An interesting coalition

The problem with the article is that it fails to assert that many of the points it considers failures, and indeed are failures for America.....many on the Left consider them great achievements.

A majority on the Left feel that America is a corrupt and sinister nation, deserving to be asphyxiated and terminated.

They see no good that comes from America and are fully vested in any and all situations which serve to weaken or destroy it.

The question is....How the hell did they get this in their heads ?
The problem with the article is that it fails to assert that many of the points it considers failures, and indeed are failures for America.....many on the Left consider them great achievements.

A majority on the Left feel that America is a corrupt and sinister nation, deserving to be asphyxiated and terminated.

They see no good that comes from America and are fully vested in any and all situations which serve to weaken or destroy it.

The question is....How the hell did they get this in their heads ?

Why do you think I want to destroy America? How do you think destroying America would help me?
The Biggest Political Blunder in American History - American Thinker

to say the least. The bottom feeders and their minions.
The following stood out from the article: "This will not sit well with the rank-and-file left-wing radicals as they will realize they were mere pawns in the lawless seizure of power by their nemeses. The billionaire class, the corporatists and the ruling elites and their collective self-interest runs counter to Marxist/socialist ideology of the left."

Will the Democrat Party split in half? Just going by what's been printed or aired (although muted to save public face) it seems likely at some future date. Already, far left activists and district representatives alike are demanding that future promises be in writing to ensure that their agenda is given a front seat.

If these opposing ideologies face-off without compromise, it's hard to envision both of these opposing segments united under one party label.

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