An interesting exercise in survival and humanity


Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2015
Seeing the effects of this virus and the panic from it, both in my area and even on this board.....I am reminded of a training exercise I was part of years ago.

We were divided into 3 or 4 groups of 8-10 people each. The scenario was that we were trapped either under water or in a cave without oxygen, but everyone was given a slip of paper that represented oxygen tanks. The paper was marked as to how much air was each tank. Some were full, others 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 or empty.

Each group supposedly consisted of diverse backgrounds and experiences, though we weren't told why that was important or the full scope of the exercise, until after. Pretty much here you are with this much air...will you survive? Also, no talking allowed and 3 or 5 minute time limit.

Looking at my own paper, I see that mine and another is empty and the rest had varying amounts. As I was considering my plight and what if anything I would or should do about it, the lady next to me handed me her paper which was full. When I looked at her to see why she would do such a thing, She just nodded for me to take it, then pass it around. Which our group kept exchanging our 'air supply'.

When time was up, we were the only group to survive. The other groups either horded their air, or fought over it, and thus didn't survive. They didn't survive because both of their own actions, but also allowed their other members to die......that had different experiences or talents that would also help with the survival.

IOW, those groups let the Dr's, mechanics, farmers or whoever to die in the greed for air, but not considering their use in other ways for their own survival. Make sense???

And now, looking at how people are acting or posting here in the face of this pandemic, I can see total chaos coming because many of you will refuse to come together for the greater good of all. But instead become either the greedy hoarders, or the violent mauraders to take from those who may very well be a valuable asset to your own survival.

Now, stop and think. Which group or even type of person are you????? If the official shit has hit the fan, as it appears to be...….will you survive? Will you REALLY survive? And for how long? Till your supplies are gone? Till there's nobody left to take from?

Or can you possibly sacrifice just a little to help someone else that may be able to help you in other ways? That may create a positive ripple effect in your community????
The jokes on them ... the Chinese have shipped us toilet paper with a substance that causes rectal cancer.

These guys are already dead and don't know it...

Seeing the effects of this virus and the panic from it, both in my area and even on this board.....I am reminded of a training exercise I was part of years ago.

We were divided into 3 or 4 groups of 8-10 people each. The scenario was that we were trapped either under water or in a cave without oxygen, but everyone was given a slip of paper that represented oxygen tanks. The paper was marked as to how much air was each tank. Some were full, others 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 or empty.

Each group supposedly consisted of diverse backgrounds and experiences, though we weren't told why that was important or the full scope of the exercise, until after. Pretty much here you are with this much air...will you survive? Also, no talking allowed and 3 or 5 minute time limit.

Looking at my own paper, I see that mine and another is empty and the rest had varying amounts. As I was considering my plight and what if anything I would or should do about it, the lady next to me handed me her paper which was full. When I looked at her to see why she would do such a thing, She just nodded for me to take it, then pass it around. Which our group kept exchanging our 'air supply'.

When time was up, we were the only group to survive. The other groups either horded their air, or fought over it, and thus didn't survive. They didn't survive because both of their own actions, but also allowed their other members to die......that had different experiences or talents that would also help with the survival.

IOW, those groups let the Dr's, mechanics, farmers or whoever to die in the greed for air, but not considering their use in other ways for their own survival. Make sense???

And now, looking at how people are acting or posting here in the face of this pandemic, I can see total chaos coming because many of you will refuse to come together for the greater good of all. But instead become either the greedy hoarders, or the violent mauraders to take from those who may very well be a valuable asset to your own survival.

Now, stop and think. Which group or even type of person are you????? If the official shit has hit the fan, as it appears to be...….will you survive? Will you REALLY survive? And for how long? Till your supplies are gone? Till there's nobody left to take from?

Or can you possibly sacrifice just a little to help someone else that may be able to help you in other ways? That may create a positive ripple effect in your community????
This reminds me of that annoying song that has been around forever about a wall with 99 bottles of beer on it. If every last one of them can be passed around, other things can be passed around too, things that in my opinion are way more important than some stupid alcoholic beverage that only does more harm compared to whatever good has actually taken place because of it.

God bless you always!!!

Seeing the effects of this virus and the panic from it, both in my area and even on this board.....I am reminded of a training exercise I was part of years ago.

We were divided into 3 or 4 groups of 8-10 people each. The scenario was that we were trapped either under water or in a cave without oxygen, but everyone was given a slip of paper that represented oxygen tanks. The paper was marked as to how much air was each tank. Some were full, others 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 or empty.

Each group supposedly consisted of diverse backgrounds and experiences, though we weren't told why that was important or the full scope of the exercise, until after. Pretty much here you are with this much air...will you survive? Also, no talking allowed and 3 or 5 minute time limit.

Looking at my own paper, I see that mine and another is empty and the rest had varying amounts. As I was considering my plight and what if anything I would or should do about it, the lady next to me handed me her paper which was full. When I looked at her to see why she would do such a thing, She just nodded for me to take it, then pass it around. Which our group kept exchanging our 'air supply'.

When time was up, we were the only group to survive. The other groups either horded their air, or fought over it, and thus didn't survive. They didn't survive because both of their own actions, but also allowed their other members to die......that had different experiences or talents that would also help with the survival.

IOW, those groups let the Dr's, mechanics, farmers or whoever to die in the greed for air, but not considering their use in other ways for their own survival. Make sense???

And now, looking at how people are acting or posting here in the face of this pandemic, I can see total chaos coming because many of you will refuse to come together for the greater good of all. But instead become either the greedy hoarders, or the violent mauraders to take from those who may very well be a valuable asset to your own survival.

Now, stop and think. Which group or even type of person are you????? If the official shit has hit the fan, as it appears to be...….will you survive? Will you REALLY survive? And for how long? Till your supplies are gone? Till there's nobody left to take from?

Or can you possibly sacrifice just a little to help someone else that may be able to help you in other ways? That may create a positive ripple effect in your community????
This reminds me of that annoying song that has been around forever about a wall with 99 bottles of beer on it. If every last one of them can be passed around, other things can be passed around too, things that in my opinion are way more important than some stupid alcoholic beverage that only does more harm compared to whatever good has actually taken place because of it.

God bless you always!!!


Sooooooo, I take it you're one of the hoarders/takers????

So much for your 'blessing'
Seeing the effects of this virus and the panic from it, both in my area and even on this board.....I am reminded of a training exercise I was part of years ago.

We were divided into 3 or 4 groups of 8-10 people each. The scenario was that we were trapped either under water or in a cave without oxygen, but everyone was given a slip of paper that represented oxygen tanks. The paper was marked as to how much air was each tank. Some were full, others 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 or empty.

Each group supposedly consisted of diverse backgrounds and experiences, though we weren't told why that was important or the full scope of the exercise, until after. Pretty much here you are with this much air...will you survive? Also, no talking allowed and 3 or 5 minute time limit.

Looking at my own paper, I see that mine and another is empty and the rest had varying amounts. As I was considering my plight and what if anything I would or should do about it, the lady next to me handed me her paper which was full. When I looked at her to see why she would do such a thing, She just nodded for me to take it, then pass it around. Which our group kept exchanging our 'air supply'.

When time was up, we were the only group to survive. The other groups either horded their air, or fought over it, and thus didn't survive. They didn't survive because both of their own actions, but also allowed their other members to die......that had different experiences or talents that would also help with the survival.

IOW, those groups let the Dr's, mechanics, farmers or whoever to die in the greed for air, but not considering their use in other ways for their own survival. Make sense???

And now, looking at how people are acting or posting here in the face of this pandemic, I can see total chaos coming because many of you will refuse to come together for the greater good of all. But instead become either the greedy hoarders, or the violent mauraders to take from those who may very well be a valuable asset to your own survival.

Now, stop and think. Which group or even type of person are you????? If the official shit has hit the fan, as it appears to be...….will you survive? Will you REALLY survive? And for how long? Till your supplies are gone? Till there's nobody left to take from?

Or can you possibly sacrifice just a little to help someone else that may be able to help you in other ways? That may create a positive ripple effect in your community????
This reminds me of that annoying song that has been around forever about a wall with 99 bottles of beer on it. If every last one of them can be passed around, other things can be passed around too, things that in my opinion are way more important than some stupid alcoholic beverage that only does more harm compared to whatever good has actually taken place because of it.

God bless you always!!!

Sooooooo, I take it you're one of the hoarders/takers????

So much for your 'blessing'
If that is how I come across, it wasn't my intention. I said that if things that are trivial in the grand scheme can be passed around, so can the more important things like what you tell about in your first message in this chat for example. In other words, if something is important enough, spread it all around and to heck with everything else. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!

Seeing the effects of this virus and the panic from it, both in my area and even on this board.....I am reminded of a training exercise I was part of years ago.

We were divided into 3 or 4 groups of 8-10 people each. The scenario was that we were trapped either under water or in a cave without oxygen, but everyone was given a slip of paper that represented oxygen tanks. The paper was marked as to how much air was each tank. Some were full, others 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 or empty.

Each group supposedly consisted of diverse backgrounds and experiences, though we weren't told why that was important or the full scope of the exercise, until after. Pretty much here you are with this much air...will you survive? Also, no talking allowed and 3 or 5 minute time limit.

Looking at my own paper, I see that mine and another is empty and the rest had varying amounts. As I was considering my plight and what if anything I would or should do about it, the lady next to me handed me her paper which was full. When I looked at her to see why she would do such a thing, She just nodded for me to take it, then pass it around. Which our group kept exchanging our 'air supply'.

When time was up, we were the only group to survive. The other groups either horded their air, or fought over it, and thus didn't survive. They didn't survive because both of their own actions, but also allowed their other members to die......that had different experiences or talents that would also help with the survival.

IOW, those groups let the Dr's, mechanics, farmers or whoever to die in the greed for air, but not considering their use in other ways for their own survival. Make sense???

And now, looking at how people are acting or posting here in the face of this pandemic, I can see total chaos coming because many of you will refuse to come together for the greater good of all. But instead become either the greedy hoarders, or the violent mauraders to take from those who may very well be a valuable asset to your own survival.

Now, stop and think. Which group or even type of person are you????? If the official shit has hit the fan, as it appears to be...….will you survive? Will you REALLY survive? And for how long? Till your supplies are gone? Till there's nobody left to take from?

Or can you possibly sacrifice just a little to help someone else that may be able to help you in other ways? That may create a positive ripple effect in your community????
This reminds me of that annoying song that has been around forever about a wall with 99 bottles of beer on it. If every last one of them can be passed around, other things can be passed around too, things that in my opinion are way more important than some stupid alcoholic beverage that only does more harm compared to whatever good has actually taken place because of it.

God bless you always!!!


Sooooooo, I take it you're one of the hoarders/takers????

So much for your 'blessing'


*****SAD SMILE*****


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