An out and out LIE on national Television!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"Honest Abe said it's not the right thing to do. The American people deserve to make the decision about who will be the next president of the United States, and then that person can select who will serve for a lifetime on the highest court of our land," Harris said. "And so (Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden) and I are very clear: The American people are voting right now, and it should be their decision about who will serve on this most important body for a lifetime."
We couldn’t find any evidence for Lincoln saying what Harris described
. Michael Burlingame, the distinguished chair in Lincoln studies at the University of Illinois-Springfield, told PolitiFact, "I've never seen anything like that quote in all my 36 years of Lincoln research."

This was such a blatant out right LIE, even the extremely left wing had to sheepishly admit... it was a falsehood.

But more importantly look at this Google search "Harris lied about Lincoln": Results...193!
A Democrat running for President (I know she's VP nominee...but most people know Biden won't finish the first year if the first term!) but where did the MSM cover this?
Versus "Pence's fly"? Google search results 275,000 results! REALLY? NYT, making a story about the fly on Pence's head. Unbelievable the totally biased MSM.
And here is why!

"Honest Abe said it's not the right thing to do. The American people deserve to make the decision about who will be the next president of the United States, and then that person can select who will serve for a lifetime on the highest court of our land," Harris said. "And so (Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden) and I are very clear: The American people are voting right now, and it should be their decision about who will serve on this most important body for a lifetime."
We couldn’t find any evidence for Lincoln saying what Harris described
. Michael Burlingame, the distinguished chair in Lincoln studies at the University of Illinois-Springfield, told PolitiFact, "I've never seen anything like that quote in all my 36 years of Lincoln research."

This was such a blatant out right LIE, even the extremely left wing had to sheepishly admit... it was a falsehood.

But more importantly look at this Google search "Harris lied about Lincoln": Results...193!
A Democrat running for President (I know she's VP nominee...but most people know Biden won't finish the first year if the first term!) but where did the MSM cover this?
Versus "Pence's fly"? Google search results 275,000 results! REALLY? NYT, making a story about the fly on Pence's head. Unbelievable the totally biased MSM.
And here is why!

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If Democrats told the truth about their positions then even they know they would be pummeled to third party status in an election
"Honest Abe said it's not the right thing to do. The American people deserve to make the decision about who will be the next president of the United States, and then that person can select who will serve for a lifetime on the highest court of our land," Harris said. "And so (Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden) and I are very clear: The American people are voting right now, and it should be their decision about who will serve on this most important body for a lifetime."
We couldn’t find any evidence for Lincoln saying what Harris described
. Michael Burlingame, the distinguished chair in Lincoln studies at the University of Illinois-Springfield, told PolitiFact, "I've never seen anything like that quote in all my 36 years of Lincoln research."

This was such a blatant out right LIE, even the extremely left wing had to sheepishly admit... it was a falsehood.

But more importantly look at this Google search "Harris lied about Lincoln": Results...193!
A Democrat running for President (I know she's VP nominee...but most people know Biden won't finish the first year if the first term!) but where did the MSM cover this?
Versus "Pence's fly"? Google search results 275,000 results! REALLY? NYT, making a story about the fly on Pence's head. Unbelievable the totally biased MSM.
And here is why!

View attachment 400545
But at the end of the day, Orange man still bad

the vile scum of the demonrats want to erase any history. tear statues down, teach lies, teach lies, and did i mention teach lies
One of many lies told by Harris during the debate. Here's a few more of her debate lies.

Harris; “The president’s mismanagement of the pandemic has plunged us into the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression,”
False. The pandemic and its associated lockdowns, not the president, are responsible for the economic contraction. Donald Trump is not the president of the euro zone, which suffered through an even more dire economic contraction in the second quarter.

Harris; “Just look where [Trump and Mike Pence] have gotten us. . . . Millions of kids who cannot go back to school,” Harris said.
Wrong. It is not Donald Trump’s decision whether kids go back to school, because the federal government does not run schools, but he has urged the schools to reopen. The primary reason kids cannot go back to school is opposition from teachers unions. The second-largest teachers’ union is threatening to strike if schools reopen.

Harris; “Six years ago, in fact, we had a different health crisis,” Harris said. “It was called Ebola. We all remember that pandemic.”
Incorrect. Ebola was an outbreak, not a pandemic, according to the World Health Organization.

Harris; “This virus has impacted almost every country,” Harris said. “But there’s a reason it has hit America worse than any other advanced nation. It’s because of Trump’s failure to take it seriously.”
Wrong. Several advanced nations have suffered more fatalities per million population than the U.S.: Belgium, the U.K., Spain, Italy, Sweden. Donald Trump is not in charge of any of these countries.
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One of many lies told by Harris during the debate. Here's a few more of her debate lies.

Harris; “The president’s mismanagement of the pandemic has plunged us into the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression,”
False. The pandemic and its associated lockdowns, not the president, are responsible for the economic contraction. Donald Trump is not the president of the euro zone, which suffered through an even more dire economic contraction in the second quarter.

Harris; “Just look where [Trump and Mike Pence] have gotten us. . . . Millions of kids who cannot go back to school,” Harris said.
Wrong. It is not Donald Trump’s decision whether kids go back to school, because the federal government does not run schools, but he has urged the schools to reopen. The primary reason kids cannot go back to school is opposition from teachers unions. The second-largest teachers’ union is threatening to strike if schools reopen.

Harris; “Six years ago, in fact, we had a different health crisis,” Harris said. “It was called Ebola. We all remember that pandemic.”
Incorrect. Ebola was an outbreak, not a pandemic, according to the World Health Organization.

Harris; “This virus has impacted almost every country,” Harris said. “But there’s a reason it has hit America worse than any other advanced nation. It’s because of Trump’s failure to take it seriously.”
Wrong. Several advanced nations have suffered more fatalities per million population than the U.S.: Belgium, the U.K., Spain, Italy, Sweden. Donald Trump is not in charge of any of these countries.

Totally 100% true! Every one of Harris' statements are FALSE!

One number that Biden/Harris kept repeating was "over 100 million Americans have pre-existing conditions!"
Sounds frightening doesn't it? Makes it sound like 100 million Americans have NO coverage right????
According to State by State Obamacare Enrollment in the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan
How many people signed up for the Pre-Existing Obamacare plan? 19,569 TOTAL!!!!
So where are those over half all Americans with pre-existing conditions????? There maybe 160 million Americans with Pre-existing conditions...
But 49% of Americans HAVE employer health insurance and many of them with "pre-existing conditions" are covered!
According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18%, "pre-existing conditions" COVERED!
Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 59,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid many with "pre-existing conditions" are COVERED.
Finally VA has over 9 million Veterans enrolled in the VA many with "pre-existing conditions" are COVERED. | Veterans Affairs many with "pre-existing conditions"!
This adds up to 287,015,570 with some type of insurance that covers "pre-existing conditions"...
So where did that "over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions that aren't covered by insurance number come from?
"Honest Abe said it's not the right thing to do. The American people deserve to make the decision about who will be the next president of the United States, and then that person can select who will serve for a lifetime on the highest court of our land," Harris said. "And so (Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden) and I are very clear: The American people are voting right now, and it should be their decision about who will serve on this most important body for a lifetime."
We couldn’t find any evidence for Lincoln saying what Harris described
. Michael Burlingame, the distinguished chair in Lincoln studies at the University of Illinois-Springfield, told PolitiFact, "I've never seen anything like that quote in all my 36 years of Lincoln research."

This was such a blatant out right LIE, even the extremely left wing had to sheepishly admit... it was a falsehood.

But more importantly look at this Google search "Harris lied about Lincoln": Results...193!
A Democrat running for President (I know she's VP nominee...but most people know Biden won't finish the first year if the first term!) but where did the MSM cover this?
Versus "Pence's fly"? Google search results 275,000 results! REALLY? NYT, making a story about the fly on Pence's head. Unbelievable the totally biased MSM.
And here is why!

View attachment 400545
A right winger upset about gotta be kidding, considering who's in the White House now...
Interesting how PROGS have rode the "Trump's a liar" train 4 years now. Since Kamala and Biden you never hear about it, I wonder why that is?
"Honest Abe said it's not the right thing to do. The American people deserve to make the decision about who will be the next president of the United States, and then that person can select who will serve for a lifetime on the highest court of our land," Harris said. "And so (Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden) and I are very clear: The American people are voting right now, and it should be their decision about who will serve on this most important body for a lifetime."
We couldn’t find any evidence for Lincoln saying what Harris described
. Michael Burlingame, the distinguished chair in Lincoln studies at the University of Illinois-Springfield, told PolitiFact, "I've never seen anything like that quote in all my 36 years of Lincoln research."

This was such a blatant out right LIE, even the extremely left wing had to sheepishly admit... it was a falsehood.

But more importantly look at this Google search "Harris lied about Lincoln": Results...193!
A Democrat running for President (I know she's VP nominee...but most people know Biden won't finish the first year if the first term!) but where did the MSM cover this?
Versus "Pence's fly"? Google search results 275,000 results! REALLY? NYT, making a story about the fly on Pence's head. Unbelievable the totally biased MSM.
And here is why!

View attachment 400545
A right winger upset about gotta be kidding, considering who's in the White House now...

Most of Trump's supposed lies are you idiots lying about what he said. The rest of Trump's lies are political posturing that all politicians do, including yours. You have the market cornered on the real liars, they're the Democrats
"Honest Abe said it's not the right thing to do. The American people deserve to make the decision about who will be the next president of the United States, and then that person can select who will serve for a lifetime on the highest court of our land," Harris said. "And so (Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden) and I are very clear: The American people are voting right now, and it should be their decision about who will serve on this most important body for a lifetime."
We couldn’t find any evidence for Lincoln saying what Harris described
. Michael Burlingame, the distinguished chair in Lincoln studies at the University of Illinois-Springfield, told PolitiFact, "I've never seen anything like that quote in all my 36 years of Lincoln research."

This was such a blatant out right LIE, even the extremely left wing had to sheepishly admit... it was a falsehood.

But more importantly look at this Google search "Harris lied about Lincoln": Results...193!
A Democrat running for President (I know she's VP nominee...but most people know Biden won't finish the first year if the first term!) but where did the MSM cover this?
Versus "Pence's fly"? Google search results 275,000 results! REALLY? NYT, making a story about the fly on Pence's head. Unbelievable the totally biased MSM.
And here is why!

View attachment 400545
Clinton obviously set and established the pattern for the democratic party in future in that lying on national TV is not only acceptable but expected behavior for those assholes. They do it every chance they get. They do it in front of TV cameras, in the oval office given the opportunity and on the floor of both houses of congress. They do it all the time in the belief that practice makes perfect.
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"Honest Abe said it's not the right thing to do. The American people deserve to make the decision about who will be the next president of the United States, and then that person can select who will serve for a lifetime on the highest court of our land," Harris said. "And so (Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden) and I are very clear: The American people are voting right now, and it should be their decision about who will serve on this most important body for a lifetime."
We couldn’t find any evidence for Lincoln saying what Harris described
. Michael Burlingame, the distinguished chair in Lincoln studies at the University of Illinois-Springfield, told PolitiFact, "I've never seen anything like that quote in all my 36 years of Lincoln research."

This was such a blatant out right LIE, even the extremely left wing had to sheepishly admit... it was a falsehood.

But more importantly look at this Google search "Harris lied about Lincoln": Results...193!
A Democrat running for President (I know she's VP nominee...but most people know Biden won't finish the first year if the first term!) but where did the MSM cover this?
Versus "Pence's fly"? Google search results 275,000 results! REALLY? NYT, making a story about the fly on Pence's head. Unbelievable the totally biased MSM.
And here is why!

View attachment 400545
Clinton obviously set and established the pattern for the democratic party in future in that lying on national TV is not only acceptable but expected behavior for those assholes. They do it every chance they get. They do it in front of TV cameras, in the oval office given the opportunity and on the floor of both houses of congress. They do it all the time in the belief that practice makes perfect.
They also do it under oath!
I used to refuse to vote for liars. Then somebody on these boards finally convinced me that voting for non-major party candidates was tossing away my vote.
"Honest Abe said it's not the right thing to do. The American people deserve to make the decision about who will be the next president of the United States, and then that person can select who will serve for a lifetime on the highest court of our land," Harris said. "And so (Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden) and I are very clear: The American people are voting right now, and it should be their decision about who will serve on this most important body for a lifetime."
We couldn’t find any evidence for Lincoln saying what Harris described
. Michael Burlingame, the distinguished chair in Lincoln studies at the University of Illinois-Springfield, told PolitiFact, "I've never seen anything like that quote in all my 36 years of Lincoln research."

This was such a blatant out right LIE, even the extremely left wing had to sheepishly admit... it was a falsehood.

But more importantly look at this Google search "Harris lied about Lincoln": Results...193!
A Democrat running for President (I know she's VP nominee...but most people know Biden won't finish the first year if the first term!) but where did the MSM cover this?
Versus "Pence's fly"? Google search results 275,000 results! REALLY? NYT, making a story about the fly on Pence's head. Unbelievable the totally biased MSM.
And here is why!

View attachment 400545
Clinton obviously set and established the pattern for the democratic party in future in that lying on national TV is not only acceptable but expected behavior for those assholes. They do it every chance they get. They do it in front of TV cameras, in the oval office given the opportunity and on the floor of both houses of congress. They do it all the time in the belief that practice makes perfect.
They also do it under oath!
To those assholes, obviously swearing an oath, an oath of office or any other oath means absolutely noting except for perhaps what not to do and what to ignore in future. Their word on any subject, under any circumstance on any topic whatsoever is as absolutely worthless as is their contemptible, lying and slandering souls.

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