Amy Coney Barrett Is Making Liberal Heads Explode and It’s GLORIOUS


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
“The idea that the Democrats can suddenly stop on a dime and cease being the vile creatures they’ve become especially since 2017 seems a little far-fetched to me. These people are proud of their aberrant behavior. They are already in tantrum mode and that’s not going to get any better between now and the beginning of the hearing.”

It is truly glorious. Everything you expect from the Left exposed at the touch of a button. Racism, religious bigotry, lies, anti-Americanism.

“The idea that the Democrats can suddenly stop on a dime and cease being the vile creatures they’ve become especially since 2017 seems a little far-fetched to me. These people are proud of their aberrant behavior. They are already in tantrum mode and that’s not going to get any better between now and the beginning of the hearing.”

It is truly glorious. Everything you expect from the Left exposed at the touch of a button. Racism, religious bigotry, lies, anti-Americanism.

“The idea that the Democrats can suddenly stop on a dime and cease being the vile creatures they’ve become especially since 2017 seems a little far-fetched to me. These people are proud of their aberrant behavior. They are already in tantrum mode and that’s not going to get any better between now and the beginning of the hearing.”

It is truly glorious. Everything you expect from the Left exposed at the touch of a button. Racism, religious bigotry, lies, anti-Americanism.

I wish she really was making their heads pop. I would pay to see that.
it's not merely things that upsets liberals, it's their opinion about them that does!
“The idea that the Democrats can suddenly stop on a dime and cease being the vile creatures they’ve become especially since 2017 seems a little far-fetched to me. These people are proud of their aberrant behavior. They are already in tantrum mode and that’s not going to get any better between now and the beginning of the hearing.”

It is truly glorious. Everything you expect from the Left exposed at the touch of a button. Racism, religious bigotry, lies, anti-Americanism.

The democrat senate judiciary committee members lack the intellect, morality, and professionalism to sit in the same room with Amy Coney Barrett.
“The idea that the Democrats can suddenly stop on a dime and cease being the vile creatures they’ve become especially since 2017 seems a little far-fetched to me. These people are proud of their aberrant behavior. They are already in tantrum mode and that’s not going to get any better between now and the beginning of the hearing.”

It is truly glorious. Everything you expect from the Left exposed at the touch of a button. Racism, religious bigotry, lies, anti-Americanism.

Now we are replacing a demonic baby-killing hag with an all-American mom on SCOTUS.

Yah baby, thats my America
It is unconstitutional to bring up her faith during any confirmation hearing...lets see if the dems cross that line......

Democrats are walking a tight-rope....trying to figure out just before an election how to attack & completely destroy a highly educated, extremely intelligent, highly qualified, professional, accomplished Catholic female Judge without coming across as misogynist, racist, and anti-Christian/Catholicism (especially when the former VP is a Catholic)....
she follows the law as it is written, not as she wishes it was written, that's why they give her so much hate asunder

Yes, she and most other Conservative judges tend to actually to their jobs instead of acting as activists who follow the party line with nearly every single vote. No wonder they hate them so much.
I'm perfectly O.K. with ACB's nomination and appointment to the USSC. The Republicans are acting in accordance with the Constitution.

What I object to is their 2016 refusal to consider Garland. It is their constitutional obligation to hold hearing and vote on all Presidential USSC nominations.

If the Senate does not have to consider USSC nominations, then it effectively gives the Senate the power to obliterate the USSC. That obviously is not the intention of the Constitution.

If the Senate takes no action in a reasonable amount of time then the President's nominee should be appointed by default.

I know that Trumpbots only see this through the eyes of extreme partisanship, but it's the principal of the Senate having the power to obliterate the USSC that's the real problem.
I'm perfectly O.K. with ACB's nomination and appointment to the USSC. The Republicans are acting in accordance with the Constitution.

What I object to is their 2016 refusal to consider Garland. It is their constitutional obligation to hold hearing and vote on all Presidential USSC nominations.

If the Senate does not have to consider USSC nominations, then it effectively gives the Senate the power to obliterate the USSC. That obviously is not the intention of the Constitution.

If the Senate takes no action in a reasonable amount of time then the President's nominee should be appointed by default.

I know that Trumpbots only see this through the eyes of extreme partisanship, but it's the principal of the Senate having the power to obliterate the USSC that's the real problem.
I have to disagree on putting someone in if the Senate does not take up the vote. Suppose a Senate of the same party as the Pres sees a nominee of having really negative attributes. Don't give them a vote and make the potus withdraw the nominee and try again.

I don't think McConnell has really done anything untoward …. beyond telling RGB she couldn't retire because he'd never confirm three seats for Obama. But the effect of McConnell saying "no vote" to Garland and then shoving Barrett though, plus the RGB shannaigans will be, very possibily, the dems never confirming ANY justice if they hold the senate and republican is president.

THAT would be a clusterfk.
That's right friends, the new Supreme Court justice is part of the notorious cult called Catholicism.

Now don't get me wrong, Catholics in government are perfectly fine so long as they have a "D" by their name and ignore their religious beliefs about such things as abortion that they profess to believe in, like the self identified Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, but to actually live your faith instead of living their lives for their political party and their beliefs, that is unacceptable.

Barrett is a danger to us all.

Only the DNC has a belief system we can all adopt and live our lives for.
Putting conservatives on the bench to rule over Roe vs. Wade is just wrong.

Only women should make such decisions..................................oh wait.


Never mind.
To think that religious folk should impose their silly notions of God on us is unacceptable.

I mean really, an invisible God? That's just silly, right?

We all know that the unborn are not really human beings because to become a human being you need the Birth Fairy to wave her magic wand over the fetus as "it" exists the womb, thus making it human.


Why nationalize industry when you can nationalize the people?
But the effect of McConnell saying "no vote" to Garland and then shoving Barrett though, plus the RGB shannaigans will be, very possibily, the dems never confirming ANY justice if they hold the senate and republican is president.
That effect is already in place. The Dems do not respect any norms of behavior or rule of law that is not to their benefit. The Reps seem to finally be waking up to this. One has to fight fire with fire.

P.S. It takes the approval of the Senate to confirm a judicial nominee. Whether or not a vote or even a hearing takes place is immaterial if a majority of senators do not support the nominee.
I'm perfectly O.K. with ACB's nomination and appointment to the USSC. The Republicans are acting in accordance with the Constitution.

What I object to is their 2016 refusal to consider Garland. It is their constitutional obligation to hold hearing and vote on all Presidential USSC nominations.

If the Senate does not have to consider USSC nominations, then it effectively gives the Senate the power to obliterate the USSC. That obviously is not the intention of the Constitution.

If the Senate takes no action in a reasonable amount of time then the President's nominee should be appointed by default.

I know that Trumpbots only see this through the eyes of extreme partisanship, but it's the principal of the Senate having the power to obliterate the USSC that's the real problem.
I have to disagree on putting someone in if the Senate does not take up the vote. Suppose a Senate of the same party as the Pres sees a nominee of having really negative attributes. Don't give them a vote and make the potus withdraw the nominee and try again.

I don't think McConnell has really done anything untoward …. beyond telling RGB she couldn't retire because he'd never confirm three seats for Obama. But the effect of McConnell saying "no vote" to Garland and then shoving Barrett though, plus the RGB shannaigans will be, very possibily, the dems never confirming ANY justice if they hold the senate and republican is president.

THAT would be a clusterfk.

The Senate should be obligated to hold a hearing and vote. If the nominee has really 'negative attribute' they can vote to reject them.

The on;y problem with the nominee getting the appointment by default is if the leadership of the senate wants a nominee to get the appointment but knows that the Senate will never approve - it would allow them to get the appointment by the Senate doing nothing. That really wouldn't work either.

Either way some rule should be made that requires the Senate to hold hearings and vote.

Shoving Barret through is typical of how things have always been done in Washington. It was the refusal to hold hearing and vote on Garland that was really highly unusual.

But now the Republican Senate has proven that they have no principals. I'm surprised they can trust each other.
“The idea that the Democrats can suddenly stop on a dime and cease being the vile creatures they’ve become especially since 2017 seems a little far-fetched to me. These people are proud of their aberrant behavior. They are already in tantrum mode and that’s not going to get any better between now and the beginning of the hearing.”

It is truly glorious. Everything you expect from the Left exposed at the touch of a button. Racism, religious bigotry, lies, anti-Americanism.

Once again, you prove your agenda is not the good governance of the country, but rather to sow division, and "make liberal heads explode". Hate, division and

The good news is that in making this nomination BEFORE the election, Trump can't leverage the possibility of his making the nomination an election issue. Vote for Trump to secure the Court for decades. Trump thinks that women will for him because he nominated a woman. But in nominatingn a woman with a stated agenda of reversing Roe v. Wade, Trump has motivated women to come out and vote AGAINST him, in order to give Democrats everything but the judiciary, and using it to undermine the Conservative Court and codify rights for women, gays, and minorities.

I'm THRILLED that Trump is doing it. As always and with every decision, Trump has done the one thing that will most damage him politically with women in nominating this patently unqualified woman on the basis of her promise to overturn Roe v. Wade.

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