an Irish boy in London 1964-ostracized? ethnic harassment?


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
I did a quick search on Pierce Brosnan--born in Ireland
father died when he was an infant and mother moved to England to be a nurse
then at around age 11, he also moved to England
he says about being at a London school 1964:
And you're Irish. And they make you feel it; the British have a wonderful way of doing that, and I had a certain deep sense of being an outsider
are there any Brit's or Irish that can elaborate on this?? I take it there is/was bullying? harassment?
is it the same today?
thanks in advance
Pierce Brosnan - Wikipedia
I did a quick search on Pierce Brosnan--born in Ireland
father died when he was an infant and mother moved to England to be a nurse
then at around age 11, he also moved to England
he says about being at a London school 1964:
And you're Irish. And they make you feel it; the British have a wonderful way of doing that, and I had a certain deep sense of being an outsider
are there any Brit's or Irish that can elaborate on this?? I take it there is/was bullying? harassment?
is it the same today?
thanks in advance
Pierce Brosnan - Wikipedia

Ireland was for centuries a target for British invasion, plundering, land-grabbing, raping, colonizing and even slavery under the Cromwells. So it would be expected there would be at least pockets were Brits looked upon the Irish (or still do) as inferiors, some places more than others --- like Liverpool, which the Irish refer to as "the 33rd County" (of Ireland) owing to the especially large Irish population there, at least three of which formed The Beatles.
I can't answer your specific question, but I can speak of prejudice in general.

Where there are differences there will be prejudice. Even among any group, there will be a subset, your height, your hair, your socio-economic status, the size of your ears etc. Even worse among kids.

I've experienced what many now refer to as "reverse discrimination", i just called it "racism". That was life. Overall it made me a stronger person, and I also have a healthy respect for people of all colors, races, religions and economic statuses. I'm not immune to have lashed out at someone as a youth as I had it piled on me at a young age, but once you mature, you look back and analyze, "that was the circumstances".

The British by the way have long had this history. Winston Churchill was made fun of ruthlessly as an ADULT, for having an American mother, he was referred to as a "half breed". Jimi Hendrix experienced less racism and more acceptance in Britain when he went there (it helped that the Paul McCartney praised him), but, he had a horrible racist interaction with the police there.

Unfortunately it exists everywhere.
I can't answer your specific question, but I can speak of prejudice in general.

Where there are differences there will be prejudice. Even among any group, there will be a subset, your height, your hair, your socio-economic status, the size of your ears etc. Even worse among kids.

I've experienced what many now refer to as "reverse discrimination", i just called it "racism". That was life. Overall it made me a stronger person, and I also have a healthy respect for people of all colors, races, religions and economic statuses. I'm not immune to have lashed out at someone as a youth as I had it piled on me at a young age, but once you mature, you look back and analyze, "that was the circumstances".

The British by the way have long had this history. Winston Churchill was made fun of ruthlessly as an ADULT, for having an American mother, he was referred to as a "half breed". Jimi Hendrix experienced less racism and more acceptance in Britain when he went there (it helped that the Paul McCartney praised him), but, he had a horrible racist interaction with the police there.

Unfortunately it exists everywhere.

"Irish" isn't a race though. We and the Brits have the same race in common. British attitudes toward the Irish stem from economic chauvinism --- the primitive concept that "if we conquered you, then you must be inferior".
i didn't read the link , did read the posts though so i know whats going on . Not a big deal , Irish kid should kick some English azz .
Everybody and their struggle..."I had a certain deep sense of being an outsider"! What a twit.


Were you there?

The point is, he was an outsider. Why wouldn't he FEEL like one? If he didn't, wouldn't that be a bit odd?

For 1964 England, probably. But as I read it the comment is about degree. And the term "outsider" isn't meant literally --- obviously he knows his own history --- but rather as a social comment. "Outsider" as opposed to "socially accepted".
Everybody and their struggle..."I had a certain deep sense of being an outsider"! What a twit.


Were you there?

The point is, he was an outsider. Why wouldn't he FEEL like one? If he didn't, wouldn't that be a bit odd?

For 1964 England, probably. But as I read it the comment is about degree. And the term "outsider" isn't meant literally --- obviously he knows his own history --- but rather as a social comment. "Outsider" as opposed to "socially accepted".
Ado about nothing. It is my estimation that the Brits should probably exercise a bit more xenophobia. My of London, Birmingham...Manchester resemble Islamabad more than Britain.
What a mess they have created for themselves.
Everybody and their struggle..."I had a certain deep sense of being an outsider"! What a twit.


Were you there?

The point is, he was an outsider. Why wouldn't he FEEL like one? If he didn't, wouldn't that be a bit odd?

For 1964 England, probably. But as I read it the comment is about degree. And the term "outsider" isn't meant literally --- obviously he knows his own history --- but rather as a social comment. "Outsider" as opposed to "socially accepted".
Ado about nothing. It is my estimation that the Brits should probably exercise a bit more xenophobia. My of London, Birmingham...Manchester resemble Islamabad more than Britain.
What a mess they have created for themselves.
------------------------------------------------- i think that the 'queen' is more interested in proving her bloodline link to ' mohamad ' so that she can then legitimately rule over all the 'english' and all the muslims that she can import into 'england' ISleben .
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Everybody and their struggle..."I had a certain deep sense of being an outsider"! What a twit.


Were you there?

The point is, he was an outsider. Why wouldn't he FEEL like one? If he didn't, wouldn't that be a bit odd?

For 1964 England, probably. But as I read it the comment is about degree. And the term "outsider" isn't meant literally --- obviously he knows his own history --- but rather as a social comment. "Outsider" as opposed to "socially accepted".
Ado about nothing. It is my estimation that the Brits should probably exercise a bit more xenophobia. My of London, Birmingham...Manchester resemble Islamabad more than Britain.
What a mess they have created for themselves.
----------------------------------------------------- most likely it , the invasion has been PLANNED by 'u.k Government ' for years and years ISleben .
Everybody and their struggle..."I had a certain deep sense of being an outsider"! What a twit.


Were you there?

The point is, he was an outsider. Why wouldn't he FEEL like one? If he didn't, wouldn't that be a bit odd?

For 1964 England, probably. But as I read it the comment is about degree. And the term "outsider" isn't meant literally --- obviously he knows his own history --- but rather as a social comment. "Outsider" as opposed to "socially accepted".
Ado about nothing. It is my estimation that the Brits should probably exercise a bit more xenophobia. My of London, Birmingham...Manchester resemble Islamabad more than Britain.
What a mess they have created for themselves.
------------------------------------------------- i think that the 'queen' is more interested in proving her bloodline link to ' mohamad ' so that she can then legitimately rule over all the 'english' and all the muslims and that she can import into 'england' ISleben .
Prince Chuck is quite a fan of the Mohammedans. He goes to Saudi every year to twirl swords with the brothers. He has openly stated that if and when he takes the throne he will be the defender of two faiths...and I don't think he means Hinduism.
I can't answer your specific question, but I can speak of prejudice in general.

Where there are differences there will be prejudice. Even among any group, there will be a subset, your height, your hair, your socio-economic status, the size of your ears etc. Even worse among kids.

I've experienced what many now refer to as "reverse discrimination", i just called it "racism". That was life. Overall it made me a stronger person, and I also have a healthy respect for people of all colors, races, religions and economic statuses. I'm not immune to have lashed out at someone as a youth as I had it piled on me at a young age, but once you mature, you look back and analyze, "that was the circumstances".

The British by the way have long had this history. Winston Churchill was made fun of ruthlessly as an ADULT, for having an American mother, he was referred to as a "half breed". Jimi Hendrix experienced less racism and more acceptance in Britain when he went there (it helped that the Paul McCartney praised him), but, he had a horrible racist interaction with the police there.

Unfortunately it exists everywhere.

"Irish" isn't a race though. We and the Brits have the same race in common. British attitudes toward the Irish stem from economic chauvinism --- the primitive concept that "if we conquered you, then you must be inferior".
Conquest is a measure of superiority.
Ado about nothing. It is my estimation that the Brits should probably exercise a bit more xenophobia. My of London, Birmingham...Manchester resemble Islamabad more than Britain.

What a mess they have created for themselves.
Isn't that something?

What I've seen and heard about the Muslim migration into England is surprising and a bit depressing. Depressing because it is likely the precursor of what very well could be happening here -- quite likely in fact if the Democrats assume control. Surprising because the British people, themselves, are tolerating it, knowing what has happened in Sweden and is happening in Germany and France.
Ado about nothing. It is my estimation that the Brits should probably exercise a bit more xenophobia. My of London, Birmingham...Manchester resemble Islamabad more than Britain.

What a mess they have created for themselves.
Isn't that something?

What I've seen and heard about the Muslim migration into England is surprising and a bit depressing. Depressing because it is likely the precursor of what very well could be happening here -- quite likely in fact if the Democrats assume control. Surprising because the British people, themselves, are tolerating it, knowing what has happened in Sweden and is happening in Germany and France.
People will tolerate most things as long as their basic needs are met. We are getting the same thing in equal doses, just a different demographic. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 set in motion what we are seeing today, a huge shift toward 2nd and 3rd world immigrants.
So, for all of the bluster and antics regarding illegal immigration, we are still admitting >900K non W Europeans/yr...and an additional 75K refugees. These people do not share the same ideals as they are from cultures which are highly divergent from our own. The demographic shift is measurable and, as with Europe, intentional.
As these trends continue the shift (culturally) will become more drastic with the passing of time. The gig is up...they sold the island.
Ado about nothing. It is my estimation that the Brits should probably exercise a bit more xenophobia. My of London, Birmingham...Manchester resemble Islamabad more than Britain.

What a mess they have created for themselves.
Isn't that something?

What I've seen and heard about the Muslim migration into England is surprising and a bit depressing. Depressing because it is likely the precursor of what very well could be happening here -- quite likely in fact if the Democrats assume control. Surprising because the British people, themselves, are tolerating it, knowing what has happened in Sweden and is happening in Germany and France.
People will tolerate most things as long as their basic needs are met. We are getting the same thing in equal doses, just a different demographic. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 set in motion what we are seeing today, a huge shift toward 2nd and 3rd world immigrants.
So, for all of the bluster and antics regarding illegal immigration, we are still admitting >900K non W Europeans/yr...and an additional 75K refugees. These people do not share the same ideals as they are from cultures which are highly divergent from our own. The demographic shift is measurable and, as with Europe, intentional.
As these trends continue the shift (culturally) will become more drastic with the passing of time. The gig is up...they sold the island.
------------------------------------------------------------- and thats why i laugh at the stupid ' americans' that say , hey , we just want LEGAL immigration . Legal third world immigration or Illegal third world immigration , Its all the same thing .
Ado about nothing. It is my estimation that the Brits should probably exercise a bit more xenophobia. My of London, Birmingham...Manchester resemble Islamabad more than Britain.

What a mess they have created for themselves.
Isn't that something?

What I've seen and heard about the Muslim migration into England is surprising and a bit depressing. Depressing because it is likely the precursor of what very well could be happening here -- quite likely in fact if the Democrats assume control. Surprising because the British people, themselves, are tolerating it, knowing what has happened in Sweden and is happening in Germany and France.
People will tolerate most things as long as their basic needs are met. We are getting the same thing in equal doses, just a different demographic. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 set in motion what we are seeing today, a huge shift toward 2nd and 3rd world immigrants.
So, for all of the bluster and antics regarding illegal immigration, we are still admitting >900K non W Europeans/yr...and an additional 75K refugees. These people do not share the same ideals as they are from cultures which are highly divergent from our own. The demographic shift is measurable and, as with Europe, intentional.
As these trends continue the shift (culturally) will become more drastic with the passing of time. The gig is up...they sold the island.
We haven't experienced anything like the Brits have in terms of aggressive behavior by migrant Muslims. I believe our armed population and our extremely aggressive police agencies are the reason for that, but I'm not sufficiently confident of the future to disagree with what you've said.

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