An Important Post-Election Message About Media Polling…


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
THE MEDIA DIDN’T GET IT WRONG – The pollsters did not work from the wrong data set; the media pollsters, consultants and professional political class did not work from the wrong assumptions, or use the incorrect baselines….. THEY LIED.

LET ME REPEAT....THEY LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The professional media polling agents knew exactly what the truth was.

They lied and manipulated their data in a concerted effort to intentionally falsify reality. There should be no doubt, EVER, in the mind of any political observer as to what took place within the expressed and broadcasted polling which fueled over two years of broadcast news. The media intentionally lied.

They knew the truth. The same tools available to us, and to those who were ridiculed for truth-telling, were available to them and many more. They did not get it wrong. They chose to lie to you the American electorate. So lets name the liars so their names can forever be dispatched from the land where credibility is of value:

Fox News, pollster Daron Shaw, Shaw Research and associates and the Wall Street Journal. Rupert Murdoch.
NBC News, pollster Mark Murray, Hart Research and Associates.
Monmouth University, pollster Patrick Murray.
CBS News and New York Times writ large.
ABC News and The Washington Post.
CNN News Network and ORC Polling.
Rasmussen and Reuters Polling Operations.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Everyone is wringing their hands wondering how the polls got it so wrong. Learned and complicated theories and explanations abound.

No one seems to be applying Occam's Razor.

The simplest explanation is that unprotected voting machines were hacked in battleground states.

For more than a decade, there has been considerable reason to fear the rigging of voting machines, yet bugger all has been done to take the simple measures that would eliminate voting machine hacking. Immense blather this year about vote rigging, but the most likely rigging, voting machine hacking, studiously ignored.

I have been trying to find reliable state-by-state exit polls to compare with the official results, but so far have been unable to find them on our awash-with-information internet.

Just a coincidence, of course. --- :eusa_whistle:
Yes, they intentionally created a false reality. They did lie. And now, even less Americans trust the corrupt American Government/Corporate Media.
and who was it that gave Hillary a 14 point lead?

CNN (Clinton News Network)? NBC? NYTimes? Probably several Communist/Progressive media outlets. But i will say, the L.A. Times did have Trump leading going into Nov. 8th. It's a Communist/Progressive media outlet too, but it has preserved some credibility. I gotta give it that.
and who was it that gave Hillary a 14 point lead?

CNN (Clinton News Network)? NBC? NYTimes? Probably several Communist/Progressive media outlets. But i will say, the L.A. Times did have Trump leading going into Nov. 8th. It's a Communist/Progressive media outlet too, but it has preserved some credibility. I gotta give it that.
more like Hillarys nose grew 14 inches
in 2019 CNN will be adding aliens from Mars and Uranus into their scientific polls. and make sure Mike Pence is always 20 Points Behind Alan Grayson/Charlie Crist
There's a much easier explanation.

They didn't get it wrong, well not most of them.

National polls poll NATIONALLY.

For example, if State A is the largest state, with say 10% of the total population, and one candidate leads in that State by 25%, then the polling firm will call that state 10% of the time.

That single State will throw off the entire poll by x%

The polling company must make those calls, but they should add this explanation with their data.

The poll isn't wrong, it needs adjusted for surplus votes from the States the two candidates most certainly will win from the projected national total. Leave out any swing state from the calculation as those are really the only States that really matter.

I did the calculations 2 weeks prior to the election and figured Clinton needed a 3.9% lead to actually compete for the swings. Over 3.9% and she wins easy. Under 3.9 it becomes a crapshoot. At roughly 2% trump wins the majority of swings and starts eating away at marginal Blue States.

Some polls were actually pretty close when you factor the above in.

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