An example of MAJOR Leftist soft bigotry manifesting in Schools. Simply Incredible.

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
Listen to this kids' resume

The Stats
He's a senior this year, thus has been in school for 3.5 years
22 classes failed
Late or Absent 272 days
0.13 GPA (62nd in his class of 120)

The Context
Yes, you read that right. Approximately 60 kids have a 0.13 GPA or less. Meanwhile, The school continued to promote him and pass him even though he failed classes. He failed Spanish I and Algebra I, but then next year was promoted to Spanish II and Algebra II

She says this blindsided her, and she had no idea. She had these things to say:

"I feel like they never gave my son an opportunity, like if there was an issue with him, not advancing or not progressing, that they should have contacted me first, three years ago."

"The School failed at their job. They failed. They failed, thats the problem here. They failed. They Failed. He didn't deserve that."

So let's tackle the issues here:

Who is at fault as far as the student? Well, that comes down to the massive difference between leftist and Conservative ideologies. Conservatives believe in self-responsibility, and to have such massively horrible grades is a product of behavior that obviously wasn't much even trying. And hey, that's not unheard of in any school and culture. Most schools have failures and drop-outs. The obvious shocking reality here is that over half of the students at this school have nearly impossibly failing grades. Conservatives believe that standards can be adjusted, but they try not to, and hold lines to challenge and thus better student learning and habits in our society. Leftists believe the child is a victim of a bad system. Often, it's supposed racist teachers, racist schools, or a racist country. They attempt to portray a 0.13 GPA and 272 days of missed class as a student as innocently trying as hard as they can, and it's the unjust system that is keeping them down. They advocate for the laxing of academic standards until quotas are met, thus making places of education less and less challenging, and thus getting lower expectations and results.

Who is at fault as far as the Parent/School relationship? Well, I do think the school should have reached out to the parent to tell her that her son is performing at an alarmingly poor rate. Mind you, we're only getting one side of the story. She says they never did, I'd be curious to see if they did. However, to address the core issues here again, Conservatives would put onus on the parent to be involved in your child's affairs and seek out the teacher/school to know what is going on. Demand you get report cards from your child. If the child doesn't produce, go get them to see if he's lying. She obviously didn't do that. Leftists would likely say it's 100% the school's responsibility to do such work, and come to the parent's doorstep. It all boils down to one side being vigilant and individualistic and the other being passive and expecting help.

What do I think?
I think the kid is a slacker, surrounded by slackers who all don't value education at all. It's not crazy to entertain the possibility that these kids view school as yet another unjust institution in America, which is a racist country. It's very prevalent in Baltimore politics. As a Conservative, I think if he even moderately dedicated himself, he could achieve passing grades, especially with how much they've been watered down. He has the potential, he just isn't acting on it, and is instead comfortable blaming other things for his failure.

I think the parent, who I empathize with who has multiple children and works three jobs, is overwhelmed and can't be involved aggressively in her kids day-to-day lives. However, to go 3.5 years and be blindsided by any possibility of a kid having an astronomically low GPA is just too extreme to ignore. The kid could skip school here and there and get away with it, but 272 days? No way. Kids are sneaky, but these are such extreme numbers there's no way. I know it can come off as pompous, but given how extreme these numbers are, she didn't care to know how well he was doing, and is now crying in front the cameras and blaming something else.

I think the school is failing all of these students who fail classes and yet are promoted to the next level. The only reason to do so would be outside political pressure of quotas in school. If a bunch of black kids are failing, they know they'll be bombarded by media, leftists, Democrats, etc. as racists. So, they just toss them along at the sacrifice them at the alter of identity politics. These kids need to be challenged, even if mildly. They need to be told they're wrong, and capable of more.
Maybe they should enroll some black mentally retarded students to up that GPA a scant

Gee. The valedictorian has a 1.0

They got Blutoski beat though. And he's white.

Listen to this kids' resume

The Stats
He's a senior this year, thus has been in school for 3.5 years
22 classes failed
Late or Absent 272 days
0.13 GPA (62nd in his class of 120)

The Context
Yes, you read that right. Approximately 60 kids have a 0.13 GPA or less. Meanwhile, The school continued to promote him and pass him even though he failed classes. He failed Spanish I and Algebra I, but then next year was promoted to Spanish II and Algebra II

She says this blindsided her, and she had no idea. She had these things to say:

"I feel like they never gave my son an opportunity, like if there was an issue with him, not advancing or not progressing, that they should have contacted me first, three years ago."

"The School failed at their job. They failed. They failed, thats the problem here. They failed. They Failed. He didn't deserve that."

So let's tackle the issues here:

Who is at fault as far as the student? Well, that comes down to the massive difference between leftist and Conservative ideologies. Conservatives believe in self-responsibility, and to have such massively horrible grades is a product of behavior that obviously wasn't much even trying. And hey, that's not unheard of in any school and culture. Most schools have failures and drop-outs. The obvious shocking reality here is that over half of the students at this school have nearly impossibly failing grades. Conservatives believe that standards can be adjusted, but they try not to, and hold lines to challenge and thus better student learning and habits in our society. Leftists believe the child is a victim of a bad system. Often, it's supposed racist teachers, racist schools, or a racist country. They attempt to portray a 0.13 GPA and 272 days of missed class as a student as innocently trying as hard as they can, and it's the unjust system that is keeping them down. They advocate for the laxing of academic standards until quotas are met, thus making places of education less and less challenging, and thus getting lower expectations and results.

Who is at fault as far as the Parent/School relationship? Well, I do think the school should have reached out to the parent to tell her that her son is performing at an alarmingly poor rate. Mind you, we're only getting one side of the story. She says they never did, I'd be curious to see if they did. However, to address the core issues here again, Conservatives would put onus on the parent to be involved in your child's affairs and seek out the teacher/school to know what is going on. Demand you get report cards from your child. If the child doesn't produce, go get them to see if he's lying. She obviously didn't do that. Leftists would likely say it's 100% the school's responsibility to do such work, and come to the parent's doorstep. It all boils down to one side being vigilant and individualistic and the other being passive and expecting help.

What do I think?
I think the kid is a slacker, surrounded by slackers who all don't value education at all. It's not crazy to entertain the possibility that these kids view school as yet another unjust institution in America, which is a racist country. It's very prevalent in Baltimore politics. As a Conservative, I think if he even moderately dedicated himself, he could achieve passing grades, especially with how much they've been watered down. He has the potential, he just isn't acting on it, and is instead comfortable blaming other things for his failure.

I think the parent, who I empathize with who has multiple children and works three jobs, is overwhelmed and can't be involved aggressively in her kids day-to-day lives. However, to go 3.5 years and be blindsided by any possibility of a kid having an astronomically low GPA is just too extreme to ignore. The kid could skip school here and there and get away with it, but 272 days? No way. Kids are sneaky, but these are such extreme numbers there's no way. I know it can come off as pompous, but given how extreme these numbers are, she didn't care to know how well he was doing, and is now crying in front the cameras and blaming something else.

I think the school is failing all of these students who fail classes and yet are promoted to the next level. The only reason to do so would be outside political pressure of quotas in school. If a bunch of black kids are failing, they know they'll be bombarded by media, leftists, Democrats, etc. as racists. So, they just toss them along at the sacrifice them at the alter of identity politics. These kids need to be challenged, even if mildly. They need to be told they're wrong, and capable of more.
Show me a failed student and I will show you a failed parent...his mother is as useless as the school.
..yes--for example, when you teach kids that criminals/criminality is good and law-order bad--you get shitheads from shithole schools [ can I use those terms in the CDZ?! ]
..when the schools BLATANTLY focus on teaching whites are EVIL and not math/etc --you will get shitheads
remember the Atlanta school scandal? MANY teachers/etc were SCREWING over the kids!!!

I think the school is failing all of these students who fail classes and yet are promoted to the next level. The only reason to do so would be outside political pressure of quotas in school.
I think it depends on the location. However, they do have parent/teacher conferences. I wonder how many parents actually attend those.

I have seen schools pass students to the next level because the class behind them is so large that there isn't enough room. I just watched a superintendent put a kid into a higher grade than he was at in another state. He had been held back a year because he had some delays and was not operating at the grade level he should have been at. At the high school level, I've encountered times where the school didn't want the parents involved at all unless they were bringing something to Robotics.
"Soft Bigotry" was Jim Crow laws. What we are faced with is something akin to the Sufan Movement.

Historically, the earliest Chinese communist Sufan had been initiated by Zhang Guotao in 1932.

The People's Daily, in an attempt to provide justification for the purge, reported that ten percent of Communist Party members were secret traitors and needed to be purged. This number appears to have been taken as a quota for the number of arrests that needed to occur.[10]

There were three categories of Sufan targets:

  1. Ex-Kuomintang personnel, regardless of war captive or surrender.
  2. Anyone with landlord or wealthy families.
  3. Non-Communist intellectuals.[9]
The Sufan movement was a sequel to the campaign of criticizing Hu Feng,[9] and finally ended in late 1957.[5]

The bed wetters are already dead, and they don't even know it. I'm glad I died in Iraq.

Listen to this kids' resume

The Stats
He's a senior this year, thus has been in school for 3.5 years
22 classes failed
Late or Absent 272 days
0.13 GPA (62nd in his class of 120)

The Context
Yes, you read that right. Approximately 60 kids have a 0.13 GPA or less. Meanwhile, The school continued to promote him and pass him even though he failed classes. He failed Spanish I and Algebra I, but then next year was promoted to Spanish II and Algebra II

She says this blindsided her, and she had no idea. She had these things to say:

"I feel like they never gave my son an opportunity, like if there was an issue with him, not advancing or not progressing, that they should have contacted me first, three years ago."

"The School failed at their job. They failed. They failed, thats the problem here. They failed. They Failed. He didn't deserve that."

So let's tackle the issues here:

Who is at fault as far as the student? Well, that comes down to the massive difference between leftist and Conservative ideologies. Conservatives believe in self-responsibility, and to have such massively horrible grades is a product of behavior that obviously wasn't much even trying. And hey, that's not unheard of in any school and culture. Most schools have failures and drop-outs. The obvious shocking reality here is that over half of the students at this school have nearly impossibly failing grades. Conservatives believe that standards can be adjusted, but they try not to, and hold lines to challenge and thus better student learning and habits in our society. Leftists believe the child is a victim of a bad system. Often, it's supposed racist teachers, racist schools, or a racist country. They attempt to portray a 0.13 GPA and 272 days of missed class as a student as innocently trying as hard as they can, and it's the unjust system that is keeping them down. They advocate for the laxing of academic standards until quotas are met, thus making places of education less and less challenging, and thus getting lower expectations and results.

Who is at fault as far as the Parent/School relationship? Well, I do think the school should have reached out to the parent to tell her that her son is performing at an alarmingly poor rate. Mind you, we're only getting one side of the story. She says they never did, I'd be curious to see if they did. However, to address the core issues here again, Conservatives would put onus on the parent to be involved in your child's affairs and seek out the teacher/school to know what is going on. Demand you get report cards from your child. If the child doesn't produce, go get them to see if he's lying. She obviously didn't do that. Leftists would likely say it's 100% the school's responsibility to do such work, and come to the parent's doorstep. It all boils down to one side being vigilant and individualistic and the other being passive and expecting help.

What do I think?
I think the kid is a slacker, surrounded by slackers who all don't value education at all. It's not crazy to entertain the possibility that these kids view school as yet another unjust institution in America, which is a racist country. It's very prevalent in Baltimore politics. As a Conservative, I think if he even moderately dedicated himself, he could achieve passing grades, especially with how much they've been watered down. He has the potential, he just isn't acting on it, and is instead comfortable blaming other things for his failure.

I think the parent, who I empathize with who has multiple children and works three jobs, is overwhelmed and can't be involved aggressively in her kids day-to-day lives. However, to go 3.5 years and be blindsided by any possibility of a kid having an astronomically low GPA is just too extreme to ignore. The kid could skip school here and there and get away with it, but 272 days? No way. Kids are sneaky, but these are such extreme numbers there's no way. I know it can come off as pompous, but given how extreme these numbers are, she didn't care to know how well he was doing, and is now crying in front the cameras and blaming something else.

I think the school is failing all of these students who fail classes and yet are promoted to the next level. The only reason to do so would be outside political pressure of quotas in school. If a bunch of black kids are failing, they know they'll be bombarded by media, leftists, Democrats, etc. as racists. So, they just toss them along at the sacrifice them at the alter of identity politics. These kids need to be challenged, even if mildly. They need to be told they're wrong, and capable of more.
Show me a failed student and I will show you a failed parent...his mother is as useless as the school.
Didn't she ever read a report card?
I think the school is failing all of these students who fail classes and yet are promoted to the next level. The only reason to do so would be outside political pressure of quotas in school.
I think it depends on the location. However, they do have parent/teacher conferences. I wonder how many parents actually attend those.

I have seen schools pass students to the next level because the class behind them is so large that there isn't enough room. I just watched a superintendent put a kid into a higher grade than he was at in another state. He had been held back a year because he had some delays and was not operating at the grade level he should have been at. At the high school level, I've encountered times where the school didn't want the parents involved at all unless they were bringing something to Robotics.
They don't want you to interfere in their Socialist Doctrine of stupidity. Plus they want them to be able to name all 57 genders backwards. Gender studies take time.
When a school informs a parent of a failing student the parent sues the school for racism. There is no fight that will prevail. It's been going on for years.
Listen to this kids' resume

The Stats
He's a senior this year, thus has been in school for 3.5 years
22 classes failed
Late or Absent 272 days
0.13 GPA (62nd in his class of 120)

The Context
Yes, you read that right. Approximately 60 kids have a 0.13 GPA or less. Meanwhile, The school continued to promote him and pass him even though he failed classes. He failed Spanish I and Algebra I, but then next year was promoted to Spanish II and Algebra II

She says this blindsided her, and she had no idea. She had these things to say:

"I feel like they never gave my son an opportunity, like if there was an issue with him, not advancing or not progressing, that they should have contacted me first, three years ago."

"The School failed at their job. They failed. They failed, thats the problem here. They failed. They Failed. He didn't deserve that."

So let's tackle the issues here:

Who is at fault as far as the student? Well, that comes down to the massive difference between leftist and Conservative ideologies. Conservatives believe in self-responsibility, and to have such massively horrible grades is a product of behavior that obviously wasn't much even trying. And hey, that's not unheard of in any school and culture. Most schools have failures and drop-outs. The obvious shocking reality here is that over half of the students at this school have nearly impossibly failing grades. Conservatives believe that standards can be adjusted, but they try not to, and hold lines to challenge and thus better student learning and habits in our society. Leftists believe the child is a victim of a bad system. Often, it's supposed racist teachers, racist schools, or a racist country. They attempt to portray a 0.13 GPA and 272 days of missed class as a student as innocently trying as hard as they can, and it's the unjust system that is keeping them down. They advocate for the laxing of academic standards until quotas are met, thus making places of education less and less challenging, and thus getting lower expectations and results.

Who is at fault as far as the Parent/School relationship? Well, I do think the school should have reached out to the parent to tell her that her son is performing at an alarmingly poor rate. Mind you, we're only getting one side of the story. She says they never did, I'd be curious to see if they did. However, to address the core issues here again, Conservatives would put onus on the parent to be involved in your child's affairs and seek out the teacher/school to know what is going on. Demand you get report cards from your child. If the child doesn't produce, go get them to see if he's lying. She obviously didn't do that. Leftists would likely say it's 100% the school's responsibility to do such work, and come to the parent's doorstep. It all boils down to one side being vigilant and individualistic and the other being passive and expecting help.

What do I think?
I think the kid is a slacker, surrounded by slackers who all don't value education at all. It's not crazy to entertain the possibility that these kids view school as yet another unjust institution in America, which is a racist country. It's very prevalent in Baltimore politics. As a Conservative, I think if he even moderately dedicated himself, he could achieve passing grades, especially with how much they've been watered down. He has the potential, he just isn't acting on it, and is instead comfortable blaming other things for his failure.

I think the parent, who I empathize with who has multiple children and works three jobs, is overwhelmed and can't be involved aggressively in her kids day-to-day lives. However, to go 3.5 years and be blindsided by any possibility of a kid having an astronomically low GPA is just too extreme to ignore. The kid could skip school here and there and get away with it, but 272 days? No way. Kids are sneaky, but these are such extreme numbers there's no way. I know it can come off as pompous, but given how extreme these numbers are, she didn't care to know how well he was doing, and is now crying in front the cameras and blaming something else.

I think the school is failing all of these students who fail classes and yet are promoted to the next level. The only reason to do so would be outside political pressure of quotas in school. If a bunch of black kids are failing, they know they'll be bombarded by media, leftists, Democrats, etc. as racists. So, they just toss them along at the sacrifice them at the alter of identity politics. These kids need to be challenged, even if mildly. They need to be told they're wrong, and capable of more.
Have you notified the school and let them know how dissatisfied you are?
Listen to this kids' resume

The Stats
He's a senior this year, thus has been in school for 3.5 years
22 classes failed
Late or Absent 272 days
0.13 GPA (62nd in his class of 120)

The Context
Yes, you read that right. Approximately 60 kids have a 0.13 GPA or less. Meanwhile, The school continued to promote him and pass him even though he failed classes. He failed Spanish I and Algebra I, but then next year was promoted to Spanish II and Algebra II

She says this blindsided her, and she had no idea. She had these things to say:

"I feel like they never gave my son an opportunity, like if there was an issue with him, not advancing or not progressing, that they should have contacted me first, three years ago."

"The School failed at their job. They failed. They failed, thats the problem here. They failed. They Failed. He didn't deserve that."

So let's tackle the issues here:

Who is at fault as far as the student? Well, that comes down to the massive difference between leftist and Conservative ideologies. Conservatives believe in self-responsibility, and to have such massively horrible grades is a product of behavior that obviously wasn't much even trying. And hey, that's not unheard of in any school and culture. Most schools have failures and drop-outs. The obvious shocking reality here is that over half of the students at this school have nearly impossibly failing grades. Conservatives believe that standards can be adjusted, but they try not to, and hold lines to challenge and thus better student learning and habits in our society. Leftists believe the child is a victim of a bad system. Often, it's supposed racist teachers, racist schools, or a racist country. They attempt to portray a 0.13 GPA and 272 days of missed class as a student as innocently trying as hard as they can, and it's the unjust system that is keeping them down. They advocate for the laxing of academic standards until quotas are met, thus making places of education less and less challenging, and thus getting lower expectations and results.

Who is at fault as far as the Parent/School relationship? Well, I do think the school should have reached out to the parent to tell her that her son is performing at an alarmingly poor rate. Mind you, we're only getting one side of the story. She says they never did, I'd be curious to see if they did. However, to address the core issues here again, Conservatives would put onus on the parent to be involved in your child's affairs and seek out the teacher/school to know what is going on. Demand you get report cards from your child. If the child doesn't produce, go get them to see if he's lying. She obviously didn't do that. Leftists would likely say it's 100% the school's responsibility to do such work, and come to the parent's doorstep. It all boils down to one side being vigilant and individualistic and the other being passive and expecting help.

What do I think?
I think the kid is a slacker, surrounded by slackers who all don't value education at all. It's not crazy to entertain the possibility that these kids view school as yet another unjust institution in America, which is a racist country. It's very prevalent in Baltimore politics. As a Conservative, I think if he even moderately dedicated himself, he could achieve passing grades, especially with how much they've been watered down. He has the potential, he just isn't acting on it, and is instead comfortable blaming other things for his failure.

I think the parent, who I empathize with who has multiple children and works three jobs, is overwhelmed and can't be involved aggressively in her kids day-to-day lives. However, to go 3.5 years and be blindsided by any possibility of a kid having an astronomically low GPA is just too extreme to ignore. The kid could skip school here and there and get away with it, but 272 days? No way. Kids are sneaky, but these are such extreme numbers there's no way. I know it can come off as pompous, but given how extreme these numbers are, she didn't care to know how well he was doing, and is now crying in front the cameras and blaming something else.

I think the school is failing all of these students who fail classes and yet are promoted to the next level. The only reason to do so would be outside political pressure of quotas in school. If a bunch of black kids are failing, they know they'll be bombarded by media, leftists, Democrats, etc. as racists. So, they just toss them along at the sacrifice them at the alter of identity politics. These kids need to be challenged, even if mildly. They need to be told they're wrong, and capable of more.
It's pretty clear to me that EVERYONE failed this kid, his parents, the school, and society at large.
It's pretty clear to me that EVERYONE failed this kid, his parents, the school, and society at large.

An interesting statement. To what degree did people fail?

Like, how much onus do you put on each? And how did "society at large", a portion you added, fail this kid?

If I had to give a percentage, I would say the onus of this kids failure is
75% the kid and parent for missing 272 days, a 0.13 GPA, and not knowing anything about what was happening in the kids school life.
25% the school for bowing to woke ideology and pushing unqualified black kids through school in fear of being called racist.
Listen to this kids' resume

The Stats
He's a senior this year, thus has been in school for 3.5 years
22 classes failed
Late or Absent 272 days
0.13 GPA (62nd in his class of 120)

The Context
Yes, you read that right. Approximately 60 kids have a 0.13 GPA or less. Meanwhile, The school continued to promote him and pass him even though he failed classes. He failed Spanish I and Algebra I, but then next year was promoted to Spanish II and Algebra II

She says this blindsided her, and she had no idea. She had these things to say:

"I feel like they never gave my son an opportunity, like if there was an issue with him, not advancing or not progressing, that they should have contacted me first, three years ago."

"The School failed at their job. They failed. They failed, thats the problem here. They failed. They Failed. He didn't deserve that."

So let's tackle the issues here:

Who is at fault as far as the student? Well, that comes down to the massive difference between leftist and Conservative ideologies. Conservatives believe in self-responsibility, and to have such massively horrible grades is a product of behavior that obviously wasn't much even trying. And hey, that's not unheard of in any school and culture. Most schools have failures and drop-outs. The obvious shocking reality here is that over half of the students at this school have nearly impossibly failing grades. Conservatives believe that standards can be adjusted, but they try not to, and hold lines to challenge and thus better student learning and habits in our society. Leftists believe the child is a victim of a bad system. Often, it's supposed racist teachers, racist schools, or a racist country. They attempt to portray a 0.13 GPA and 272 days of missed class as a student as innocently trying as hard as they can, and it's the unjust system that is keeping them down. They advocate for the laxing of academic standards until quotas are met, thus making places of education less and less challenging, and thus getting lower expectations and results.

Who is at fault as far as the Parent/School relationship? Well, I do think the school should have reached out to the parent to tell her that her son is performing at an alarmingly poor rate. Mind you, we're only getting one side of the story. She says they never did, I'd be curious to see if they did. However, to address the core issues here again, Conservatives would put onus on the parent to be involved in your child's affairs and seek out the teacher/school to know what is going on. Demand you get report cards from your child. If the child doesn't produce, go get them to see if he's lying. She obviously didn't do that. Leftists would likely say it's 100% the school's responsibility to do such work, and come to the parent's doorstep. It all boils down to one side being vigilant and individualistic and the other being passive and expecting help.

What do I think?
I think the kid is a slacker, surrounded by slackers who all don't value education at all. It's not crazy to entertain the possibility that these kids view school as yet another unjust institution in America, which is a racist country. It's very prevalent in Baltimore politics. As a Conservative, I think if he even moderately dedicated himself, he could achieve passing grades, especially with how much they've been watered down. He has the potential, he just isn't acting on it, and is instead comfortable blaming other things for his failure.

I think the parent, who I empathize with who has multiple children and works three jobs, is overwhelmed and can't be involved aggressively in her kids day-to-day lives. However, to go 3.5 years and be blindsided by any possibility of a kid having an astronomically low GPA is just too extreme to ignore. The kid could skip school here and there and get away with it, but 272 days? No way. Kids are sneaky, but these are such extreme numbers there's no way. I know it can come off as pompous, but given how extreme these numbers are, she didn't care to know how well he was doing, and is now crying in front the cameras and blaming something else.

I think the school is failing all of these students who fail classes and yet are promoted to the next level. The only reason to do so would be outside political pressure of quotas in school. If a bunch of black kids are failing, they know they'll be bombarded by media, leftists, Democrats, etc. as racists. So, they just toss them along at the sacrifice them at the alter of identity politics. These kids need to be challenged, even if mildly. They need to be told they're wrong, and capable of more.


This is a genuine case of racism.

Some "progressives" are so intent on protecting certain folks that they do not realize that being condescending and patronizing like that is pure, unadulterated racism.

In plain English, they do not feel that certain folks have what it takes to meet certain standards.

And they have the gall to label other people as "racists"!

Man, oh man, this country is in BIG trouble as standards start falling throughout society at every level.
Listen to this kids' resume

The Stats
He's a senior this year, thus has been in school for 3.5 years
22 classes failed
Late or Absent 272 days
0.13 GPA (62nd in his class of 120)

The Context
Yes, you read that right. Approximately 60 kids have a 0.13 GPA or less. Meanwhile, The school continued to promote him and pass him even though he failed classes. He failed Spanish I and Algebra I, but then next year was promoted to Spanish II and Algebra II

She says this blindsided her, and she had no idea. She had these things to say:

"I feel like they never gave my son an opportunity, like if there was an issue with him, not advancing or not progressing, that they should have contacted me first, three years ago."

"The School failed at their job. They failed. They failed, thats the problem here. They failed. They Failed. He didn't deserve that."

So let's tackle the issues here:

Who is at fault as far as the student? Well, that comes down to the massive difference between leftist and Conservative ideologies. Conservatives believe in self-responsibility, and to have such massively horrible grades is a product of behavior that obviously wasn't much even trying. And hey, that's not unheard of in any school and culture. Most schools have failures and drop-outs. The obvious shocking reality here is that over half of the students at this school have nearly impossibly failing grades. Conservatives believe that standards can be adjusted, but they try not to, and hold lines to challenge and thus better student learning and habits in our society. Leftists believe the child is a victim of a bad system. Often, it's supposed racist teachers, racist schools, or a racist country. They attempt to portray a 0.13 GPA and 272 days of missed class as a student as innocently trying as hard as they can, and it's the unjust system that is keeping them down. They advocate for the laxing of academic standards until quotas are met, thus making places of education less and less challenging, and thus getting lower expectations and results.

Who is at fault as far as the Parent/School relationship? Well, I do think the school should have reached out to the parent to tell her that her son is performing at an alarmingly poor rate. Mind you, we're only getting one side of the story. She says they never did, I'd be curious to see if they did. However, to address the core issues here again, Conservatives would put onus on the parent to be involved in your child's affairs and seek out the teacher/school to know what is going on. Demand you get report cards from your child. If the child doesn't produce, go get them to see if he's lying. She obviously didn't do that. Leftists would likely say it's 100% the school's responsibility to do such work, and come to the parent's doorstep. It all boils down to one side being vigilant and individualistic and the other being passive and expecting help.

What do I think?
I think the kid is a slacker, surrounded by slackers who all don't value education at all. It's not crazy to entertain the possibility that these kids view school as yet another unjust institution in America, which is a racist country. It's very prevalent in Baltimore politics. As a Conservative, I think if he even moderately dedicated himself, he could achieve passing grades, especially with how much they've been watered down. He has the potential, he just isn't acting on it, and is instead comfortable blaming other things for his failure.

I think the parent, who I empathize with who has multiple children and works three jobs, is overwhelmed and can't be involved aggressively in her kids day-to-day lives. However, to go 3.5 years and be blindsided by any possibility of a kid having an astronomically low GPA is just too extreme to ignore. The kid could skip school here and there and get away with it, but 272 days? No way. Kids are sneaky, but these are such extreme numbers there's no way. I know it can come off as pompous, but given how extreme these numbers are, she didn't care to know how well he was doing, and is now crying in front the cameras and blaming something else.

I think the school is failing all of these students who fail classes and yet are promoted to the next level. The only reason to do so would be outside political pressure of quotas in school. If a bunch of black kids are failing, they know they'll be bombarded by media, leftists, Democrats, etc. as racists. So, they just toss them along at the sacrifice them at the alter of identity politics. These kids need to be challenged, even if mildly. They need to be told they're wrong, and capable of more.
3rd threat on black academic failure; we get it.
I think the school is failing all of these students who fail classes and yet are promoted to the next level. The only reason to do so would be outside political pressure of quotas in school.
I think it depends on the location. However, they do have parent/teacher conferences. I wonder how many parents actually attend those.

I have seen schools pass students to the next level because the class behind them is so large that there isn't enough room. I just watched a superintendent put a kid into a higher grade than he was at in another state. He had been held back a year because he had some delays and was not operating at the grade level he should have been at. At the high school level, I've encountered times where the school didn't want the parents involved at all unless they were bringing something to Robotics.
They don't want you to interfere in their Socialist Doctrine of stupidity. Plus they want them to be able to name all 57 genders backwards. Gender studies take time.

I don't know what they are teaching there but my kid graduated last year and didn't have to go through all that nonsense. In fact, there were a couple of gay for a day girls, bi boys and at least one trans kid. They went by their names. Sometimes, "Hey you!" worked. Any pronouns used meant someone was talking crap and the pronoun was the least of the problems.

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