Anchor baby law to be changed.

Constitution is supreme, no con con as they want it can change that.

Go read the amendment process, far right sillies, and begin from there.
Hey, Texas is the southern equivalent of Utah: absolutely amazing and really fucking strange.

I love both states.

Texas cannot, but a SCOTUS ruling on the language of the amendment could return is to its original meaning, as did Heller for the 2A.

Yep, the activist conservatives can make the law up in 5-4 decisions. Funny, how real conservatives opposed activist judges and the new iteration of 21st Century conservatives like it when they like the ruling and piss and moan when they don't.

Texas cannot, but a SCOTUS ruling on the language of the amendment could return is to its original meaning, as did Heller for the 2A.

Yep, the activist conservatives can make the law up in 5-4 decisions. Funny, how real conservatives opposed activist judges and the new iteration of 21st Century conservatives like it when they like the ruling and piss and moan when they don't.

Correcting a mistake made later in the country's history is not activism.

You do realize that to repeal or change the 14th amendment requires a 2/3's vote in the Senate a 2/3's vote in the Congress (super majorities) and then 38 state legislatures to approve it.

Which equates to ZERO to NO chance.


Your right. It takes a 2/3rd majority of Congress to change an amendment.

If all the States who are being affected by the anchor baby situation would start lobbying other States they might be able to get that 2/3rds majority to make the change.

It sure would be worth a try so we taxpayers can stop supporting illegals in America. Maybe those assholes would go back to Mexico or whatever third world shithole they crawled out of and we would save millions.
No, Trump can do nothing about birth right law.

It's not a law, it's a court opinion and they're changed all the time.
Not very often and this will not change in the 21st century.

The issue will be dealt with within five years. Whether or not the amendment is returned to its original meaning is dependent, unfortunately, upon the political circumstances of the Court.

"The Fourteenth Amendment’s citizenship clause differed from the common law rule in that it required owing complete allegiance only to the United States in advance rather than automatically bestowed by place of birth, i.e., only children born to parents who owed no foreign allegiance were to be citizens of the United States – that is to say – not only must a child be born but born within the complete allegiance of the United States politically and not merely within its limits."

What ‘Subject to the Jurisdiction Thereof’ Really Means

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