An End To The Russian Social Media Campaign Or A Purge/End Of Fake Liberal Accounts?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Not long ago it was reported that former President Barak Obama 'suddenly' lost THOUSANDS of 'Followers' when Twitter purged their system of FAKE, NON-EXISTENT USERS / ACCOUNTS...

It is being reported today that Facebook creator Mark Zuckerbrg lost $15 BILLION in 5 Minutes as 'Users VANISHED' and stocks plunged.

Facebook's grim forecast: privacy push will erode profits for years

'Users Vanished' ... just like with Twitter.

So I am wondering, are we witnessing the Russians pulling out of Social Media and ending their military-style campaign using social media to cause chaos (figuring their job is done because the division created by them and Trump-Haters has this country in a mess right now)...

Or is it the Obama administration loyalists / FBI Counter-Intelligence Op against Trump / Leftists stopping what they were / are doing? (I mean the loss of THOUSANDS of Obama Twitter followers can easily be explained as since he is no longer in office he has shut down his administration's 'Department Of False Twitter Followers' Agency. :p )

Russians or Liberals?

Either one, Mark Zuckerberg just got bent over (the worst 'quickie' he ever got! :p )

Of course, the revelation that Zuckerberg was 'in league' with all the 'privacy haters / violators, that he was 'spying on people', downloading / capturing their data, and selling it / sharing it, has really turned people off. He has been working really hard to 'earn back trust'....but the loss of $15 Billion in 5 minutes shows no one is buying his crooked BS designed to save his own ass.
$15 billion? Try $110 billion now.
Facebook Shares Plunge After Earnings Fall Short
Facebook shares plummeted more than 18 percent in midday trading on Thursday, erasing over $110 billion from the social media giant’s market value.
Not long ago it was reported that former President Barak Obama 'suddenly' lost THOUSANDS of 'Followers' when Twitter purged their system of FAKE, NON-EXISTENT USERS / ACCOUNTS...

It is being reported today that Facebook creator Mark Zuckerbrg lost $15 BILLION in 5 Minutes as 'Users VANISHED' and stocks plunged.

Facebook's grim forecast: privacy push will erode profits for years

'Users Vanished' ... just like with Twitter.

So I am wondering, are we witnessing the Russians pulling out of Social Media and ending their military-style campaign using social media to cause chaos (figuring their job is done because the division created by them and Trump-Haters has this country in a mess right now)...

Or is it the Obama administration loyalists / FBI Counter-Intelligence Op against Trump / Leftists stopping what they were / are doing? (I mean the loss of THOUSANDS of Obama Twitter followers can easily be explained as since he is no longer in office he has shut down his administration's 'Department Of False Twitter Followers' Agency. :p )

Russians or Liberals?

Either one, Mark Zuckerberg just got bent over (the worst 'quickie' he ever got! :p )

Of course, the revelation that Zuckerberg was 'in league' with all the 'privacy haters / violators, that he was 'spying on people', downloading / capturing their data, and selling it / sharing it, has really turned people off. He has been working really hard to 'earn back trust'....but the loss of $15 Billion in 5 minutes shows no one is buying his crooked BS designed to save his own ass.

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