Amityville killer dies of old age(?)

Your question has been answered several times.

you either dont' like, or dont' understand, the answer.

either way, you've derailed the thread.
Your question has been answered several times.

you either dont' like, or dont' understand, the answer.

either way, you've derailed the thread.

Your thread was derailed when you tried to inject "old age" where it didn't exist. But we let that go.

The issue since then has been, which you are resisting --- is murder bad?

If murder is bad then it should not be done.

YOU are the clown playing word games trying to differentiate between "murder", "execution", "killing" et al. They're synonyms for the same thing, yet you want to have it both ways with who can do it and who can't. And that is a double standard.
Ok kiddos, this thread seems to be descending into nit picking and semantics, let's try to get back on topic.
I have to admit, I never realized that the "Amityville Horror" was a real I had to look it up.

Weird case - DeFeo reminds me of Manson.

I oppose the death penalty, not because human life is sacred, but because it is unfair and unjust in how it's applied and innocent people have been killed. Not worth it imo. Seems like life in prison did the trick. Good riddance.

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