An Anti-Israel President

Keep guessing. While you are guessing, reality continues. They guessed about Hitler as well. Funny looking Charlie Chaplain guy. No problems. Funny looking Achmadinejad. No problems.

They want peace. Israel wants more land and war. Yes, these Muslims sure look peaceful. Well, you guess?

Let me know when you want to actually respond to my post instead of throwing inane strawmen. I'm all ears to hear what you wanted said at the speech that was not said.

jonathan pollard gave 500,000 u.s. documents to his israeli handlers - israel sold them to the u.s.s.r.

the red chinses f-10 fighter is amerikan techonology provided by israel

no arab ever called me a nazi - fascist - kid killer =when i wore my uniform during the nam war = millions of christians and jews did

we r in a world wide world religious war because of our support of those jews= i hope u enjoy your religious war - right out of the 10th. century
You miss the point and Benny does not agree with him. Obama says a "Basis" and then puts the land swaps behind the '67 boundary.

You might not see what he's doing but the Jews and many others sure see.
Wow...i just noticed by your statement here "No Israel? Just another 58th Muslim country". So there are 57 Muslim countries right now? This must be why Obama made the "mistake" of saying there were 57 states in the US....Lol! His muslim background slipped up on him again! I never quite understood how he came up with the number 57, unless he was just ignorant :)

Sorry for going kinda off the subject...carry on now! Lol!

He said 57 US States? That's telling indeed.

He's been rather clear all along but I needed more proof and his last speech was clear. He wants an indefensible Israel with land swaps 'inside' the '67 border. Now he's clear to every Jew who understands the past Arab instigated wars on Israel and how they intend to dissolve or destroy Israel.

Obama is now crystal clear.
I think you are being rather stupid. Benny agrees with him. Why lie about what he said? It makes you look the fool.

Ravi I watched the speech last night, Netanyahu said Israel could not go back to the 1967 borders because they are indefensible, right in front of Obama.
Keep guessing. While you are guessing, reality continues. They guessed about Hitler as well. Funny looking Charlie Chaplain guy. No problems. Funny looking Achmadinejad. No problems.

They want peace. Israel wants more land and war. Yes, these Muslims sure look peaceful. Well, you guess?

Let me know when you want to actually respond to my post instead of throwing inane strawmen. I'm all ears to hear what you wanted said at the speech that was not said.

jonathan pollard gave 500,000 u.s. documents to his israeli handlers - israel sold them to the u.s.s.r.

the red chinses f-10 fighter is amerikan techonology provided by israel

no arab ever called me a nazi - fascist - kid killer =when i wore my uniform during the nam war = millions of christians and jews did

we r in a world wide world religious war because of our support of those jews= i hope u enjoy your religious war - right out of the 10th. century

You are a Crystal Meth addict.:cuckoo:

Unbelievably? I have seen the hate. I have had family killed in this hate. I have fought and will die with this hate still thriving.

Underlines. Who rejects it as spurious and fraudulent. You left that important facet out.

No Israel? Just another 58th Muslim country.


^^ Just what the world needs. To remove that tiny little red spot and fill it up with more maniacal and inbred Muslims calling for the death of the Western culture.

Hint. That's the green spots.


Wow...i just noticed by your statement here "No Israel? Just another 58th Muslim country". So there are 57 Muslim countries right now? This must be why Obama made the "mistake" of saying there were 57 states in the US....Lol! His muslim background slipped up on him again! I never quite understood how he came up with the number 57, unless he was just ignorant :)

Sorry for going kinda off the subject...carry on now! Lol!

He said 57 US States? That's telling indeed.

He's been rather clear all along but I needed more proof and his last speech was clear. He wants an indefensible Israel with land swaps 'inside' the '67 border. Now he's clear to every Jew who understands the past Arab instigated wars on Israel and how they intend to dissolve or destroy Israel.

Obama is now crystal clear.

He said it on the campaign....<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I tried to embed the youtube video...if it didn't work just google "Obama 57 states"'ll come right up!

Darn...guess it didn't work!! :) Google it! Lol!
And that's real dangerous. The president of the United States has set an unattainable bar. I'm shocked by his proposal. Even if he only meant it as a starting point to talk it was totally off base. He had to realize the implications of it.


Benny agreed with Obama so I'm not sure what your point is....

Agreed with what? That they should go back to the pre war borders?

This is the sort of thing that would make Lenin feel vindicated. Can you people do me a favor? Go back to youtube, watch the speech again, but this time watch it and listen to what Obama is actually saying. Not what you've been told he's saying. I really can't understand what the pro-Israel crowd is upset about. He restated ALL of your official demands to the Palestinians and then pledged to unwaveringly support Israel in whatever it does. Can anybody here PLEASE tell me exactly what more you could possibly want?

The stickler seems to be this phrase: "1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps"

Why is this suddenly so outrageous? Netanyahu somehow has everyone believing that Obama is demanding that Israel return to the exact 67 Borders when this is absolutely not the case. "Mutually agreed swaps" means changing the border to reflect what they call "facts on the ground" (a euphemism for "massive and continuing government-sponsored transfer of Israelis into the land that is SUPPOSEDLY being negotiated [the West Bank]"). This has been the basis of the entire peace process for the past 20 years, two states based on the 1967 borders (ie, not ON the 1967 border). It was the basis for Oslo, the basis for the "Roadmap," the basis for the proposals at Camp David and then the subsequent ones at Taba. And either which way, they were just pretty words, he planned no meetings and laid absolutely no infrastructure to handle a follow-up or support actual peace talks. It's all hot air and nothing more. Israel can keep building its settlements, relax.

So what exactly did Defenders of Israel want him to say about the conflict? He covered Iran, killed the upcoming international recognition of Palestine at the UN, and pounced on Palestinian Unity. He demanded that Palestinians not only recognize Israel , but recognize it as a Jewish State (whatever that means), renounce violence, submit to a de-militarized state, and pretty much do whatever else Israel feels like (whatever it takes to "ensure Israel's security" [but not Palestine's] - other than it's nuclear weapons-equipped ass-kicking super army that's already pounded multiple combined Arab armies from supposedly indefensible borders).

Here's what I'm sure this crowd would love to hear from Obama, aside from all of the above:

Epsilon D. Obama said:
Furthermore [pause], we support a solution based on the borders that Israel chooses [applause], at their leisure, [pause] within the next decade or two [applause], hopefully, but no pressure. We encourage Palestinians to continue negotiations [boo's], so long as they accept Israel's right to the West Bank and Gaza [applause]. However, [pause] because they must also accept Israel as a Jewish State [pause] and because Israel is allowed to keep as much of the West Bank as it wants (potentially all of it), then it's probably better for you guys to get the fuck out before shit gets rough [applause]. To that end, we've committed to the Palestinians a homeland within the United States around northern Arizona, northern New Mexico, and South Dakota, shared with the Native American tribes that inhabit those barren spaces... or you could just stay in Greater Israel and end up pretty much the same way.
And that's real dangerous. The president of the United States has set an unattainable bar. I'm shocked by his proposal. Even if he only meant it as a starting point to talk it was totally off base. He had to realize the implications of it.


Benny agreed with Obama so I'm not sure what your point is....

Agreed with what? That they should go back to the pre war borders?

This is the sort of thing that would make Lenin feel vindicated. Can you people do me a favor? Go back to youtube, watch the speech again, but this time watch it and listen to what Obama is actually saying. Not what you've been told he's saying. I really can't understand what the pro-Israel crowd is upset about. He restated ALL of your official demands to the Palestinians and then pledged to unwaveringly support Israel in whatever it does. Can anybody here PLEASE tell me exactly what more you could possibly want?

The stickler seems to be this phrase: "1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps"

Why is this suddenly so outrageous? Netanyahu somehow has everyone believing that Obama is demanding that Israel return to the exact 67 Borders when this is absolutely not the case. "Mutually agreed swaps" means changing the border to reflect what they call "facts on the ground" (a euphemism for "massive and continuing government-sponsored transfer of Israelis into the land that is SUPPOSEDLY being negotiated [the West Bank]"). This has been the basis of the entire peace process for the past 20 years, two states based on the 1967 borders (ie, not ON the 1967 border). It was the basis for Oslo, the basis for the "Roadmap," the basis for the proposals at Camp David and then the subsequent ones at Taba. And either which way, they were just pretty words, he planned no meetings and laid absolutely no infrastructure to handle a follow-up or support actual peace talks. It's all hot air and nothing more. Israel can keep building its settlements, relax.

So what exactly did Defenders of Israel want him to say about the conflict? He covered Iran, killed the upcoming international recognition of Palestine at the UN, and pounced on Palestinian Unity. He demanded that Palestinians not only recognize Israel , but recognize it as a Jewish State (whatever that means), renounce violence, submit to a de-militarized state, and pretty much do whatever else Israel feels like (whatever it takes to "ensure Israel's security" [but not Palestine's] - other than it's nuclear weapons-equipped ass-kicking super army that's already pounded multiple combined Arab armies from supposedly indefensible borders).

Here's what I'm sure this crowd would love to hear from Obama, aside from all of the above:

Epsilon D. Obama said:
Furthermore [pause], we support a solution based on the borders that Israel chooses [applause], at their leisure, [pause] within the next decade or two [applause], hopefully, but no pressure. We encourage Palestinians to continue negotiations [boo's], so long as they accept Israel's right to the West Bank and Gaza [applause]. However, [pause] because they must also accept Israel as a Jewish State [pause] and because Israel is allowed to keep as much of the West Bank as it wants (potentially all of it), then it's probably better for you guys to get the fuck out before shit gets rough [applause]. To that end, we've committed to the Palestinians a homeland within the United States around northern Arizona, northern New Mexico, and South Dakota, shared with the Native American tribes that inhabit those barren spaces... or you could just stay in Greater Israel and end up pretty much the same way.

And you think the Pals are going to agree to anything less than what they're demanding??
Darn...guess it didn't work!! :) Google it! Lol!

[ame=]YouTube - &#x202a;Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States&#x202c;&rlm;[/ame]

Thanks. :eek:

He says 57 and one left to go... Palestine maybe. :razz:

I'm joking. ;)

I can hardly believe i haven't gotten any response to this yet! Lol! the obama supporters must be really digging to have an answer for this one!!!! :)

The 1947 plan was flawed enough, do you think even the US or Canada could cope with such a confusing border arrangement, there is no unified border for Israel. The 1967 borders were even worse. :rolleyes:
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And you think the Pals are going to agree to anything less than what they're demanding??

Uh... yes? They already have. Both sides have agreed to less than what they demand at different points in time. This is why they're called "negotiations." Cuz you... uh... NEGOTIATE. You give a little, take a little. You know?

If someone doesn't believe that one side or the other will budge, then what the fuck is the point?
And that's real dangerous. The president of the United States has set an unattainable bar. I'm shocked by his proposal. Even if he only meant it as a starting point to talk it was totally off base. He had to realize the implications of it.


Benny agreed with Obama so I'm not sure what your point is....

Agreed with what? That they should go back to the pre war borders?

This is the sort of thing that would make Lenin feel vindicated. Can you people do me a favor? Go back to youtube, watch the speech again, but this time watch it and listen to what Obama is actually saying. Not what you've been told he's saying. I really can't understand what the pro-Israel crowd is upset about. He restated ALL of your official demands to the Palestinians and then pledged to unwaveringly support Israel in whatever it does. Can anybody here PLEASE tell me exactly what more you could possibly want?

The stickler seems to be this phrase: "1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps"

Why is this suddenly so outrageous? Netanyahu somehow has everyone believing that Obama is demanding that Israel return to the exact 67 Borders when this is absolutely not the case. "Mutually agreed swaps" means changing the border to reflect what they call "facts on the ground" (a euphemism for "massive and continuing government-sponsored transfer of Israelis into the land that is SUPPOSEDLY being negotiated [the West Bank]"). This has been the basis of the entire peace process for the past 20 years, two states based on the 1967 borders (ie, not ON the 1967 border). It was the basis for Oslo, the basis for the "Roadmap," the basis for the proposals at Camp David and then the subsequent ones at Taba. And either which way, they were just pretty words, he planned no meetings and laid absolutely no infrastructure to handle a follow-up or support actual peace talks. It's all hot air and nothing more. Israel can keep building its settlements, relax.

So what exactly did Defenders of Israel want him to say about the conflict? He covered Iran, killed the upcoming international recognition of Palestine at the UN, and pounced on Palestinian Unity. He demanded that Palestinians not only recognize Israel , but recognize it as a Jewish State (whatever that means), renounce violence, submit to a de-militarized state, and pretty much do whatever else Israel feels like (whatever it takes to "ensure Israel's security" [but not Palestine's] - other than it's nuclear weapons-equipped ass-kicking super army that's already pounded multiple combined Arab armies from supposedly indefensible borders).

Here's what I'm sure this crowd would love to hear from Obama, aside from all of the above:

Epsilon D. Obama said:
Furthermore [pause], we support a solution based on the borders that Israel chooses [applause], at their leisure, [pause] within the next decade or two [applause], hopefully, but no pressure. We encourage Palestinians to continue negotiations [boo's], so long as they accept Israel's right to the West Bank and Gaza [applause]. However, [pause] because they must also accept Israel as a Jewish State [pause] and because Israel is allowed to keep as much of the West Bank as it wants (potentially all of it), then it's probably better for you guys to get the fuck out before shit gets rough [applause]. To that end, we've committed to the Palestinians a homeland within the United States around northern Arizona, northern New Mexico, and South Dakota, shared with the Native American tribes that inhabit those barren spaces... or you could just stay in Greater Israel and end up pretty much the same way.

Yes, Obama said the same conditions as all the other Presidents and could not have been more pro Israel...but Israel has changed it's voiced position. Based on '67 borders with agreeable land swaps is no longer on the table for Israel and with that she immediately gets a load of Americans hissing at their president for sticking to what has already been agreed.......

but was never going to be put into practice.

Netanyahu has made it clear he is not wanting peace. He is not willing to make the compromises necessary for it.

In September a Palestinian State will be recognised by the UN and by probably the rest of the world apart from the US and Israel. France and Britain have already said they will probably recognise it if Israel does not show that she is willing to engage in meaningful talks and Netanyahu has made it clear he is not.

We will then have a few years of court cases when all the dross will be brought out, Israel will probably become increasingly isolated in the world and eventually the Palestinians will get dignity, human rights and the right of self determination the rest of us takes for granted. Eventually the US will come onside just as it did reluctantly and late with South Africa.

How the rest of the ME develops will also make a difference but it seems unlikely that it will be in the vested interests of the US to ignore the situation in Palestine for very much longer never mind the moral position.

Netanyahu has not helped Israel. He is not even living in reality.
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Hmm..Obama cut or vetoed any spending for Israeli defense..when?

Come on.

Show me.


we are in a world religious war against islam because we are totally mesmerized with jews ....jews have voted 87% communist demokrat since the 30s - no arab ever called me a nazi - fascist - kid killer - millions of christians and jews did = while they carried vietcong flags----- stop pissing away our money on religious wars=== nobody told those jews to found israel = let them settle accounts with muslims on their own - by the way - obama did pretty good with the jewish vote - i hope they enjoy it
Hmm..Obama cut or vetoed any spending for Israeli defense..when?

Come on.

Show me.


we are in a world religious war against islam because we are totally mesmerized with jews ....jews have voted 87% communist demokrat since the 30s - no arab ever called me a nazi - fascist - kid killer - millions of christians and jews did = while they carried vietcong flags----- stop pissing away our money on religious wars=== nobody told those jews to found israel = let them settle accounts with muslims on their own - by the way - obama did pretty good with the jewish vote - i hope they enjoy it

:cuckoo: It's always "the Jews hasn't it? "Those damn Jews"...Muslims are killing other muslims by the thousands but all we hear from People like you are .."It's the Jews fault" Yeah it was the liberal socialist 60s radical that called you "baby killer" not only Jews, and the right wing Christians are the biggest supporters of our military so maybe you should focus on the leftists in general, the fact that you single out Jews is telling
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[ame=]YouTube - &#x202a;Terrorist Fundraiser for Hamas Praises Obama&#x202c;&rlm;[/ame]
U.S. recognizes Muslim Brotherhood


The U.S. has decided to formally resume contact with Egypt&#8217;s Muslim Brotherhood group - which does not recognize Israel &#8211; in a move that could further alienate some Jewish voters already skeptical of President Barack Obama, it was reported.

One senior U.S. official said the Brotherhood&#8217;s rise in political prominence after the forced departure of former President Hosni Mubarak earlier this year makes the American contact necessary.

&#8220;The political landscape in Egypt has changed, and is changing&#8230; It is in our interests to engage with all of the parties that are competing for parliament or the presidency,&#8221; said the official, who confirmed the news to Reuters on condition of anonymity.

The Muslim Brotherhood - founded in 1928 to promote a conservative version of Islam in politics, culture and society &#8211; has previously had some communication with the U.S. through Brotherhood Members of Parliament who had been technically elected as independents. U.S. diplomats had been instructed only to deal with Brotherhood members in their role as Members of Parliament.

The decision to resume contact with the Muslim Brotherhood group may worry members of the Jewish community and Israeli officials, Reuters reported.

Read more: U.S. recognizes Muslim Brotherhood - Tim Mak -
the Hadith was not written until the early to middle ages. They are not part of the original Quran. Israelies of ancient had enemies surrounding them then also, and today, it is a violent area to inhabit, they should have picked Florida as a nation.

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