An Evaluation Of The Here And Now


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
Robert Front

1. At this point in time, America has moved beyond the crossroads, beyond the tipping point. In full disclosure, I see no way back to the America of our Founders.

“So deep and intractable are the divisions that our most fundamental rights—to religious liberty, freedom of speech, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty— are under relentless attack. We can no longer even agree on so basic a principle as the need for a legal immigration process to protect our sovereignty and civic culture….cast aside by Democrats bent on sabotaging Trump’s presidency, regardless of the effects of their defection on America’s national security….patriotic loyalty, which is now suspect as loyalty to “white nationalism” and “white supremacy.”
David Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

2. Succinctly put, we can no longer look to shared American values with a party that opposes free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one's religion, whether individuals should be judged on their merits, or on the basis of their skin color, gender, and sexual orientation.

3. “Identity Politics,” …. is an ideology that is racial and collectivist, that privileges groups over individuals and demonizes those who fall on the wrong side of its social equations. As a worldview, Identity Politics is fundamentally at odds with America’s core principles of individual freedom, accountability, and equality, which have been the foundation of the nation’s progress for more than two hundred years.

Identity Politics is often referred to as Political Correctness, but it is more accurately understood as Cultural Marxism—the idea that American society is characterized by oppressive hierarchies, and thus divided into warring races, genders, and classes. Political Correctness is a term that describes a left-wing party line. It was coined by the mass murderer Mao Zedong in the 1930s to keep his followers under the heel of the Chi- nese Communist Party. Adherents of the progressive party line today regard white Americans, males, Christians, and Jews as “oppressors”— enemies—and themselves as warriors for social justice.”
Horowitz, Op. Cit.

4. There is the unanchored hope that enlightening those who have been co-opted by government school and state media, might see what has happened when the origins of what they have been tricked into accepting is presented. Here:

“According to Wikipedia, the phrase “Identity Politics” first appeared in a 1978 manifesto written by self-described black feminist “revolutionaries,” who were members of the “Combahee River Collective.” “We realize that the liberation of all oppressed peoples necessitates the destruction of the political-economic systems of capitalism and imperialism as well as patriarchy.” Combahee River Collective, “The Combahee River Collective Statement,” April 1977,
The Combahee River Collective Statement

We call the two roads 'Republican' and 'Democrat.'

Most, it appears, have chosen their route.
Sadly, many have been given the wrong directions.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
Robert Front

1. At this point in time, America has moved beyond the crossroads, beyond the tipping point. In full disclosure, I see no way back to the America of our Founders.

“So deep and intractable are the divisions that our most fundamental rights—to religious liberty, freedom of speech, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty— are under relentless attack. We can no longer even agree on so basic a principle as the need for a legal immigration process to protect our sovereignty and civic culture….cast aside by Democrats bent on sabotaging Trump’s presidency, regardless of the effects of their defection on America’s national security….patriotic loyalty, which is now suspect as loyalty to “white nationalism” and “white supremacy.”
David Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

2. Succinctly put, we can no longer look to shared American values with a party that opposes free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one's religion, whether individuals should be judged on their merits, or on the basis of their skin color, gender, and sexual orientation.

3. “Identity Politics,” …. is an ideology that is racial and collectivist, that privileges groups over individuals and demonizes those who fall on the wrong side of its social equations. As a worldview, Identity Politics is fundamentally at odds with America’s core principles of individual freedom, accountability, and equality, which have been the foundation of the nation’s progress for more than two hundred years.

Identity Politics is often referred to as Political Correctness, but it is more accurately understood as Cultural Marxism—the idea that American society is characterized by oppressive hierarchies, and thus divided into warring races, genders, and classes. Political Correctness is a term that describes a left-wing party line. It was coined by the mass murderer Mao Zedong in the 1930s to keep his followers under the heel of the Chi- nese Communist Party. Adherents of the progressive party line today regard white Americans, males, Christians, and Jews as “oppressors”— enemies—and themselves as warriors for social justice.”
Horowitz, Op. Cit.

4. There is the unanchored hope that enlightening those who have been co-opted by government school and state media, might see what has happened when the origins of what they have been tricked into accepting is presented. Here:

“According to Wikipedia, the phrase “Identity Politics” first appeared in a 1978 manifesto written by self-described black feminist “revolutionaries,” who were members of the “Combahee River Collective.” “We realize that the liberation of all oppressed peoples necessitates the destruction of the political-economic systems of capitalism and imperialism as well as patriarchy.” Combahee River Collective, “The Combahee River Collective Statement,” April 1977,
The Combahee River Collective Statement

We call the two roads 'Republican' and 'Democrat.'

Most, it appears, have chosen their route.
Sadly, many have been given the wrong directions.

Robert Frost, Russian bot. Think your handlers can at least get the names right? :auiqs.jpg:

Republicans have brought about that which they now rail against. So the knee jerks back in the other direction.
And nothing changes...except your poutrage.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
Robert Front

1. At this point in time, America has moved beyond the crossroads, beyond the tipping point. In full disclosure, I see no way back to the America of our Founders.

“So deep and intractable are the divisions that our most fundamental rights—to religious liberty, freedom of speech, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty— are under relentless attack. We can no longer even agree on so basic a principle as the need for a legal immigration process to protect our sovereignty and civic culture….cast aside by Democrats bent on sabotaging Trump’s presidency, regardless of the effects of their defection on America’s national security….patriotic loyalty, which is now suspect as loyalty to “white nationalism” and “white supremacy.”
David Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

2. Succinctly put, we can no longer look to shared American values with a party that opposes free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one's religion, whether individuals should be judged on their merits, or on the basis of their skin color, gender, and sexual orientation.

3. “Identity Politics,” …. is an ideology that is racial and collectivist, that privileges groups over individuals and demonizes those who fall on the wrong side of its social equations. As a worldview, Identity Politics is fundamentally at odds with America’s core principles of individual freedom, accountability, and equality, which have been the foundation of the nation’s progress for more than two hundred years.

Identity Politics is often referred to as Political Correctness, but it is more accurately understood as Cultural Marxism—the idea that American society is characterized by oppressive hierarchies, and thus divided into warring races, genders, and classes. Political Correctness is a term that describes a left-wing party line. It was coined by the mass murderer Mao Zedong in the 1930s to keep his followers under the heel of the Chi- nese Communist Party. Adherents of the progressive party line today regard white Americans, males, Christians, and Jews as “oppressors”— enemies—and themselves as warriors for social justice.”
Horowitz, Op. Cit.

4. There is the unanchored hope that enlightening those who have been co-opted by government school and state media, might see what has happened when the origins of what they have been tricked into accepting is presented. Here:

“According to Wikipedia, the phrase “Identity Politics” first appeared in a 1978 manifesto written by self-described black feminist “revolutionaries,” who were members of the “Combahee River Collective.” “We realize that the liberation of all oppressed peoples necessitates the destruction of the political-economic systems of capitalism and imperialism as well as patriarchy.” Combahee River Collective, “The Combahee River Collective Statement,” April 1977,
The Combahee River Collective Statement

We call the two roads 'Republican' and 'Democrat.'

Most, it appears, have chosen their route.
Sadly, many have been given the wrong directions.

Robert Frost, Russian bot. Think your handlers can at least get the names right? :auiqs.jpg:

Republicans have brought about that which they now rail against. So the knee jerks back in the other direction.
And nothing changes...except your poutrage.

Thank you. I corrected it.

Now....perhaps you can get to the point of the OP...…our most fundamental rights—to religious liberty, freedom of speech, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty— are under relentless attack.

I know that your side doesn't read....
[Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges. Coulter]....

But perhaps you'll make an exception for this book, written by a Liberal.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
Robert Front

1. At this point in time, America has moved beyond the crossroads, beyond the tipping point. In full disclosure, I see no way back to the America of our Founders.

“So deep and intractable are the divisions that our most fundamental rights—to religious liberty, freedom of speech, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty— are under relentless attack. We can no longer even agree on so basic a principle as the need for a legal immigration process to protect our sovereignty and civic culture….cast aside by Democrats bent on sabotaging Trump’s presidency, regardless of the effects of their defection on America’s national security….patriotic loyalty, which is now suspect as loyalty to “white nationalism” and “white supremacy.”
David Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

2. Succinctly put, we can no longer look to shared American values with a party that opposes free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one's religion, whether individuals should be judged on their merits, or on the basis of their skin color, gender, and sexual orientation.

3. “Identity Politics,” …. is an ideology that is racial and collectivist, that privileges groups over individuals and demonizes those who fall on the wrong side of its social equations. As a worldview, Identity Politics is fundamentally at odds with America’s core principles of individual freedom, accountability, and equality, which have been the foundation of the nation’s progress for more than two hundred years.

Identity Politics is often referred to as Political Correctness, but it is more accurately understood as Cultural Marxism—the idea that American society is characterized by oppressive hierarchies, and thus divided into warring races, genders, and classes. Political Correctness is a term that describes a left-wing party line. It was coined by the mass murderer Mao Zedong in the 1930s to keep his followers under the heel of the Chi- nese Communist Party. Adherents of the progressive party line today regard white Americans, males, Christians, and Jews as “oppressors”— enemies—and themselves as warriors for social justice.”
Horowitz, Op. Cit.

4. There is the unanchored hope that enlightening those who have been co-opted by government school and state media, might see what has happened when the origins of what they have been tricked into accepting is presented. Here:

“According to Wikipedia, the phrase “Identity Politics” first appeared in a 1978 manifesto written by self-described black feminist “revolutionaries,” who were members of the “Combahee River Collective.” “We realize that the liberation of all oppressed peoples necessitates the destruction of the political-economic systems of capitalism and imperialism as well as patriarchy.” Combahee River Collective, “The Combahee River Collective Statement,” April 1977,
The Combahee River Collective Statement

We call the two roads 'Republican' and 'Democrat.'

Most, it appears, have chosen their route.
Sadly, many have been given the wrong directions.

I don't believe we're "beyond the tipping point".

Americans are historically slow to anger to the point of national response.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
Robert Front

1. At this point in time, America has moved beyond the crossroads, beyond the tipping point. In full disclosure, I see no way back to the America of our Founders.

“So deep and intractable are the divisions that our most fundamental rights—to religious liberty, freedom of speech, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty— are under relentless attack. We can no longer even agree on so basic a principle as the need for a legal immigration process to protect our sovereignty and civic culture….cast aside by Democrats bent on sabotaging Trump’s presidency, regardless of the effects of their defection on America’s national security….patriotic loyalty, which is now suspect as loyalty to “white nationalism” and “white supremacy.”
David Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

2. Succinctly put, we can no longer look to shared American values with a party that opposes free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one's religion, whether individuals should be judged on their merits, or on the basis of their skin color, gender, and sexual orientation.

3. “Identity Politics,” …. is an ideology that is racial and collectivist, that privileges groups over individuals and demonizes those who fall on the wrong side of its social equations. As a worldview, Identity Politics is fundamentally at odds with America’s core principles of individual freedom, accountability, and equality, which have been the foundation of the nation’s progress for more than two hundred years.

Identity Politics is often referred to as Political Correctness, but it is more accurately understood as Cultural Marxism—the idea that American society is characterized by oppressive hierarchies, and thus divided into warring races, genders, and classes. Political Correctness is a term that describes a left-wing party line. It was coined by the mass murderer Mao Zedong in the 1930s to keep his followers under the heel of the Chi- nese Communist Party. Adherents of the progressive party line today regard white Americans, males, Christians, and Jews as “oppressors”— enemies—and themselves as warriors for social justice.”
Horowitz, Op. Cit.

4. There is the unanchored hope that enlightening those who have been co-opted by government school and state media, might see what has happened when the origins of what they have been tricked into accepting is presented. Here:

“According to Wikipedia, the phrase “Identity Politics” first appeared in a 1978 manifesto written by self-described black feminist “revolutionaries,” who were members of the “Combahee River Collective.” “We realize that the liberation of all oppressed peoples necessitates the destruction of the political-economic systems of capitalism and imperialism as well as patriarchy.” Combahee River Collective, “The Combahee River Collective Statement,” April 1977,
The Combahee River Collective Statement

We call the two roads 'Republican' and 'Democrat.'

Most, it appears, have chosen their route.
Sadly, many have been given the wrong directions.

I don't believe we're "beyond the tipping point".

Americans are historically slow to anger to the point of national response.

I hope you are correct, but I fear that years of left-wing(and our enemies) indoctrination may have taken their toll.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
Robert Front

1. At this point in time, America has moved beyond the crossroads, beyond the tipping point. In full disclosure, I see no way back to the America of our Founders.

“So deep and intractable are the divisions that our most fundamental rights—to religious liberty, freedom of speech, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty— are under relentless attack. We can no longer even agree on so basic a principle as the need for a legal immigration process to protect our sovereignty and civic culture….cast aside by Democrats bent on sabotaging Trump’s presidency, regardless of the effects of their defection on America’s national security….patriotic loyalty, which is now suspect as loyalty to “white nationalism” and “white supremacy.”
David Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

2. Succinctly put, we can no longer look to shared American values with a party that opposes free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one's religion, whether individuals should be judged on their merits, or on the basis of their skin color, gender, and sexual orientation.

3. “Identity Politics,” …. is an ideology that is racial and collectivist, that privileges groups over individuals and demonizes those who fall on the wrong side of its social equations. As a worldview, Identity Politics is fundamentally at odds with America’s core principles of individual freedom, accountability, and equality, which have been the foundation of the nation’s progress for more than two hundred years.

Identity Politics is often referred to as Political Correctness, but it is more accurately understood as Cultural Marxism—the idea that American society is characterized by oppressive hierarchies, and thus divided into warring races, genders, and classes. Political Correctness is a term that describes a left-wing party line. It was coined by the mass murderer Mao Zedong in the 1930s to keep his followers under the heel of the Chi- nese Communist Party. Adherents of the progressive party line today regard white Americans, males, Christians, and Jews as “oppressors”— enemies—and themselves as warriors for social justice.”
Horowitz, Op. Cit.

4. There is the unanchored hope that enlightening those who have been co-opted by government school and state media, might see what has happened when the origins of what they have been tricked into accepting is presented. Here:

“According to Wikipedia, the phrase “Identity Politics” first appeared in a 1978 manifesto written by self-described black feminist “revolutionaries,” who were members of the “Combahee River Collective.” “We realize that the liberation of all oppressed peoples necessitates the destruction of the political-economic systems of capitalism and imperialism as well as patriarchy.” Combahee River Collective, “The Combahee River Collective Statement,” April 1977,
The Combahee River Collective Statement

We call the two roads 'Republican' and 'Democrat.'

Most, it appears, have chosen their route.
Sadly, many have been given the wrong directions.

Robert Frost, Russian bot. Think your handlers can at least get the names right? :auiqs.jpg:

Republicans have brought about that which they now rail against. So the knee jerks back in the other direction.
And nothing changes...except your poutrage.

Thank you. I corrected it.

Now....perhaps you can get to the point of the OP...…our most fundamental rights—to religious liberty, freedom of speech, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty— are under relentless attack.

I know that your side doesn't read....
[Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges. Coulter]....

But perhaps you'll make an exception for this book, written by a Liberal.

View attachment 481245

I did address it. Republicans for decades had a hand in creating the backlash you are seeing now.
You aware that there are now legislative initiatives in over 30 states to restrict the right to vote?...who do you
think those laws are aimed at?

So are you surprised the pendulum swings the other way now?
Powers is about as right wing as you get.
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Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
Robert Front

1. At this point in time, America has moved beyond the crossroads, beyond the tipping point. In full disclosure, I see no way back to the America of our Founders.

“So deep and intractable are the divisions that our most fundamental rights—to religious liberty, freedom of speech, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty— are under relentless attack. We can no longer even agree on so basic a principle as the need for a legal immigration process to protect our sovereignty and civic culture….cast aside by Democrats bent on sabotaging Trump’s presidency, regardless of the effects of their defection on America’s national security….patriotic loyalty, which is now suspect as loyalty to “white nationalism” and “white supremacy.”
David Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

2. Succinctly put, we can no longer look to shared American values with a party that opposes free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one's religion, whether individuals should be judged on their merits, or on the basis of their skin color, gender, and sexual orientation.

3. “Identity Politics,” …. is an ideology that is racial and collectivist, that privileges groups over individuals and demonizes those who fall on the wrong side of its social equations. As a worldview, Identity Politics is fundamentally at odds with America’s core principles of individual freedom, accountability, and equality, which have been the foundation of the nation’s progress for more than two hundred years.

Identity Politics is often referred to as Political Correctness, but it is more accurately understood as Cultural Marxism—the idea that American society is characterized by oppressive hierarchies, and thus divided into warring races, genders, and classes. Political Correctness is a term that describes a left-wing party line. It was coined by the mass murderer Mao Zedong in the 1930s to keep his followers under the heel of the Chi- nese Communist Party. Adherents of the progressive party line today regard white Americans, males, Christians, and Jews as “oppressors”— enemies—and themselves as warriors for social justice.”
Horowitz, Op. Cit.

4. There is the unanchored hope that enlightening those who have been co-opted by government school and state media, might see what has happened when the origins of what they have been tricked into accepting is presented. Here:

“According to Wikipedia, the phrase “Identity Politics” first appeared in a 1978 manifesto written by self-described black feminist “revolutionaries,” who were members of the “Combahee River Collective.” “We realize that the liberation of all oppressed peoples necessitates the destruction of the political-economic systems of capitalism and imperialism as well as patriarchy.” Combahee River Collective, “The Combahee River Collective Statement,” April 1977,
The Combahee River Collective Statement

We call the two roads 'Republican' and 'Democrat.'

Most, it appears, have chosen their route.
Sadly, many have been given the wrong directions.

Robert Frost, Russian bot. Think your handlers can at least get the names right? :auiqs.jpg:

Republicans have brought about that which they now rail against. So the knee jerks back in the other direction.
And nothing changes...except your poutrage.

Thank you. I corrected it.

Now....perhaps you can get to the point of the OP...…our most fundamental rights—to religious liberty, freedom of speech, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty— are under relentless attack.

I know that your side doesn't read....
[Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges. Coulter]....

But perhaps you'll make an exception for this book, written by a Liberal.

View attachment 481245

I did address it. Republicans for decades had a hand in creating the backlash you are seeing now.
You aware that there are now legislative initiatives in over 30 states to restrict the right to vote?...who do you
think those laws are aimed at?

So are you surprised the pendulum swings the other way now?
Powers is about as right wing as you get.

Yeah, they are restricting the right to vote for those eligible to vote as opposed to allowing anyone to use someone else’s name to vote. How misled of them. Democrats want no part of a fair election. They want every illegal and criminal they can find to vote. It is rather obvious to anyone paying attention.
opposed to allowing anyone to use someone else’s name to vote.

Can you point to any instances of that ACTUALLY happening?

People showing up to vote and finding someone has voted under their identity?
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
Robert Front

1. At this point in time, America has moved beyond the crossroads, beyond the tipping point. In full disclosure, I see no way back to the America of our Founders.

“So deep and intractable are the divisions that our most fundamental rights—to religious liberty, freedom of speech, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty— are under relentless attack. We can no longer even agree on so basic a principle as the need for a legal immigration process to protect our sovereignty and civic culture….cast aside by Democrats bent on sabotaging Trump’s presidency, regardless of the effects of their defection on America’s national security….patriotic loyalty, which is now suspect as loyalty to “white nationalism” and “white supremacy.”
David Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

2. Succinctly put, we can no longer look to shared American values with a party that opposes free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one's religion, whether individuals should be judged on their merits, or on the basis of their skin color, gender, and sexual orientation.

3. “Identity Politics,” …. is an ideology that is racial and collectivist, that privileges groups over individuals and demonizes those who fall on the wrong side of its social equations. As a worldview, Identity Politics is fundamentally at odds with America’s core principles of individual freedom, accountability, and equality, which have been the foundation of the nation’s progress for more than two hundred years.

Identity Politics is often referred to as Political Correctness, but it is more accurately understood as Cultural Marxism—the idea that American society is characterized by oppressive hierarchies, and thus divided into warring races, genders, and classes. Political Correctness is a term that describes a left-wing party line. It was coined by the mass murderer Mao Zedong in the 1930s to keep his followers under the heel of the Chi- nese Communist Party. Adherents of the progressive party line today regard white Americans, males, Christians, and Jews as “oppressors”— enemies—and themselves as warriors for social justice.”
Horowitz, Op. Cit.

4. There is the unanchored hope that enlightening those who have been co-opted by government school and state media, might see what has happened when the origins of what they have been tricked into accepting is presented. Here:

“According to Wikipedia, the phrase “Identity Politics” first appeared in a 1978 manifesto written by self-described black feminist “revolutionaries,” who were members of the “Combahee River Collective.” “We realize that the liberation of all oppressed peoples necessitates the destruction of the political-economic systems of capitalism and imperialism as well as patriarchy.” Combahee River Collective, “The Combahee River Collective Statement,” April 1977,
The Combahee River Collective Statement

We call the two roads 'Republican' and 'Democrat.'

Most, it appears, have chosen their route.
Sadly, many have been given the wrong directions.

Robert Frost, Russian bot. Think your handlers can at least get the names right? :auiqs.jpg:

Republicans have brought about that which they now rail against. So the knee jerks back in the other direction.
And nothing changes...except your poutrage.
Nothing to add but a typo. Forget about in 90 days you've fucked the country but good..IN ONLY 90 days!!

Do you realize how good you have to be to fuck up things royally in 90 days only?

The only road you've ever taken is either dirty or a dead-end. Or Both.
1. At this point in time, America has moved beyond the crossroads, beyond the tipping point. In full disclosure, I see no way back to the America of our Founders.
I concur- adamantly- there is a country song with a line that says, when you leave that way you can never go back, a train won't run on a torn up track-

To this, I'll add- when havoc is created, chaos ensues and catastrophe is inevitable- it' the Natural order of things
Catastrophe can be minimized, with knowledge, but it cannot be avoided.
It is illogical to contend that things should never change how does a nation adapt if they don't change? Politics and societies are not stagnant operations that still operate like the cave men did..Sorry Polislick.
Both sid s want everyone to see things their way....never ever going to happen. THANKFULLY. That Would not be good if everyone thought the same exact ideals..
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
Robert Front

1. At this point in time, America has moved beyond the crossroads, beyond the tipping point. In full disclosure, I see no way back to the America of our Founders.

“So deep and intractable are the divisions that our most fundamental rights—to religious liberty, freedom of speech, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty— are under relentless attack. We can no longer even agree on so basic a principle as the need for a legal immigration process to protect our sovereignty and civic culture….cast aside by Democrats bent on sabotaging Trump’s presidency, regardless of the effects of their defection on America’s national security….patriotic loyalty, which is now suspect as loyalty to “white nationalism” and “white supremacy.”
David Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

2. Succinctly put, we can no longer look to shared American values with a party that opposes free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one's religion, whether individuals should be judged on their merits, or on the basis of their skin color, gender, and sexual orientation.

3. “Identity Politics,” …. is an ideology that is racial and collectivist, that privileges groups over individuals and demonizes those who fall on the wrong side of its social equations. As a worldview, Identity Politics is fundamentally at odds with America’s core principles of individual freedom, accountability, and equality, which have been the foundation of the nation’s progress for more than two hundred years.

Identity Politics is often referred to as Political Correctness, but it is more accurately understood as Cultural Marxism—the idea that American society is characterized by oppressive hierarchies, and thus divided into warring races, genders, and classes. Political Correctness is a term that describes a left-wing party line. It was coined by the mass murderer Mao Zedong in the 1930s to keep his followers under the heel of the Chi- nese Communist Party. Adherents of the progressive party line today regard white Americans, males, Christians, and Jews as “oppressors”— enemies—and themselves as warriors for social justice.”
Horowitz, Op. Cit.

4. There is the unanchored hope that enlightening those who have been co-opted by government school and state media, might see what has happened when the origins of what they have been tricked into accepting is presented. Here:

“According to Wikipedia, the phrase “Identity Politics” first appeared in a 1978 manifesto written by self-described black feminist “revolutionaries,” who were members of the “Combahee River Collective.” “We realize that the liberation of all oppressed peoples necessitates the destruction of the political-economic systems of capitalism and imperialism as well as patriarchy.” Combahee River Collective, “The Combahee River Collective Statement,” April 1977,
The Combahee River Collective Statement

We call the two roads 'Republican' and 'Democrat.'

Most, it appears, have chosen their route.
Sadly, many have been given the wrong directions.

Robert Frost, Russian bot. Think your handlers can at least get the names right? :auiqs.jpg:

Republicans have brought about that which they now rail against. So the knee jerks back in the other direction.
And nothing changes...except your poutrage.

Thank you. I corrected it.

Now....perhaps you can get to the point of the OP...…our most fundamental rights—to religious liberty, freedom of speech, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty— are under relentless attack.

I know that your side doesn't read....
[Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges. Coulter]....

But perhaps you'll make an exception for this book, written by a Liberal.

View attachment 481245

I did address it. Republicans for decades had a hand in creating the backlash you are seeing now.
You aware that there are now legislative initiatives in over 30 states to restrict the right to vote?...who do you
think those laws are aimed at?

So are you surprised the pendulum swings the other way now?
Powers is about as right wing as you get.

Yeah, they are restricting the right to vote for those eligible to vote as opposed to allowing anyone to use someone else’s name to vote. How misled of them. Democrats want no part of a fair election. They want every illegal and criminal they can find to vote. It is rather obvious to anyone paying attention.

Except illegals aren't allowed to vote. There are Republicans who have stated flat out that all people shouldn't vote. Funny how they target only those "dark" areas when they say that. Interesting that all these bills come on the heels of a free and fair election that was found to be "the most secure in our history" by everyone from state election officials, the last guy's own AG and security team, and dozens of judges making rulings against him.

So, let me change the ending to this sentence.
"our most fundamental rights—to religious liberty, freedom of speech, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty" --- Are afforded to some, but not all.

Place any group you'd care to in the "but not all" category. Black, hispanic, Asian, LGBTQ, etc, know, anybody that's "different".

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