America’s Real ‘Wokeness’ Divide


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
I found this to be a good read..a surprising even-handed view of the 'woke' racism

Overeducated people are ruining political discourse by embracing “woke” language. If you pay attention to modern fights about language and social justice, you’ve probably heard some version of this complaint. The Democratic patriarch James Carville has bemoaned the idea of “people in faculty lounges in fancy colleges” coming up with “a word like ‘Latinx’ that no one else uses.” John McWhorter, the linguist, Atlantic contributor, and author of Woke Racism, has asserted that “everybody is afraid of being called a racist on Twitter by articulate, over-educated people.” The Economist recently defined wokeness as “a loose constellation of ideas that is changing the way that mostly white, educated, left-leaning Americans view the world.” The thinking, or at least the impression, is that normal people who care about bread-and-butter economic issues go to college and pop out not caring about bread or butter, but instead worrying about gender pronouns and cultural appropriation. According to these sorts of arguments, people who never go to college stay reasonable, normal, or—depending on how you look at it—asleep.
But according to a recent Atlantic/Leger survey, no gap exists between people with college degrees and those without them on some of the hot topics most commonly associated with “wokeness.” Instead, neither group endorses the supposedly “woke” positions particularly strongly. Though the term originated in the Black community, woke now lacks a standard definition, and is sometimes used as a catchall label for a group of only loosely related ideas. People often use the term to describe neologisms that are more popular among progressives, such as pregnant people, as well as policy choices advocated for by some on the left, such as defunding the police. In our poll, we also included reverse-coded statements, meant to capture whether someone was the opposite of “woke,” by asking about common right-wing shibboleths such as political correctness, “cancel culture,” and critical race theory.

For the poll, Leger surveyed a representative sample of 1,002 American adults from October 22 to October 24. We asked for respondents’ agreements with various statements, shown in the chart below, that are often invoked by conservatives and moderates as being associated with people who are “woke.” The results showed that there was no significant difference between people with college degrees and those without them on the question of whether America is becoming too politically correct (slight majorities of both groups agreed somewhat or strongly). The same was true for believing “cancel culture is a big problem in society”—51 percent of degree holders agreed, as did 45 percent of those without degrees.

chart showing statement agreement
© Provided by The Atlantic chart showing statement agreement
There was also no difference on questions pertaining to support for defunding the police; a preference for saying “pregnant people” instead of “pregnant women” or “Latinx” rather than “Latino or Hispanic”; for using gender-neutral “they/them” pronouns upon a person’s request; or agreeing that it’s racist to wear a Halloween costume associated with a different race or ethnicity. Less than 30 percent of respondents agreed with any of those, and it didn’t matter whether they had a college degree or not—at most, the college-educated were more likely to endorse these views by a few percentage points.

White liberals should be deported to Canada. They would be much happier there, and I know the rest of us would be happier here.
You got absolutely nothing from reading the OP, did you. Like squeezing a rubber duck..the same old squeak every time~

The OP..oh says that 30% care about most of this nonsense. That about 60% see the cultural divide as dangerous..and 10% couldn't give a shit.

Just for the hell of it..try actually reading the's ironic because the article supports many of your side's points about cancel culture and woke racism.
I found this to be a good read..a surprising even-handed view of the 'woke' racism

Overeducated people are ruining political discourse by embracing “woke” language. If you pay attention to modern fights about language and social justice, you’ve probably heard some version of this complaint. The Democratic patriarch James Carville has bemoaned the idea of “people in faculty lounges in fancy colleges” coming up with “a word like ‘Latinx’ that no one else uses.” John McWhorter, the linguist, Atlantic contributor, and author of Woke Racism, has asserted that “everybody is afraid of being called a racist on Twitter by articulate, over-educated people.” The Economist recently defined wokeness as “a loose constellation of ideas that is changing the way that mostly white, educated, left-leaning Americans view the world.” The thinking, or at least the impression, is that normal people who care about bread-and-butter economic issues go to college and pop out not caring about bread or butter, but instead worrying about gender pronouns and cultural appropriation. According to these sorts of arguments, people who never go to college stay reasonable, normal, or—depending on how you look at it—asleep.
But according to a recent Atlantic/Leger survey, no gap exists between people with college degrees and those without them on some of the hot topics most commonly associated with “wokeness.” Instead, neither group endorses the supposedly “woke” positions particularly strongly. Though the term originated in the Black community, woke now lacks a standard definition, and is sometimes used as a catchall label for a group of only loosely related ideas. People often use the term to describe neologisms that are more popular among progressives, such as pregnant people, as well as policy choices advocated for by some on the left, such as defunding the police. In our poll, we also included reverse-coded statements, meant to capture whether someone was the opposite of “woke,” by asking about common right-wing shibboleths such as political correctness, “cancel culture,” and critical race theory.

For the poll, Leger surveyed a representative sample of 1,002 American adults from October 22 to October 24. We asked for respondents’ agreements with various statements, shown in the chart below, that are often invoked by conservatives and moderates as being associated with people who are “woke.” The results showed that there was no significant difference between people with college degrees and those without them on the question of whether America is becoming too politically correct (slight majorities of both groups agreed somewhat or strongly). The same was true for believing “cancel culture is a big problem in society”—51 percent of degree holders agreed, as did 45 percent of those without degrees.

chart showing statement agreement
© Provided by The Atlantic chart showing statement agreement
There was also no difference on questions pertaining to support for defunding the police; a preference for saying “pregnant people” instead of “pregnant women” or “Latinx” rather than “Latino or Hispanic”; for using gender-neutral “they/them” pronouns upon a person’s request; or agreeing that it’s racist to wear a Halloween costume associated with a different race or ethnicity. Less than 30 percent of respondents agreed with any of those, and it didn’t matter whether they had a college degree or not—at most, the college-educated were more likely to endorse these views by a few percentage points.
The first two items stood out
1. People have been whining about 'political correctness" for three decades. Someone tell asshole Carville that the term originated in the Administration he was part of.

2. Cancel culture has also been with us for decades. Probably the first famous example was the Dixie Chicks

And in reality it could be argued that Senator McCarthy was (rightfully) "cancelled".
You got absolutely nothing from reading the OP, did you. Like squeezing a rubber duck..the same old squeak every time~

The OP..oh says that 30% care about most of this nonsense. That about 60% see the cultural divide as dangerous..and 10% couldn't give a shit.

Just for the hell of it..try actually reading the's ironic because the article supports many of your side's points about cancel culture and woke racism.

He didn't argue about what it was saying. He was just saying they should be deported to improve our lives. Didn't matter if it was 1 or 1,000,000.

And even if they are a small percent they are still making big waves and causing issues.

So if we got rid of that small percent causing these stupid woke ideas then things would improve. Their size doesn't matter, it's their impact that counts.

But I don't agree with just white ones, I say all of them.
An example of a lie contrived by conservatives.

Of course, there’s no such thing as ‘woke racism’ – being aware of, and opposed to, rightwing racism is not ‘racist.’
And yet you ignore the blatant racism of the Left. Oh but I forgot, as a brainwashed stupid, retarded dumb Democrat, you think your side is clean and pure as the wind driven snow.

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