An extensive database of individuals involved in the global warming denial industry.

What is truly disturbing is how many people are mislead by government subsidized propaganda. They label every con man they agree with a "scientist" and everyone they disagree with as a "denialist." They even go as far as trying to shut down skeptical sources of information. That isn't science. That's a cult.

What truly is disturbing is that you dismiss academic qualifications as a concept. You dismiss all and any research as 'propaganda' while happy quoting blogs run by retired plumbers.

You label anyone who does not agree with you a "true believer", and refuse to acknowledge the value of real scientific research and study.

That isn't science, it's a cult.

That's complete and UTTER bullshit.. I'll accept most anything that comes from an objective source.. You've been shown the THREATS from the warmers, You've been shown their emails CONFIRMING data fraud. You've been shown the molested data.

It's NOT up to policy orgs to judge the fight.

THere are plenty of "dissenters" doing GREAT work. Their credentials are plenty good for me. Even IF you can get a Nobel Prize these days for shoddy work and bad documentaries filled with errors and hysteria...

Either debate the science or STFU

Really? The scientists that are doing the research are the bullies? That is why they are facing constant nuiscance lawsuites from the right wingers, and having the lives of their children threatoned by the same people?

The Battle Over Climate Science | Popular Science

For the many scientists who consider themselves both political conservatives and supporters of the consensus position on anthropogenic climate change, ideology and party affiliation provide little shelter from attacks and harassment. Katharine Hayhoe is an atmospheric scientist at Texas Tech University, a political conservative and an evangelical Christian. In 2007, Terry Maple, the co-author of Newt Gingrich’s forthcoming book on environmental entrepreneurship, asked her to write a chapter reviewing the scientific facts surrounding climate change. For most of his political career, Gingrich championed the virtues of science, but last year, while campaigning in the Republican presidential primaries, he dropped Hayhoe’s chapter after Rush Limbaugh discovered her contribution and ridiculed her as a “climate babe.”

“Nice to hear that Gingrich is tossing my climate chapter in the trash,” Hayhoe tweeted on hearing the news. “100+ unpaid hours I could’ve spent playing w[ith] my baby . . .” The day after Hayhoe’s tweet, the American Tradition Institute (ATI), a conservative think tank, announced that it had filed a FOIA request with Texas Tech University “relating to collaboration on a book, using public time and resources.” The ATI’s paperwork referred to Hayhoe as a “climate activist.”

“I can delete the hate mail I got calling me a ‘Nazi bitch whore climatebecile,’” Hayhoe says, “but responding to nuisance lawsuits and investigations takes up enormous amounts of time that could be better spent teaching, mentoring, researching, doing my job.”

“When I get an e-mail that mentions my child and a guillotine,” Hayhoe says, “I sometimes want to pull a blanket over my head. The intent of all this is to discourage scientists. As a woman and a mother, I have to say that sometimes it does achieve its goal. There are many times when I wonder if it’s worth it.”
Can you say witchhunt?
Can you say.....




It's never been this warm before, ever.
I blame the internal combustion engine.
It's the only possible cause. :cuckoo:

Well, since we had a La Nina for the first four months of the year, and are presently ENSO neutral, and the solar input is not higher than normal, that leaves the GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere as the only explanation for the warming that we are experiancing.

U.S. completes warmest 12-month period again, smashes spring record - Capital Weather Gang - The Washington Post

) The period from June 2011 to May 2012 was the warmest 12-months since records began (in 1895) in the continental United States. This unprecedented stretch of warmth bests the previous 12-month record, established just one month ago.
What is truly disturbing is how many people are mislead by government subsidized propaganda. They label every con man they agree with a "scientist" and everyone they disagree with as a "denialist." They even go as far as trying to shut down skeptical sources of information. That isn't science. That's a cult.

What truly is disturbing is that you dismiss academic qualifications as a concept. You dismiss all and any research as 'propaganda' while happy quoting blogs run by retired plumbers.

You label anyone who does not agree with you a "true believer", and refuse to acknowledge the value of real scientific research and study.

That isn't science, it's a cult.

That's complete and UTTER bullshit.. I'll accept most anything that comes from an objective source.. You've been shown the THREATS from the warmers, You've been shown their emails CONFIRMING data fraud. You've been shown the molested data.

It's NOT up to policy orgs to judge the fight.

THere are plenty of "dissenters" doing GREAT work. Their credentials are plenty good for me. Even IF you can get a Nobel Prize these days for shoddy work and bad documentaries filled with errors and hysteria...

Either debate the science or STFU

You know, Flatulance, you are full of shit. You do not accept what comes from real scientific sources. And the work being done by the scientists all over the world is not shoddy. It is peer reviewed, unlike the shit from the people with zero scientific background you deniers link to.

This is the evidence, presented by the largest associatioin of Physicists in the world, the American Institute of Physics;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
"Global Warming resisters should be recognized and treated."
-Karie Marie Norgaard (Goose-Stepping National Socialist)


What do you suppose she means by "treated"? :eek:

The left sure do like the involuntary medical solution to dissent, don't they?

It worked for the Soviets.
They're still mad that Reagan was mean to the Evil Empire.
Most environmental nutjobs want to kill them.

What utter nonsense....honestly, why the hell would you post garbage like that?

I say "environmental nutjobs", and you get all defensive. Hmmm...

I suspect that eradicating small pox was wrong. It played an important part in balancing ecosystems. -- John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal

Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs. -- John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal

The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but a good thing....This is not to say that the rise of human civilization is insignificant, but there is no way of showing that it will be much help to the world in the long run. -- Economist editorial

We advocate biodiversity for biodiversity’s sake. It may take our extinction to set things straight -- David Foreman, Earth First!

Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental. -- Dave Forman, Founder of Earth First!

If radical environmentalists were to invent a disease to bring human populations back to sanity, it would probably be something like AIDS -- Earth First! Newsletter

Human happiness, and certainly human fecundity, is not as important as a wild and healthy planets...Some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along. -- David Graber, biologist, National Park Service

The collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans. -- Dr. Reed F. Noss, The Wildlands Project

If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels. -- Prince Phillip, World Wildlife Fund

Cannibalism is a "radical but realistic solution to the problem of overpopulation." -- Lyall Watson, The Financial Times, 15 July 1995​

It’s terrible to have to say this. World population must be stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldn't even say it. But the general situation in which we are involved is lamentable.” -- Jacques Cousteau
Meeting Doctor Doom - Some scientists want to drastically reduce world population
Professor Pianka said the Earth, as we know it, will not survive without drastic measures. Then, and without presenting any data to justify this number, he asserted that the only feasible solution to saving the Earth is to reduce the population to 10 percent of the present number.

He then showed solutions for reducing the world's population in the form of a slide depicting the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. War and famine would not do, he explained. Instead, disease offered the most efficient and fastest way to kill the billions that must soon die, if the population crisis is to be solved.

Pianka then displayed a slide showing rows of human skulls, one of which had red lights flashing from its eye sockets.

AIDS is not an efficient killer, he explained, because it is too slow. His favorite candidate for eliminating 90 percent of the world's population is airborne Ebola (Ebola Reston), because it is both highly lethal, and it kills in days, instead of years. However, Professor Pianka did not mention that Ebola victims die a slow and torturous death, as the virus initiates a cascade of biological calamities inside the victim that eventually liquefy the internal organs.

After praising the Ebola virus for its efficiency at killing, Pianka paused, leaned over the lectern, looked at us, and carefully said: "We've got airborne 90 percent mortality in humans. Killing humans. Think about that."​
Yet, despite Death’s dismal record for slowing human population growth, some today advocate utilizing more of his services for the benefit of all. They’re trying to make the Grim Reaper look good.

Like Pentti Linkola of Saaksmaki, Finland, quoted in the Wall Street Journal (1) Another world war, he says (in Finnish), would be “a happy occasion for the planet ... If there were a button I could press, I would sacrifice myself without hesitating if it meant millions would die.”​

Will you now admit you're wrong?

I doubt it.
Global warming exists, for numerous reasons.........As does climate change historically

Just not much in the last ten years, and not in line with alarmists expectations

Then again, they were on the global cooling bandwagon back in the seventies........

Our only hope is for humanity to regress, thats our only chance Before its too late !!!!

Another lies swallowed hook, sinker, and all by the ignorant.

What were climate scientists predicting in the 1970s?

The fact is that around 1970 there were 6 times as many scientists predicting a warming rather than a cooling planet. Today, with 30+years more data to analyse, we've reached a clear scientific consensus: 97% of working climate scientists agree with the view that human beings are causing global warming.
The Global Cooling Scare Revisited (‘Ice Age' Holdren had plenty of company) — MasterResource
“The worriers about cooling included Science, the most influential scientific journal in the world, quoting an official of the World Meteorological Organization; the National Academy of Sciences worrying about the onset of a 10,000 year ice age; Newsweek warning that food production could be adversely affected within a decade; the New York Times quoting an official of the National Center for Atmospheric Research; and Science Digest, the science periodical with the largest circulation.”

- Julian Simon, “What Does the Future Hold? The Forecast in a Nutshell,” in Simon, ed., The State of Humanity (Cambridge, Mass: Blackwell, 1995), p. 646.​
"Global Warming resisters should be recognized and treated."
-Karie Marie Norgaard (Goose-Stepping National Socialist)


What do you suppose she means by "treated"? :eek:

The left sure do like the involuntary medical solution to dissent, don't they?

It worked for the Soviets.
They're still mad that Reagan was mean to the Evil Empire.

Indeed. Reagan's greatest crime? Telling people it was okay to be proud to be an American.
Global warming exists, for numerous reasons.........As does climate change historically

Just not much in the last ten years, and not in line with alarmists expectations

Then again, they were on the global cooling bandwagon back in the seventies........

Our only hope is for humanity to regress, thats our only chance Before its too late !!!!

Another lies swallowed hook, sinker, and all by the ignorant.

What were climate scientists predicting in the 1970s?

The fact is that around 1970 there were 6 times as many scientists predicting a warming rather than a cooling planet. Today, with 30+years more data to analyse, we've reached a clear scientific consensus: 97% of working climate scientists agree with the view that human beings are causing global warming.

The fact is that around 1970 there were 6 times as many scientists predicting a warming rather than a cooling planet.

So why did they change the name?
Proof that you don't need to know that much about climate change pseudo-science to recognize con men from a mile away.


Because people who don't know much about climate change are in such a strong position to challenge the likes of the UK Meterological Office, the British Conservative Party and British Academy of Sciences.

When in doubt - back idiocy over science.

I figure there must be a lot of people out there who never need to consult a doctor, because their friend Jack knows all about medicine, and none of that pseudo-science they teach in Med School. Jack learned all you need to know about medicine through his work humping garbage.

Have you found that proof that nobody, NOBODY, has produced yet that conclusively demonstrates the rise of CO2 as the prime driver of Global Warming?

Without that, any support of the notion of AGW is purely and exclusively political.
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It appears the AGW cult has created an enemies list. What possible honest purpose could this be used for?

Global Warming Disinformation Database

DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there's anyone or any organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed "expert," think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here.

This does sound like a good idea - it's terrible how many people in the usa seem to very easily misled by blogs and self-appointed experts, while ignoring genuine scientific sources. This is very much a US phenomenon, but it is disturbing.

Maybe it is time to out some of these anti-science voices?

How many countries have implemented the Kyoto Accords?
Without that, any support of the notion of AGW is purely and exclusively political.


And yet I can list 50 major scientific bodies which have stated that CO2 is the primary driver, and there is not one which believes otherwise.

Face facts man - the whole basis of climate scepticism is political. Just be honest about it.
What is truly disturbing is how many people are mislead by government subsidized propaganda. They label every con man they agree with a "scientist" and everyone they disagree with as a "denialist." They even go as far as trying to shut down skeptical sources of information. That isn't science. That's a cult.

What truly is disturbing is that you dismiss academic qualifications as a concept. You dismiss all and any research as 'propaganda' while happy quoting blogs run by retired plumbers.

You label anyone who does not agree with you a "true believer", and refuse to acknowledge the value of real scientific research and study.

That isn't science, it's a cult.

You have the cart before the horse.

You need to prove your case before you demand that people believe it.

Where is the proof?
"Academic credentials" are meaningless when it comes to scientific truth..


So when you are sick, you don't go to a qualified doctor?

The only good, real science of any validity is produced by highly qualified researchers, operating with peer review.

You actually know this, I imagine, but prefer the message on

And what is your feeling on science that has not proven its theory, but demands that it be accepted and that the scientists be handsomely paid to continue their research.

If the science is settled and the Truth with a capital T is known, why is funding for additional research needed?
However, the main concern that many of you true believers seem to have, is not the science of global warming, but the heretics who refuse to believe. Then, a reasonable person has to ask why are they so upset that people don't believe? What is behind their need for people to believe? We aren't dealing with a religion here, or are we?

This really is a hileraious post. :eusa_drool:

You don't want to labeled a heretic, and yet you have no problem in labeling me a 'true believer'.

And you wonder why people get frustrated?

I get frustatrated by people needing to slap a childish and insulting label on anyone and everyone who disagrees with them.

Here's an idea - stop using insulting labels and maybe you won't be labeled in return?

I have no problem with being labeled a heretic. When it comes to the religion of global warming, that is what I am.

A true believer is someone who accepts a concept as true, and has a problem with those who do not have the same view. That pretty well seems to define your defense of the science of global warming. Your feigned indignation over being referred to as a true believer has to be nothing more than a knee jerk reaction to being outed.

However, your response is non responsive to the gist of my remarks. Why are you true believers so upset that many of us refuse to accept the science of global warming?

Could it be that you are more interested in the politics of global warming, and are afraid that the skeptics are derailing your goals?

The need to have a story accepted absent proof is more in line with a child trying to avoid blame than with a scientist proving the validity of a theory.

If there is proof, present it.

If there is no proof, continue the current approach. I don't see much in the way of proof.

I do see plenty of pleading for acceptance.

So when you are sick, you don't go to a qualified doctor?

The only good, real science of any validity is produced by highly qualified researchers, operating with peer review.

You actually know this, I imagine, but prefer the message on

His credentials don't indicate a thing about whether his theories on some drug being effective are correct. Only well designed tests results prove that one way or another.

So when you go to a doctor, you have no interest in his qualifications. Interesting.

What of the doctor who is wrong with every prediction, every prescription and every recommendation who conducts treatment and finds to his surprise that all of his patients have conditions that do not respond to his treatments.

Would you use that doctor? That is the description of the AGW scientists your seem to revere.
The problem is simply that the climate change agenda does not have fixing anything as a goal. It's only agenda is to make money.

And you base this claim on, what ....exactly?

It just strikes me as such a trite and meaningless claim, and in many cases patently untrue.

It also seems to assume that the opposition to climate change are not influenced by money, which is also patently untrue given we know the coal and nuclear industries have spent a lot of money attempting to politicize the topic.

A great deal of climate change research involves very little government funding, and I am not aware of a single case where government funding to a university has been tagged to the results of that university's research.

If you know otherwise - let's see the proof.

Here's a more fair way to gauge this:

Are the governments of all countries giving equal amounts to organizations that oppose this theory as well as those who support it?

Is the equal distribution a stated policy?

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