the white vote—which hasn't done in a presidential election since 1988—the Republican presidential nominee would need to get 42 percent and in another scenario as high as 47 percent of Latino votes in order to win the popular vote, the study finds. In 2012, Romney got 59 percent of the white vote.

The analysis was conducted for America's Voice, a group that advocates for immigration reform.

For years, the conventional wisdom has been that Republicans need at least 40 percent of the Latino vote to win an election. They based this "Latino threshold," -as it was referred in the study - on the 2004 election, when George W. Bush won 44 percent of the Latino vote and beat then-Sen. John Kerry. Latino Decisions argues that the 40 percent Latino voter threshold is no longer reliable.

The Republican problem with Hispanic voters — in 7 charts


W was for amnesty.
Perhaps you should watch the news, and add him to your twitter account.

While Speaker, he blocked legislation

now as a senator, he is still blocking legislation.

and in one case, overturning a veto.

his retirement can't come soon enough.

Reid plays the same game Republicans played against him to stop him from passing legislation

:blahblah: :crybaby:

and that makes it ALL better, does it?

I'm willing to dump all filibusters in the Senate...are you?

Are you willing to prevent the Speaker from tabling any and all legislation sent up from the House?

Put it up for a vote, no matter your personal opinion?

I am willing to require that in both houses
After their 2012 loss where Republicans got 27% of the Hispanic vote they pledged that they need to reach out more to Hispanics. Marco Rubio developed an immigration reform plan to provide a path to citizenship

The reaction from the right was fierce and Rubio was slapped down. Since then, Republicans have blocked any plan for immigration reform

Throw in recent rants from Trump and his supporters and Republicans will be lucky to get 15% of the vote in 2016

Since then, Republicans have blocked any plan for immigration reform

If reform means making illegal aliens into citizens, they should block it.
Let's enforce the current laws for 10 years, then we can think about "reform".

Since then, Republicans have blocked any plan for immigration reform

As they should.

Fine...then live with the political consequences

Currently..... Florida, Texas and Arizona have large and growing Hispanic populations. Two are Red States and one is a swing state.
Lose those and Republicans will never win the White House again

Currently..... Florida, Texas and Arizona have large and growing Hispanic populations.

And if we deport millions of illegals are these states redder or bluer?
If we legalize millions of illegals are these states redder or bluer?

In order to round up your 11 million illegals, you are going to have to harass and sometimes illegally detain people who are citizens or have a legal right to be here. I imagine Republicans will have millions of pissed off voters
Since then, Republicans have blocked any plan for immigration reform

If reform means making illegal aliens into citizens, they should block it.
Let's enforce the current laws for 10 years, then we can think about "reform".

Since then, Republicans have blocked any plan for immigration reform

As they should.

Fine...then live with the political consequences

Currently..... Florida, Texas and Arizona have large and growing Hispanic populations. Two are Red States and one is a swing state.
Lose those and Republicans will never win the White House again

Currently..... Florida, Texas and Arizona have large and growing Hispanic populations.

And if we deport millions of illegals are these states redder or bluer?
If we legalize millions of illegals are these states redder or bluer?

In order to round up your 11 million illegals, you are going to have to harass and sometimes illegally detain people who are citizens or have a legal right to be here. I imagine Republicans will have millions of pissed off voters
By God, if they don't look like the belong here, they should be vetted! It's not like non-whites will vote for our candidates anyway!
And if we deport millions of illegals

You can try to deport millions of people but since that would be a crime against humanity you will have to go through me and millions of my fellow Americans to make that happen.

This country is not a police state and if you want to turn it into one you are going to discover that the American people will oppose you every step of the way.
And if we deport millions of illegals

You can try to deport millions of people but since that would be a crime against humanity you will have to go through me and millions of my fellow Americans to make that happen.

This country is not a police state and if you want to turn it into one you are going to discover that the American people will oppose you every step of the way.
Indeed it would, I would never stand for a mass deportation of human beings to poor areas in a broken to hell country dominated by corruption. This is America, a country built on immigration and diversity, and there is no tangible evidence showing that illegal immigrants somehow destroy America, apart from ridiculous hogwash. Republicans hate big government but love the police state.
And if we deport millions of illegals

You can try to deport millions of people but since that would be a crime against humanity you will have to go through me and millions of my fellow Americans to make that happen.

This country is not a police state and if you want to turn it into one you are going to discover that the American people will oppose you every step of the way.
Indeed it would, I would never stand for a mass deportation of human beings to poor areas in a broken to hell country dominated by corruption. This is America, a country built on immigration and diversity, and there is no tangible evidence showing that illegal immigrants somehow destroy America, apart from ridiculous hogwash. Republicans hate big government but love the police state.

It is their answer to every conflict

Armies, force, makes them feel safer
And if we deport millions of illegals

You can try to deport millions of people but since that would be a crime against humanity you will have to go through me and millions of my fellow Americans to make that happen.

This country is not a police state and if you want to turn it into one you are going to discover that the American people will oppose you every step of the way.
Indeed it would, I would never stand for a mass deportation of human beings to poor areas in a broken to hell country dominated by corruption. This is America, a country built on immigration and diversity, and there is no tangible evidence showing that illegal immigrants somehow destroy America, apart from ridiculous hogwash. Republicans hate big government but love the police state.

It is their answer to every conflict

Armies, force, makes them feel safer
Hell, republicans have been fighting tooth and nail to expand the police state.
Since then, Republicans have blocked any plan for immigration reform

If reform means making illegal aliens into citizens, they should block it.
Let's enforce the current laws for 10 years, then we can think about "reform".

Since then, Republicans have blocked any plan for immigration reform

As they should.

Fine...then live with the political consequences

Currently..... Florida, Texas and Arizona have large and growing Hispanic populations. Two are Red States and one is a swing state.
Lose those and Republicans will never win the White House again

Currently..... Florida, Texas and Arizona have large and growing Hispanic populations.

And if we deport millions of illegals are these states redder or bluer?
If we legalize millions of illegals are these states redder or bluer?

In order to round up your 11 million illegals, you are going to have to harass and sometimes illegally detain people who are citizens or have a legal right to be here. I imagine Republicans will have millions of pissed off voters

You don't have to round up 11 million to get them to leave, but yes, some people will be harassed.

I imagine Republicans will have millions of pissed off voters

And millions of grateful voters.
And if we deport millions of illegals

You can try to deport millions of people but since that would be a crime against humanity you will have to go through me and millions of my fellow Americans to make that happen.

This country is not a police state and if you want to turn it into one you are going to discover that the American people will oppose you every step of the way.

You can try to deport millions of people but since that would be a crime against humanity


you will have to go through me and millions of my fellow Americans to make that happen.

If you say so, Nancy.

This country is not a police state

With no borders, we're not even a country.
Republicans have forced themselves into a damned if you do/damned if you don't situation

Allow 11 million hispanics to eventually become citizens and most will vote Democratic
Continue to block a fail solution to illegal immigration and you will lose the 27% that now vote Republican

Either way........Florida, Texas and Arizona turn Democratic
Since then, Republicans have blocked any plan for immigration reform

As they should.

Fine...then live with the political consequences

Currently..... Florida, Texas and Arizona have large and growing Hispanic populations. Two are Red States and one is a swing state.
Lose those and Republicans will never win the White House again

Currently..... Florida, Texas and Arizona have large and growing Hispanic populations.

And if we deport millions of illegals are these states redder or bluer?
If we legalize millions of illegals are these states redder or bluer?

In order to round up your 11 million illegals, you are going to have to harass and sometimes illegally detain people who are citizens or have a legal right to be here. I imagine Republicans will have millions of pissed off voters

You don't have to round up 11 million to get them to leave, but yes, some people will be harassed.

I imagine Republicans will have millions of pissed off voters

And millions of grateful voters.
By 2050, whites will be a minority, the average Fox News viewer is old, around 60+, Hispanics are becoming a crucial part of the population, and this is the 21st century, America was built on immigration and is the land of diversity, deal with it. You don't have to round them up? Brilliant, what's your fucking plan? What about their children? The status of what will happen to them if they're forced to return to a shit hole? Grateful voters? Yeah, the voter base that is dieing off. SUCK IT.
Since then, Republicans have blocked any plan for immigration reform

As they should.

Fine...then live with the political consequences

Currently..... Florida, Texas and Arizona have large and growing Hispanic populations. Two are Red States and one is a swing state.
Lose those and Republicans will never win the White House again

Currently..... Florida, Texas and Arizona have large and growing Hispanic populations.

And if we deport millions of illegals are these states redder or bluer?
If we legalize millions of illegals are these states redder or bluer?

In order to round up your 11 million illegals, you are going to have to harass and sometimes illegally detain people who are citizens or have a legal right to be here. I imagine Republicans will have millions of pissed off voters

You don't have to round up 11 million to get them to leave, but yes, some people will be harassed.

I imagine Republicans will have millions of pissed off voters

And millions of grateful voters.

The ones who will be grateful already vote Republicans. The ones they will piss off will be in the states of Arizona, Texas and Florida ....states that Republicans can't afford to flip to blue
And if we deport millions of illegals

You can try to deport millions of people but since that would be a crime against humanity you will have to go through me and millions of my fellow Americans to make that happen.

This country is not a police state and if you want to turn it into one you are going to discover that the American people will oppose you every step of the way.

You can try to deport millions of people but since that would be a crime against humanity


you will have to go through me and millions of my fellow Americans to make that happen.

If you say so, Nancy.

This country is not a police state

With no borders, we're not even a country.
We do have a border, and thanks for admitting you'd love a police state. You disagree deportation of millions of people and children who just want a better life to shit holes is a crime against humanity?
And if we deport millions of illegals

You can try to deport millions of people but since that would be a crime against humanity you will have to go through me and millions of my fellow Americans to make that happen.

This country is not a police state and if you want to turn it into one you are going to discover that the American people will oppose you every step of the way.

You can try to deport millions of people but since that would be a crime against humanity


you will have to go through me and millions of my fellow Americans to make that happen.

If you say so, Nancy.

This country is not a police state

With no borders, we're not even a country.

Typical ignorant extremist rightwinger!

ICC - What are crimes against humanity?

What are crimes against humanity?

“Crimes against humanity” include any of the following acts committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:

  • murder;
  • extermination;
  • enslavement;
  • deportation or forcible transfer of population;
  • imprisonment;
  • torture;
  • rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
  • persecution against an identifiable group on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious or gender grounds;
  • enforced disappearance of persons;
  • the crime of apartheid;
  • other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering or serious bodily or mental injury.
As they should.

Fine...then live with the political consequences

Currently..... Florida, Texas and Arizona have large and growing Hispanic populations. Two are Red States and one is a swing state.
Lose those and Republicans will never win the White House again

Currently..... Florida, Texas and Arizona have large and growing Hispanic populations.

And if we deport millions of illegals are these states redder or bluer?
If we legalize millions of illegals are these states redder or bluer?

In order to round up your 11 million illegals, you are going to have to harass and sometimes illegally detain people who are citizens or have a legal right to be here. I imagine Republicans will have millions of pissed off voters

You don't have to round up 11 million to get them to leave, but yes, some people will be harassed.

I imagine Republicans will have millions of pissed off voters

And millions of grateful voters.
By 2050, whites will be a minority, the average Fox News viewer is old, around 60+, Hispanics are becoming a crucial part of the population, and this is the 21st century, America was built on immigration and is the land of diversity, deal with it. You don't have to round them up? Brilliant, what's your fucking plan? What about their children? The status of what will happen to them if they're forced to return to a shit hole? Grateful voters? Yeah, the voter base that is dieing off. SUCK IT.

By 2050, whites will be a minority,

If we continue to let millions of illegals enter the US, sure.

America was built on immigration

And if we had a tiny government and no welfare state, like we did back then, millions of low skilled illegals wouldn't be as big a deal.

You don't have to round them up? Brilliant, what's your fucking plan?

Dry up the jobs, they'll move back.
Actually deport the ones we catch, instead of releasing them for a later court date that they never attend.

What about their children?

You don't think they'll abandon their kids, do you?
As they should.

Fine...then live with the political consequences

Currently..... Florida, Texas and Arizona have large and growing Hispanic populations. Two are Red States and one is a swing state.
Lose those and Republicans will never win the White House again

Currently..... Florida, Texas and Arizona have large and growing Hispanic populations.

And if we deport millions of illegals are these states redder or bluer?
If we legalize millions of illegals are these states redder or bluer?

In order to round up your 11 million illegals, you are going to have to harass and sometimes illegally detain people who are citizens or have a legal right to be here. I imagine Republicans will have millions of pissed off voters

You don't have to round up 11 million to get them to leave, but yes, some people will be harassed.

I imagine Republicans will have millions of pissed off voters

And millions of grateful voters.

The ones who will be grateful already vote Republicans. The ones they will piss off will be in the states of Arizona, Texas and Florida ....states that Republicans can't afford to flip to blue

The ones who will be grateful already vote Republicans.

Yup. And plenty of them are Hispanic.

The ones they will piss off will be in the states of Arizona, Texas and Florida ....states that Republicans can't afford to flip to blue

Millions of illegals piss off independent and Dem voters in those states.

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