Legal status for illegal aliens because of their American born children is sending them the wrong message, that if you cross the border, have a child, that is your ticket to remaining in this country.
It also open the way for fraudulent birth certificates. Many Mexicans enter this country with their babies and get mid-wives to create a false birth certificate, certifying that their child was born here. Automatic birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens is creating a mountain of problems for this country.
Legal status for illegal aliens because of their American born children is sending them the wrong message, that if you cross the border, have a child, that is your ticket to remaining in this country.
It also open the way for fraudulent birth certificates. Many Mexicans enter this country with their babies and get mid-wives to create a false birth certificate, certifying that their child was born here. Automatic birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens is creating a mountain of problems for this country.