America's Woke Red Guards Enforcing Goodthink by Harassing D.C. Restaurants Patrons


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
"Several videos showing Black Lives Matter protesters confronting and harassing people eating outside restaurants in Washington, D.C., went viral Tuesday as demonstrations were held nationwide over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

One video reportedly filmed in the Adams Morgan neighborhood Monday night shows protesters demanding a woman seated outside a restaurant raise her fist to show her solidarity for their cause.

When the woman refused, she was surrounded by a number of protesters with their fists raised in the air who screamed and berated her for not doing so."

Is this a great country, or what? Those patriots deserve medals — or at least participation trophies — for strongly standing up for what’s good, what’s right, and what’s absolutely necessary to bring about the revolution.
Watching our fellow countrymen scream, threaten, and demand fealty to the cause makes me proud to be a woke American.
“I felt I was under attack,” the woman told Washington Post reporter Fredrick Kunkle, adding that she had been marching with protesters for several weeks and was “very much with them,” but didn’t feel right about being coerced by the group to display her support.
Poor, deluded fool. She was found guilty of insufficient wokeness and was lucky she wasn’t publicly flogged. I’m sure she learned her lesson.
Sometimes, it takes a good old-fashioned, all-American public shaming to get the job done.
A second viral video shows a group of protesters harassing two people outside another D.C. restaurant. A woman is seen screaming in their faces without a mask after they refused to raise their fist with the group.

And most importantly, do what you’re told.

America's Woke Red Guards Enforcing Goodthink by Harassing D.C. Restaurants Patrons

The words GFTS come to mind. Videos embedded
"Several videos showing Black Lives Matter protesters confronting and harassing people eating outside restaurants in Washington, D.C., went viral Tuesday as demonstrations were held nationwide over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

One video reportedly filmed in the Adams Morgan neighborhood Monday night shows protesters demanding a woman seated outside a restaurant raise her fist to show her solidarity for their cause.

When the woman refused, she was surrounded by a number of protesters with their fists raised in the air who screamed and berated her for not doing so."

Is this a great country, or what? Those patriots deserve medals — or at least participation trophies — for strongly standing up for what’s good, what’s right, and what’s absolutely necessary to bring about the revolution.
Watching our fellow countrymen scream, threaten, and demand fealty to the cause makes me proud to be a woke American.
“I felt I was under attack,” the woman told Washington Post reporter Fredrick Kunkle, adding that she had been marching with protesters for several weeks and was “very much with them,” but didn’t feel right about being coerced by the group to display her support.
Poor, deluded fool. She was found guilty of insufficient wokeness and was lucky she wasn’t publicly flogged. I’m sure she learned her lesson.
Sometimes, it takes a good old-fashioned, all-American public shaming to get the job done.
A second viral video shows a group of protesters harassing two people outside another D.C. restaurant. A woman is seen screaming in their faces without a mask after they refused to raise their fist with the group.

And most importantly, do what you’re told.

America's Woke Red Guards Enforcing Goodthink by Harassing D.C. Restaurants Patrons

The words GFTS come to mind. Videos embedded

Once the Police and Law Enforcement are REMOVED from American Society you can just shoot Commie bastards like this and have basically a Free-For-All Vigilante Style with Armed Militia on EVERY street.
We can not forget that BLM and Antifa are supported by a NAZI WAR CRIMINAL, George Soros.

WASHINGTON, DC: George Soros has given Black Lives Matter and the Antifa related revolutionary movement more than $100 million dollars. The Soros run Open Society Foundations is on record with giving Black Lives Matter $33 million dollars this year alone. This is in concert with an array of funding for a variety of Democrat and DNC related left-wing groups across the country.
Would this not be a form of terrorism? Threatening people that are eating with harm if they didn't comply with the groups order? I have no issue with the cause or the protests, however this is plain intimidation and a form of fascism.
"Several videos showing Black Lives Matter protesters confronting and harassing people eating outside restaurants in Washington, D.C., went viral Tuesday as demonstrations were held nationwide over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

One video reportedly filmed in the Adams Morgan neighborhood Monday night shows protesters demanding a woman seated outside a restaurant raise her fist to show her solidarity for their cause.

When the woman refused, she was surrounded by a number of protesters with their fists raised in the air who screamed and berated her for not doing so."

Is this a great country, or what? Those patriots deserve medals — or at least participation trophies — for strongly standing up for what’s good, what’s right, and what’s absolutely necessary to bring about the revolution.
Watching our fellow countrymen scream, threaten, and demand fealty to the cause makes me proud to be a woke American.
“I felt I was under attack,” the woman told Washington Post reporter Fredrick Kunkle, adding that she had been marching with protesters for several weeks and was “very much with them,” but didn’t feel right about being coerced by the group to display her support.
Poor, deluded fool. She was found guilty of insufficient wokeness and was lucky she wasn’t publicly flogged. I’m sure she learned her lesson.
Sometimes, it takes a good old-fashioned, all-American public shaming to get the job done.
A second viral video shows a group of protesters harassing two people outside another D.C. restaurant. A woman is seen screaming in their faces without a mask after they refused to raise their fist with the group.

And most importantly, do what you’re told.

America's Woke Red Guards Enforcing Goodthink by Harassing D.C. Restaurants Patrons

The words GFTS come to mind. Videos embedded

Once the Police and Law Enforcement are REMOVED from American Society you can just shoot Commie bastards like this and have basically a Free-For-All Vigilante Style with Armed Militia on EVERY street.
The incredible thing is, if the diners did anything they would be arrested. If they are government workers they are not going to give that up anyway.
"Several videos showing Black Lives Matter protesters confronting and harassing people eating outside restaurants in Washington, D.C., went viral Tuesday as demonstrations were held nationwide over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

One video reportedly filmed in the Adams Morgan neighborhood Monday night shows protesters demanding a woman seated outside a restaurant raise her fist to show her solidarity for their cause.

When the woman refused, she was surrounded by a number of protesters with their fists raised in the air who screamed and berated her for not doing so."

Is this a great country, or what? Those patriots deserve medals — or at least participation trophies — for strongly standing up for what’s good, what’s right, and what’s absolutely necessary to bring about the revolution.
Watching our fellow countrymen scream, threaten, and demand fealty to the cause makes me proud to be a woke American.
“I felt I was under attack,” the woman told Washington Post reporter Fredrick Kunkle, adding that she had been marching with protesters for several weeks and was “very much with them,” but didn’t feel right about being coerced by the group to display her support.
Poor, deluded fool. She was found guilty of insufficient wokeness and was lucky she wasn’t publicly flogged. I’m sure she learned her lesson.
Sometimes, it takes a good old-fashioned, all-American public shaming to get the job done.
A second viral video shows a group of protesters harassing two people outside another D.C. restaurant. A woman is seen screaming in their faces without a mask after they refused to raise their fist with the group.

And most importantly, do what you’re told.

America's Woke Red Guards Enforcing Goodthink by Harassing D.C. Restaurants Patrons

The words GFTS come to mind. Videos embedded
I would just have a sudden severe attack of Bulimia all over them. Free sample of the food for them before trying it.
"Several videos showing Black Lives Matter protesters confronting and harassing people eating outside restaurants in Washington, D.C., went viral Tuesday as demonstrations were held nationwide over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

One video reportedly filmed in the Adams Morgan neighborhood Monday night shows protesters demanding a woman seated outside a restaurant raise her fist to show her solidarity for their cause.

When the woman refused, she was surrounded by a number of protesters with their fists raised in the air who screamed and berated her for not doing so."

Is this a great country, or what? Those patriots deserve medals — or at least participation trophies — for strongly standing up for what’s good, what’s right, and what’s absolutely necessary to bring about the revolution.
Watching our fellow countrymen scream, threaten, and demand fealty to the cause makes me proud to be a woke American.
“I felt I was under attack,” the woman told Washington Post reporter Fredrick Kunkle, adding that she had been marching with protesters for several weeks and was “very much with them,” but didn’t feel right about being coerced by the group to display her support.
Poor, deluded fool. She was found guilty of insufficient wokeness and was lucky she wasn’t publicly flogged. I’m sure she learned her lesson.
Sometimes, it takes a good old-fashioned, all-American public shaming to get the job done.
A second viral video shows a group of protesters harassing two people outside another D.C. restaurant. A woman is seen screaming in their faces without a mask after they refused to raise their fist with the group.

And most importantly, do what you’re told.

America's Woke Red Guards Enforcing Goodthink by Harassing D.C. Restaurants Patrons

The words GFTS come to mind. Videos embedded
I would just have a sudden severe attack of Bulimia all over them. Free sample of the food for them before trying it.

If you survive the beating (you may not), that might get you arrested as a terrorist, for using biological weapons.

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