An Hour and Eight Minutes

Not yet. I do see a lot of the same type language coming out of Trump and the MAGAt movement though that ultimately allowed Hitler to round up his "undesireables" and fire up the ovens.
Gee, the only group I hear using those terms are the democrats. "Deplorables," "MAGAts," Hmmmm. Look in the mirror Magic Moron.
According to CSPAN, the speech was an hour and 8 minutes. Also, apparently, Biden hung around for about 90 minutes after word chatting it up with lawmakers on the House floor.

Impressive performance.
Amphetamines have about a 12-hour biological half-life.
Its amazing how then one day he mumbles incoherently and isnt able to field three questions.
He's got some good meds, but he cant be on them all the time.
Right, it's almost as if you're exaggerating and trying to cover for an insane old orange pile of crap.
Gee, the only group I hear using those terms are the democrats. "Deplorables," "MAGAts," Hmmmm. Look in the mirror Magic Moron.
You need more than hearing aids. As early as 2020 Trump was calling Democrats “fascists” — and of course following Goebbles-style “Big Lie” demagogy insisting he won the election. Now Trump has gotten much worse, and his cult followers fall in line regularly here as everywhere in demonizing Democrats and anyone who challenges or even shows personal disloyalty to this moronic narcissistic little “wannabe” fuhrer or “King.”

But of course Trump is no Hitler and the vast majority of Republicans, even most worshipful Trump Republicans, are even less outright fascists. But Trump himself is losing his mind and traveling down that road, whereas “dementia Joe” as he gets old is still standing as a liberal Democrat, and he at any rate is not playing footsie with dictators who hate American democratic freedoms like Putin.
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You need more than hearing aids. As early as 2020 Trump was calling Democrats “fascists” — and of course following Goebbles-style “Big Lie” demagogy insisting he won the election. Now Trump has gotten much worse, and his cult followers fall in line regularly here as everywhere in demonizing Democrats and anyone who challenges or even shows personal disloyalty to this moronic narcissistic little “wannabe” fuhrer or “King.”

But of course Trump is no Hitler and the vast majority of Republicans, even most worshipful Trump Republicans, are even less outright fascists. But Trump himself is losing his mind and traveling down that road, whereas “dementia Joe” as he gets old is still standing as a liberal Democrat, and he at any rate is not playing footsie with dictators who hate American democratic freedoms like Putin.
Maybe you should use your own hearing aids--deplorables came around in 2016. LMAO--another bot gets his ass handed to him in the first line of lies.
Gee, the only group I hear using those terms are the democrats. "Deplorables," "MAGAts," Hmmmm. Look in the mirror Magic Moron.
Not the same thing as a presidential candidate referring to whole groups of human beings as "vermin who are poisoning the blood of America."
That is straight out of Hitler's playbook.
Nice try at whataboutism though.
Concerned American said: “Maybe you should use your own hearing aids--deplorables came around in 2016. LMAO--another bot gets his ass handed to him in the first line of lies.”

You and your politics are “deplorable” … and surely were so back in 2016. Deplorable was putting it a bit haughtily … but quite accurately. So were and are well more than a third of Trump Republicans, who have by now seemingly lost their minds entirely.

MagicMike put it very well just above. As I’ve said before, historical context and language are important. You understand neither.
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You and your politics are “deplorable” … and surely were so back in 2016. Deplorable was putting it a bit haughtily … but quite accurately. So were and are well more than a third of Trump Republicans, who have by today seemingly lost their minds entirely.
Trump has had your monikers exactly correct if you're using truth as a benchmark. SMFH. Bots are out in force. Glad you all have decided to come out.
And P01135809 is talking with Viktor Orbán, who is the Hungarian prime minister first won power through a democratic election, then proceeded to weaken the institutions of that democracy by eroding the legal system, firing civil servants, politicizing business, attacking the press and intimidating opposition parties and demagoguing migration.

P01135809, whom you idolize, lol , you are a comedy all by itself calling someone else a name.
And P01135809, has left no doubt that he’d try something similar in the United States if he wins a second term – so the presumptive GOP nominee will presumably be eager to compare notes when he hosts Orbán in Florida on Friday.
So take your little chicken -shit name calling and blow it up P01135809 ass. Anyone from texASS like you already has their head so far up P01135809 back side they are thinking you are a hemorrhoid.
Which you really are. All you eunuchs are alike

Wow, great projection there commie. But tell me again about chickenshit name calling, HYPOCRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fact that Joe speaking for an hour impresses you, confirms that you think he is senile too. I mean, who else would you say this about? Talking and hanging out is not supposed to be a challenge for a world leader. :cuckoo:
Not only did he nail it in hour long speech but the “old man” hung around and hour and a half glad handing and back slapping

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