An old police shooting, and the fallout.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
I was surfing Vid to Vid in YouTube and stumbled across this. It was old, but I had not heard about it. I watched it and read a couple news stories on it.

Now, let me begin. I think the cops did everything they could and I am grateful and glad that nobody died. I am sorry that the Sergeant was Maimed, and I pray he makes a full recovery.

Now, I have some opinions on why the Rookie was so on the ball. But the point is that I find no issues with this shooting. The cops didn’t “suspect” a weapon. They didn’t believe they had the right guy. They didn’t react with insane levels of force to the initial thought. They were caught flat footed, but responded well.

I will say good job.

I have said I am not Anti-Cop. I don’t hate anyone. Cop or criminal. I believe in right and wrong, and I believe that we should call out wrong no matter who does it. No matter the color, or gender. Only by being honest can we learn, and only by being honest can we work to reduce events like this in the future.

Well done to the cops. Well done.
When it ends in dead people, it's a policing failure. Why is that just secondary to Americans?
When it ends in dead people, it's a policing failure. Why is that just secondary to Americans?

Wow. What an idiotic statement. If it's not supposed to end in dead people, why do criminals use firearms against them? For that matter, why do law-enforcement officers have to carry firearms? Are you so stupid that you think the cops shouldn't return fire when being fired upon?

The only "policing failure" when law-enforcement officers have to use their weapons, is when those officers don't get to go home to their families at the end of their shift.
When it ends in dead people, it's a policing failure. Why is that just secondary to Americans?

The only reason to kill is Survival. You kill an animal because you need the meat. You kill a person to save your life or the lives of others.

I don’t like when people die. But I recognize that it sometimes happens. And sometimes it is unavoidable. This case is one which it was unavoidable. Someone was going to die. Perhaps several someone’s. The Trooper did what he had to.

He didn’t think there was a gun. There was one. More than one. He didn’t believe the bad guy was reaching for one.

Lethal force is a last resort. In my view it is acceptable only as that last resort. But I do not denounce when it was obviously a last resort.

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