An Open Letter To The Twice Impeached,‭ ‬Former President trump:‭ ‬Of Your Many Failures,‭ ‬You Had One Vital Success


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
An Open Letter To The Twice Impeached,‭ ‬Former President trump:‭ ‬Of Your Many Failures,‭ ‬You Had One Vital Success

‭“‘‬I win,‭ ‬I win,‭ ‬I always win.‭ ‬In the end I always win,‭’ ‬Donald Trump once said.‭ ‬Now,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬for the first time in his life,‭ ‬in a public and historic way,‭ ‬he has lost.‭’”

Despite endless denials,‭ ‬lies,‭ ‬excuses,‭ ‬conspiracy theories,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬the presidency of Donald Trump was an epic failure.

His failures are across the spectrum of the duties and responsibilities of the office of the President of the United States,‭ ‬foreign policy and relations,‭ ‬domestic policy,‭ ‬economic policy,‭ ‬his dismal failure with COVID-19,‭ ‬the entire list is much too long to cite here.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬here are a few:

During your‭ ‬2016‭ ‬campaign,‭ ‬you convinced your supporters you would,‭ “‬drain the swamp‭”‬,‭ ‬but instead,‭ ‬you grossly polluted that swamp with your crooked cronies.‭

The border wall.‭ “‬The Wall‭” ‬you promised Mexico would pay to build,‭ ‬that was a scam from day one,‭ ‬and so far,‭ ‬not one cent from Mexico.

Your inability to meet foreign leaders with the dignity and respect traditional of the President of the United States made you,‭ ‬and worse yet,‭ ‬the people of this country laughing stock.

Your fawning over ruthless dictators was an embarrassment to all Americans,‭ ‬even your supporters‭ (‬though they refuse to admit this,‭ ‬only because,‭ ‬as right-wingers,‭ ‬they deny all facts from the real world‭)‬.

The few million minimum wage jobs created during your tenure,‭ ‬are vastly overshadowed by the many millions of jobs lost due to your utter failure at controlling the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic.

Also,‭ ‬the many other crises and deaths related to your utter failure at controlling the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic.

Those are just a few highlights of the countless low-points that occurred during the interminable four years you were in the White House.

However,‭ ‬yes,‭ ‬there is a however,‭ ‬you were an overwhelming success as the leader of your cult.‭ ‬You demonstrated to the nation,‭ ‬and the world,‭ ‬you were capable of making them believe over‭ ‬30,000‭ ‬documented lies you told them.

You convinced these tens-of-millions of Americans that COVID-19‭ ‬was not dangerous,‭ ‬that it was no worse than a common cold,‭ ‬that medical and scientific experts were wrong‭ (‬about everything‭) ‬and to ignore all their recommendations,‭ ‬you even made your millions of cultists believe COVID-19‭ ‬was a hoax perpetrated by the Democrats to make you,‭ “‬look bad.‭” ‬We’ll skip your‭ “‬drinking chlorine bleach‭” ‬silliness.

Your most recent success‭ (‬as cult leader,‭ ‬not POTUS‭) ‬were your many lies about election and voter fraud.‭ ‬It’s doubtful that even one of the‭ ‬74‭ ‬million that voted for you last November‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬has accepted President Biden as legally elected.‭ ‬So successful were your lies,‭ ‬it’s quite unlikely they ever will.

Couple this with the crowd your months of lying about election and voter fraud convinced to come to Washington D.C.‭ ‬on January‭ ‬6th,‭ ‬to‭ “‬protest‭”‬.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬2,‭ ‬2021,‭ ‬the Saturday prior to the day of the‭ “‬protest‭”‬,‭ ‬you tweeted,‭ “‬Big protest in DC on January‭ ‬6th.‭ ‬Be there,‭ ‬will be wild‭!” ‬And‭ “‬wild‭” ‬your cultists were on January‭ ‬6,‭ ‬2021.

With your months of lies encouraging them,‭ ‬and your‭ “‬inspiring‭” ‬message to your cultists the morning of the sixth,‭ ‬an increasing number of your‭ “‬wild protesters‭” ‬currently face,‭ ‬or will inevitably face serious charges.‭ ‬Following your attempted coup,‭ ‬U.S.‭ ‬Attorney Michael Sherwin offered a stern warning to the rest of your cultists,‭ ‬explaining in a press release,‭ “‘‬To anyone who might be considering engaging in or inciting violence in the coming weeks‭ – ‬know this:‭ ‬you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.‭’”

But,‭ ‬your ultimate success,‭ ‬that is,‭ ‬ultimate success,‭ ‬as President of the United States,‭ ‬was to prove,‭ ‬beyond any shred of doubt,‭ ‬that,‭ ‬George Carlin was,‭ ‬and is,‭ ‬correct with his statement,‭ “‬Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.‭” ‬Well,‭ ‬you assembled such a group,‭ ‬a single group,‭ ‬over‭ ‬74‭ ‬million strong.‭

And,‭ ‬to reassure you further of this singular success of your presidency,‭ ‬those‭ ‬74‭ ‬million,‭ ‬are too stupid to learn any positive lesson from your unabashed duplicity.

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If there is one thing that Trump hate and that is to lose. That would explain the number of lawsuits that he has settled as it is a way to claim victory when all he did was settle the case in order for it to go away without any legal judgment.

His most humiliated loss was the election. That is why he could not even attend the inauguration and setting a new precedence that I hope will never be repeated in the future. It does show how much he hates to lose and he could not show his face in public in an event that pretty much slaps him in the face that he lost.

Yet the all do it as the system is more important than the man. Except in Trumps case where he is more important and his feelings matter.

Still I cannot wait for when all the past presidents meet for some formal occasion. Will he be a no show?

Place your bets.
An Open Letter To The Twice Impeached,‭ ‬Former President trump:‭ ‬Of Your Many Failures,‭ ‬You Had One Vital Success

‭“‘‬I win,‭ ‬I win,‭ ‬I always win.‭ ‬In the end I always win,‭’ ‬Donald Trump once said.‭ ‬Now,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬for the first time in his life,‭ ‬in a public and historic way,‭ ‬he has lost.‭’”

Despite endless denials,‭ ‬lies,‭ ‬excuses,‭ ‬conspiracy theories,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬the presidency of Donald Trump was an epic failure.

His failures are across the spectrum of the duties and responsibilities of the office of the President of the United States,‭ ‬foreign policy and relations,‭ ‬domestic policy,‭ ‬economic policy,‭ ‬his dismal failure with COVID-19,‭ ‬the entire list is much too long to cite here.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬here are a few:

During your‭ ‬2016‭ ‬campaign,‭ ‬you convinced your supporters you would,‭ “‬drain the swamp‭”‬,‭ ‬but instead,‭ ‬you grossly polluted that swamp with your crooked cronies.‭

The border wall.‭ “‬The Wall‭” ‬you promised Mexico would pay to build,‭ ‬that was a scam from day one,‭ ‬and so far,‭ ‬not one cent from Mexico.

Your inability to meet foreign leaders with the dignity and respect traditional of the President of the United States made you,‭ ‬and worse yet,‭ ‬the people of this country laughing stock.

Your fawning over ruthless dictators was an embarrassment to all Americans,‭ ‬even your supporters‭ (‬though they refuse to admit this,‭ ‬only because,‭ ‬as right-wingers,‭ ‬they deny all facts from the real world‭)‬.

The few million minimum wage jobs created during your tenure,‭ ‬are vastly overshadowed by the many millions of jobs lost due to your utter failure at controlling the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic.

Also,‭ ‬the many other crises and deaths related to your utter failure at controlling the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic.

Those are just a few highlights of the countless low-points that occurred during the interminable four years you were in the White House.

However,‭ ‬yes,‭ ‬there is a however,‭ ‬you were an overwhelming success as the leader of your cult.‭ ‬You demonstrated to the nation,‭ ‬and the world,‭ ‬you were capable of making them believe over‭ ‬30,000‭ ‬documented lies you told them.

You convinced these tens-of-millions of Americans that COVID-19‭ ‬was not dangerous,‭ ‬that it was no worse than a common cold,‭ ‬that medical and scientific experts were wrong‭ (‬about everything‭) ‬and to ignore all their recommendations,‭ ‬you even made your millions of cultists believe COVID-19‭ ‬was a hoax perpetrated by the Democrats to make you,‭ “‬look bad.‭” ‬We’ll skip your‭ “‬drinking chlorine bleach‭” ‬silliness.

Your most recent success‭ (‬as cult leader,‭ ‬not POTUS‭) ‬were your many lies about election and voter fraud.‭ ‬It’s doubtful that even one of the‭ ‬74‭ ‬million that voted for you last November‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬has accepted President Biden as legally elected.‭ ‬So successful were your lies,‭ ‬it’s quite unlikely they ever will.

Couple this with the crowd your months of lying about election and voter fraud convinced to come to Washington D.C.‭ ‬on January‭ ‬6th,‭ ‬to‭ “‬protest‭”‬.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬2,‭ ‬2021,‭ ‬the Saturday prior to the day of the‭ “‬protest‭”‬,‭ ‬you tweeted,‭ “‬Big protest in DC on January‭ ‬6th.‭ ‬Be there,‭ ‬will be wild‭!” ‬And‭ “‬wild‭” ‬your cultists were on January‭ ‬6,‭ ‬2021.

With your months of lies encouraging them,‭ ‬and your‭ “‬inspiring‭” ‬message to your cultists the morning of the sixth,‭ ‬an increasing number of your‭ “‬wild protesters‭” ‬currently face,‭ ‬or will inevitably face serious charges.‭ ‬Following your attempted coup,‭ ‬U.S.‭ ‬Attorney Michael Sherwin offered a stern warning to the rest of your cultists,‭ ‬explaining in a press release,‭ “‘‬To anyone who might be considering engaging in or inciting violence in the coming weeks‭ – ‬know this:‭ ‬you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.‭’”

But,‭ ‬your ultimate success,‭ ‬that is,‭ ‬ultimate success,‭ ‬as President of the United States,‭ ‬was to prove,‭ ‬beyond any shred of doubt,‭ ‬that,‭ ‬George Carlin was,‭ ‬and is,‭ ‬correct with his statement,‭ “‬Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.‭” ‬Well,‭ ‬you assembled such a group,‭ ‬a single group,‭ ‬over‭ ‬74‭ ‬million strong.‭

And,‭ ‬to reassure you further of this singular success of your presidency,‭ ‬those‭ ‬74‭ ‬million,‭ ‬are too stupid to learn any positive lesson from your unabashed duplicity.


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If there is one thing that Trump hate and that is to lose. That would explain the number of lawsuits that he has settled as it is a way to claim victory when all he did was settle the case in order for it to go away without any legal judgment.

His most humiliated loss was the election. That is why he could not even attend the inauguration and setting a new precedence that I hope will never be repeated in the future. It does show how much he hates to lose and he could not show his face in public in an event that pretty much slaps him in the face that he lost.

Yet the all do it as the system is more important than the man. Except in Trumps case where he is more important and his feelings matter.

Still I cannot wait for when all the past presidents meet for some formal occasion. Will he be a no show?

Place your bets.

Trump won't show. He's unable to communicate with them.

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