An Empire For Liberty


Sep 14, 2004
An Empire For Liberty
January 26th, 2005

In his second inaugural address President George W. Bush said that “from the day of our founding we have proclaimed that every man and woman on this earth has rights, and dignity, and matchless value, because they bear the image of the maker of heaven and earth.”

Now that last phrase may make the atheists and secularists and national God-evictors out there blanch, but it is an undeniable fact that our founders appreciated the role of that Supreme Being, the author of liberty, in their work and in men’s lives. Madison later wrote that he “perceived the finger of that Almighty Hand” in the crafting of our founding documents.

The author of the Declaration of Independence wrote about the self-evident truths that all men are created equal and have inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Thomas Jefferson understood that man was created by a Supreme Being; that the rights he expounded existed only in that context. In a 27 April 1809 letter to James Madison, Jefferson also wrote about “an Empire for Liberty as She has never surveyed since the Creation.”
Avatar4321 said:
interesting. im curious there hasnt been more discussion on this yet
Is America tired of doing almost all the heavy lifting while many in the world stand dishonorably to the side and criticize? America (along with a small coalition of allies) has brought liberty to 50 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan, while much of the EU and UN has condemned the effort. See this USMB page about continuing the effort in the Middle East:

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