An Economics Education In A Comic Book


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Whether one realizes it or not, to vote for communism, socialism, etc., or its local iteration, the Democrat Party, one must never have learned this simple truth:
“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg

2. Which brings me to today's birthday boy, Al Capp

Al Capp, byname of Alfred Gerald Caplin, (born September 28, 1909, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.—died November 5, 1979, New Haven), American cartoonist who created the popular comic strip “Li’l Abner.”

3.All Capp, cartoonist, penned an amazingly accurate view of socialism.
And it wasn't a favorable one.

Some time ago, friend sent me a graphic novel of an Al Capp cartoon of yesteryear "The Schmoo."

"The Short Life and Happy Times of the Shmoo," by Al Capp

Available on Amazon.

4. . The Shmoo first appeared in the strip in August 1948. According to Shmoo legend, the lovable creature laid eggs, gave milk and died of sheer ecstasy when looked at with hunger. The Shmoo loved to be eaten and tasted like any food desired. Anything that delighted people delighted a Shmoo.

Fry a Shmoo and it came out chicken. Broil it and it came out steak. Shmoo eyes made terrific suspender buttons. The hide of the Shmoo if cut thin made fine leather and if cut thick made the best lumber. Shmoo whiskers made splendid toothpicks.

The Shmoo satisfied all the world's wants.

You could never run out of Shmoon (plural of Shmoo) because they multiplied at such an incredible rate. The Shmoo believed that the only way to happiness was to bring happiness to others.

Li'l Abner discovered Shmoos when he ventured into the forbidden Valley of the Shmoon, against the frantic protestations of Ol' Man Mose. "Shmoos," he warned, "is the greatest menace to hoomanity th' world has evah known." "Thass becuz they is so bad, huh?" asked Li'l Abner. "No, stupid," answered Mose, hurling one of life's profoundest paradoxes at Li'l Abner. "It's because they're so good!"

5. Ironically, the lovable and selfless Shmoos ultimately brought misery to humankind because people with a limitless supply of self-sacrificing Shmoos stopped working and society broke down. Seen at first as a boon to humankind, they were ultimately hunted down and exterminated to preserve the status quo.
Look closely.....the tale of The Schmoo is the history of socialism in general, and the current Democrat Party, specifically.

It's what happens when welfare is increased by paying folks not to work, and by the vote-buying scheme of the welfare scam.
I'm not sure whether your chosen words actually describe the Democrat Utopia.

Their goal is to have a cornucopia of "Government" benefits, paid for by SOMEONE ELSE's taxes. They will be paid for by "corporations," and/or "the Rich," but never by YOU.
1. Whether one realizes it or not, to vote for communism, socialism, etc., or its local iteration, the Democrat Party, one must never have learned this simple truth:
“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg

2. Which brings me to today's birthday boy, Al Capp
View attachment 544799
Al Capp, byname of Alfred Gerald Caplin, (born September 28, 1909, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.—died November 5, 1979, New Haven), American cartoonist who created the popular comic strip “Li’l Abner.”

3.All Capp, cartoonist, penned an amazingly accurate view of socialism.
And it wasn't a favorable one.

Some time ago, friend sent me a graphic novel of an Al Capp cartoon of yesteryear "The Schmoo."

"The Short Life and Happy Times of the Shmoo," by Al Capp
View attachment 544800
Available on Amazon.

4. . The Shmoo first appeared in the strip in August 1948. According to Shmoo legend, the lovable creature laid eggs, gave milk and died of sheer ecstasy when looked at with hunger. The Shmoo loved to be eaten and tasted like any food desired. Anything that delighted people delighted a Shmoo.

Fry a Shmoo and it came out chicken. Broil it and it came out steak. Shmoo eyes made terrific suspender buttons. The hide of the Shmoo if cut thin made fine leather and if cut thick made the best lumber. Shmoo whiskers made splendid toothpicks.

The Shmoo satisfied all the world's wants.

You could never run out of Shmoon (plural of Shmoo) because they multiplied at such an incredible rate. The Shmoo believed that the only way to happiness was to bring happiness to others.

Li'l Abner discovered Shmoos when he ventured into the forbidden Valley of the Shmoon, against the frantic protestations of Ol' Man Mose. "Shmoos," he warned, "is the greatest menace to hoomanity th' world has evah known." "Thass becuz they is so bad, huh?" asked Li'l Abner. "No, stupid," answered Mose, hurling one of life's profoundest paradoxes at Li'l Abner. "It's because they're so good!"

5. Ironically, the lovable and selfless Shmoos ultimately brought misery to humankind because people with a limitless supply of self-sacrificing Shmoos stopped working and society broke down. Seen at first as a boon to humankind, they were ultimately hunted down and exterminated to preserve the status quo.
Look closely.....the tale of The Schmoo is the history of socialism in general, and the current Democrat Party, specifically.

It's what happens when welfare is increased by paying folks not to work, and by the vote-buying scheme of the welfare scam.
You need to tell us about the grasshopper and the ants
I'm not sure whether your chosen words actually describe the Democrat Utopia.

Their goal is to have a cornucopia of "Government" benefits, paid for by SOMEONE ELSE's taxes. They will be paid for by "corporations," and/or "the Rich," but never by YOU.

We.....the worker, the earner, the entrepreneur,......

....are their Shmoos.

Workers regularly pay over half their incomes to the government.
The Democrats simply re-defined slavery.
6. Ironically, the lovable and selfless Shmoos ultimately brought misery to humankind because people with a limitless supply of self-sacrificing Shmoos stopped working and society broke down. Seen at first as a boon to humankind, they were ultimately hunted down and exterminated to preserve the status quo.
Look closely.....the tale of The Schmoo is the history of socialism in general, and the current Democrat Party, specifically.

It's what happens when welfare is increased by paying folks not to work, and by the vote-buying scheme of the welfare scam.

7. At the risk of embarrassing Democrat voters, I must state the importance of actually reading books.
And one that any devotee of understanding history and our heritage, is Tocqueville's "Democracy in America."

Written centuries ago, note how closely it provides the same understanding of socialism, Liberalism, the does the Shmoo:

Alexis de Tocqueville, writing "Democracy in America" in the 1830's, described 'an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.' As he predicted, this power is 'absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,' and it 'works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.'

It is entirely proper to ask, as he asked, whether it can relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.
8. The main problem for socialists/Democrats/Liberals is their lack of understanding of human nature.

Let's review the fact that free money is not a program for the advance of society.

  1. Here we see an inherent weakness in Liberal thinking, that is that they are the smartest of folks, and their brilliance is necessary for other to prosper. The sequitur is that the people that they guide are stupid. No, the problem is that, with government welfare programs offering such generous and wide-ranging benefits, form housing to medical care to food stamps to outright cash, many reduce or eliminate their work effort.
  2. Proof? Sure. The government conducted a study, 1971-1978 known as the Seattle-Denver Income Maintenance Experiment, or SIME-DIME, in which low income families were give a guaranteed income, a welfare package with everything liberal policy makers could hope for. Result: for every dollar of extra welfare given, low income recipients reduced their labor by 80 cents.
[The results for husbands show that the combination of negative income tax plans tested in SIME/DIME — which, as already mentioned, represents on average a relatively generous cash transfer program with a guarantee of 115% of the poverty line and a tax rate of 50% — has a significant negative effect on hours worked per year. Overview of the Final Report of the Seattle-Denver Income Maintenance Experiment]

a. Further results: dissolution of families: “This conclusion was unambiguously unfavorable to advocates of a negative income tax that would cover married couples, for two important reasons. First, increased

marital breakups among the poor would increase the numbers on

welfare and the amount of transfer payments, principally because the

separated wife and children would receive higher transfer payments.

Second, marital dissolutions and the usual accompanying absence of

fathers from households with children are generally considered unfavorable outcomes regardless of whether or not the welfare rolls increase.”

b. “When families received guaranteed income at 90% of the poverty level, there was a 43% increase in black family dissolution and a 63% increase in white family dissolution. At 125% of the poverty levels, dissolutions were 75% and 40%.” Robert B. Carleson, “Government Is The Problem,” p. 57.

[Ontario is canceling its basic income experiment Ontario is canceling its basic income experiment]​

(Though the Progressive Conservatives had promised to preserve the pilot project, Social Services Minister Lisa MacLeod said the government reversed course after hearing from ministry staff that the program didn’t help people become “independent contributors to the economy.”

“It really is a disincentive to get people back on track,” she said Wednesday. Ontario government defends move to cancel basic income pilot project |


.....wrong every time.

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