An Iran nuke deal.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
This is not about the speech today or President Obama Democrats or Republicans just a simple question if the United States and Iran should reach some kind of a deal on nukes do you think Iran will honor it?
The Iranian Regime has been cheating for more than 30 years...

they don't know the meaning of the word "honor"

too late for them to change now

and I tell you....

things are not looking good in that region....
This is not about the speech today or President Obama Democrats or Republicans just a simple question if the United States and Iran should reach some kind of a deal on nukes do you think Iran will honor it?

Yes! Iran would honor such a thing as fully as Obama has honored His promises about how you can keep your doctor....spend less for health He'd close many many promises....

So few fulfilled.....
Iran honor a commitment?
I guess we should just go ahead and murder their nation then since they are so horrible and we are so honorable. You guys that want spend another trillion dollars reducing another nation to rubble need to get a fucking grip. Any nation that gets threatened with annihilation as much as they do has every reason not to trust us, how many countries have they utterly destroyed lately? Our count is up to 2 in case you warhawks have forgotten already. Third time's the charm perhaps?
Iran openly says their best interest is in having a nuke. So give them a dozen or the end of a cruise missile.
Okay do what Obama wants, iran gets the nuclear bomb. Can we request the first attack will be on California? Then the second will go to Obama's town for him letting Iran get the bomb that will kill millions in the name of Allah. Just saying. At least Netanyahu wants to stop it before it's a reality. Obama is being a pussy, and wants to let them get it and let the next president deal with it. Can I say lack of LEADERSHIP again? My picks for the bomb goes to the liberal states that are demanding this to happen. At one point in time we would come together to protect our land, but Obama has divided this country to the breaking point.
Problem is

Mullas want a nuclear bomb

They will not be allowed to get the bomb


something violent will have to happen

just letting you all know

hope I'm wrong of course
I guess we should just go ahead and murder their nation then since they are so horrible and we are so honorable. You guys that want spend another trillion dollars reducing another nation to rubble need to get a fucking grip. Any nation that gets threatened with annihilation as much as they do has every reason not to trust us, how many countries have they utterly destroyed lately? Our count is up to 2 in case you warhawks have forgotten already. Third time's the charm perhaps?
Congrats you got every far left talkng point in there of course you didn't tell us if you think Iran would honor a deal if one was made with them.
I guess we should just go ahead and murder their nation then since they are so horrible and we are so honorable. You guys that want spend another trillion dollars reducing another nation to rubble need to get a fucking grip. Any nation that gets threatened with annihilation as much as they do has every reason not to trust us, how many countries have they utterly destroyed lately? Our count is up to 2 in case you warhawks have forgotten already. Third time's the charm perhaps?
Congrats you got every far left talkng point in there of course you didn't tell us if you think Iran would honor a deal if one was made with them.
If Israel can be persuaded to back off their constant threats and saber rattling a deal is very possible. Iran has walked back a lot of that shit since they elected a new president but Israel has doubled down on the war talk and it does not seem we have any way make them get on board with any deal Iran would possibly accept. It is clear that Iran wants peace more than Israel who is far more likely at this point to mount an unprovoked attack on Iran than the reverse.
I guess we should just go ahead and murder their nation then since they are so horrible and we are so honorable. You guys that want spend another trillion dollars reducing another nation to rubble need to get a fucking grip. Any nation that gets threatened with annihilation as much as they do has every reason not to trust us, how many countries have they utterly destroyed lately? Our count is up to 2 in case you warhawks have forgotten already. Third time's the charm perhaps?
Congrats you got every far left talkng point in there of course you didn't tell us if you think Iran would honor a deal if one was made with them.
If Israel can be persuaded to back off their constant threats and saber rattling a deal is very possible. Iran has walked back a lot of that shit since they elected a new president but Israel has doubled down on the war talk and it does not seem we have any way make them get on board with any deal Iran would possibly accept. It is clear that Iran wants peace more than Israel who is far more likely at this point to mount an unprovoked attack on Iran than the reverse.
I hate to tell you this but Iran having a new President really doesn't change anything they are they equivelent of a press secetary Ali Khamenei, the mullah who is the supreme leader of Iran is the true power and I believe he and the other Mullahs are still making the same wipe Israel off the map claims.

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