An Atheist Presidential Candidate is what's needed

Tumblin Tumbleweed

Platinum Member
Mar 16, 2015
Every few election cycles, an article like the following is written, which I find interesting:

Itā€™s time for us to have an unapologetic atheist in the Oval Office (Opinion: WaPo)

From the link: Among the 21 candidates seeking the Democratic nomination, virtually every ethnic, religious and sexual identity is represented. Thereā€™s a gay man, six women, three African Americans, a Chinese American, multiple Catholics and Protestants, even a Hindu. (Hindus are 0.7 percent of the population.) But there is one conspicuous absence: Not a single candidate publicly identifies as an atheist. Thatā€™s not to say they are all religious believers. But if they arenā€™t, they are keeping it to themselves.

I believe a presidential candidate that is an unapologetic atheist would be an interesting pick. The people that would be trying to rip apart the candidateā€™s credibility would likely consist of devout theocrats, but they tend to be liars and hypocrites anyway, especially those currently supporting a 3-time adulterer and habitual liar currently occupying the White House, so their credibility is already compromised.

A candidate focused on the Constitution without any added distraction of kowtowing to the pious would be a well needed relief. A truly secular government could place traditionally religious ceremonies like marriage squarely on the shoulders of the church. The government would continue to provide legal civil unions indiscriminately based on law. Federal faith based programs could be de-funded by the government and relegated to the private sector, freeing up those monies to go towards necessary programs benefiting all Americans. By not favoring one certain religion, all other organized religions would be put on a level playing field.

According to Pew Research, people who profess no religious identity (ā€œnonesā€) are one of the largest and fastest-growing demographic groups in the United States, so theyā€™re definitely not going away anytime soon.

Some Theists have claimed that individuals canā€™t have any moral compass without religion. This is a purely philosophical argument predicated on the concept of a divine punishment. ā€˜Be good or god will spank youā€™ isn't going to be very compelling to a non-believer. Yet, according to a 2009 article using census data, states with the highest religious participation also have the highest murder rates. Non-belief also tends to correlate with less divorce rates and higher education.

So, what do you think? Are the shackles of religion a necessary requirement to lead the United States, or would a secular government based solely on the Constitution and Constitutional law allow us to see things with clearer heads?
More precisely, we need a President who sees religion for what it really is, total bullshit that has maimed the US for the last 50 years....

The ancient version of David Koresh isn't going to float down from the clouds. He's dead. He died after a fair and open trial where precisely none of the people he "healed" bothered to show up, suggesting he healed absolutely nobody....
yeah that's what the Hitler and Tao said.

Someone "kosher" has English as a SECOND LANGUAGE....

Hitler was into burning Bibles. I am into debating people about the Bible.

Is a star really the same size as a fig leaf?

Why did Moses "look different?" Was that the reason why 3500 were murdered that evening?

When the "authorities" show up to arrest Jesus, the Disciples BOLT.... LOL!!!! All of the "miracles" are in the eyes of the Disciples, and their credibility goes to ZERO when they BOLT. That's the "son of God." "God" controls whether you go to Heaven or Hell....

The Disciples either knew Jesus was a total fraud, or they didn't believe the Torah... or both....
What we need is a system where no candidate is required do divulge their spiritual or religious beliefs, or lack thereof, to fucking anyone.
yeah that's what the Hitler and Tao said.

Someone "kosher" has English as a SECOND LANGUAGE....

Hitler was into burning Bibles. I am into debating people about the Bible.

Is a star really the same size as a fig leaf?

Why did Moses "look different?" Was that the reason why 3500 were murdered that evening?

When the "authorities" show up to arrest Jesus, the Disciples BOLT.... LOL!!!! All of the "miracles" are in the eyes of the Disciples, and their credibility goes to ZERO when they BOLT. That's the "son of God." "God" controls whether you go to Heaven or Hell....

The Disciples either knew Jesus was a total fraud, or they didn't believe the Torah... or both....
I'll give you a moment to compose yourself and present a coherent argument.
What we need is a system where no candidate is required do divulge their spiritual or religious beliefs, or lack thereof, to fucking anyone.

Unfortunately, about half of all American voters vote precisely the way they are told to vote on Sunday and never reconsider or think....
yeah that's what the Hitler and Tao said.
Your hero, Hitler, was a devout church going CON$ervoFascist Christian. But you knew that already!

"The national government will maintain and defend the foundations on which the power of our nation rests. It will offer strong protection to Christianity as the very basis of our collective morality.

Today Christians stand at the head of our country.

We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.

We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press-- in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of LIBERAL excess during the past years."

[The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872]
A pure atheist would lose.

A non-religious person of science would have a much better chance.
'An Atheist Presidential Candidate is what's needed'


What is needed is what the Founding Fathers intended - a 'Public SERVANT'.

IMO, one of the major problems is that politicians, especially the Leftist extremists, rejected the idea of being a public SERVANT for the intent to be RULERS long ago. CONTROLLING every aspect of US citizens' lives has become the socialist Democrat goal.

Democrats FORCED the American people to accept Obamacare. It was never up to the people.

Democrats now want to FORCE Americans to accept Single Payer 'Medicare For All'.

Cory Booker wants to outlaw eating meat simply because HE chooses not to eat any and thinks no one else should either.

The Constitution, written by the Founding Fathers, clearly and specifically define the powers of the United States Federal Government and declares any power and authority NOT SPECIFICALLY ALLOCATED TO THAT FED GOVT is to reside with the States.

This fact has all but been trampled beneath the feet of the every forward marching Socialist Democrats and others who seek to be the masters of US citizens instead of their servants, as the founding Fathers intended.

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