America's infrastructure: Beams disintegrating under bridges

While there is need for infrastructure to be fixed across the nation, why hasnt it been done already?

Answer that and you will find the explanation for the collapse of the professional political class.
Exactly. No guts or integrity in the leaders who are meant to protect our countries from being stripped.

We need to bring back nationalisation and shout down anyone who calls it "socialism".
I dont know that we need to nationalize anything.

Let the businesses stay in private hands, but aggressiveley enforce trade laws.
While there is need for infrastructure to be fixed across the nation, why hasnt it been done already?

Answer that and you will find the explanation for the collapse of the professional political class.
Exactly. No guts or integrity in the leaders who are meant to protect our countries from being stripped.

We need to bring back nationalisation and shout down anyone who calls it "socialism".
I dont know that we need to nationalize anything.

Let the businesses stay in private hands, but aggressiveley enforce trade laws.
Well, i suppose tht is the difference between British mentality and American mentality.

I think you mean regulation?
America's infrastructure: Beams disintegrating under bridges
By Rene Marsh, David Gracey and Ted Severson, CNN

Updated 8:32 PM ET, Wed May 25, 2016

America's crumbling infrastructure -

Washington (CNN)Nearly 40 million Americans will kick off one of the busiest travel seasons in history this Memorial Day weekend, jarred by potholes on America's roads, crossing her aging bridges, riding her antiquated railways and taking off from airports that draw international scorn.

Long a source of national pride, America's infrastructure is in critical need of repair, but federal government spending on the issue has gone down 9% in the past decade. As former Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood says, "We're like a third-world country when it comes to infrastructure."

Anyone that believes we should cut a single cent out of infrastructure funding really does want to live within a third world shithole. If anything it is time to put more money into our infrastructure as even Trump has side and work to remain a world power.

Of course, that is common sense.

Sounds to me like some States should get off their asses and fix some shit, it is after all, their job.
Nassau County is spending a fortune on roads and removing trees over electric wires.

And Nassau County is one of the highest taxed areas maybe in the country....
And if the taxes are used to better the lives of the community I don't think anyone would have an issue with that....

But to constantly cry over and over that we don't spend enough
and never question the governments handling of the spending makes me crazy....

Typical lefties....
Want to fix a problem throw money at it.
How much taxes do we need heaped on us before the Libs are satisfied??

Over 80% of our General Taxes (Property Taxes) go to the schools.
So you are proposing that children are parasites?
I'm proposing that a 24 year old with a Master's in English or History shouldn't be paid 95K base plus benefits.
There's no need for a 9 million dollar music room.
There's no need for 75% of a School District's property to be non-Academic.
There no need to pay millions of dollars annually for daily busing for sports.

So yeah, there's a TON of non-Academic related spending going on.
And best of all, when a Budget is voted down, the School District simply has a revote every month until it passes.

So now that we know that Nassau County's General Tax bucket is MUCH smaller that that of Nassau County's School Budgets, we can appreciate how far NC goes to maintain it's infrastructure.

Any other questions?
No. I loathe scholarship and believe it is designed to hold people back from successful mammal life.

You have convinced me.
Anyone who plays basketball as a teenager 12 hours a day in school should be paid $100.00/hour minimum wage flipping burgers.
America's infrastructure: Beams disintegrating under bridges
By Rene Marsh, David Gracey and Ted Severson, CNN

Updated 8:32 PM ET, Wed May 25, 2016

America's crumbling infrastructure -

Washington (CNN)Nearly 40 million Americans will kick off one of the busiest travel seasons in history this Memorial Day weekend, jarred by potholes on America's roads, crossing her aging bridges, riding her antiquated railways and taking off from airports that draw international scorn.

Long a source of national pride, America's infrastructure is in critical need of repair, but federal government spending on the issue has gone down 9% in the past decade. As former Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood says, "We're like a third-world country when it comes to infrastructure."

Anyone that believes we should cut a single cent out of infrastructure funding really does want to live within a third world shithole. If anything it is time to put more money into our infrastructure as even Trump has side and work to remain a world power.

Of course, that is common sense.

Of course its common sense. Why don't you tell your congressmen and senators to stop spending our money of foreign aid to countries that hate us, on welfare to people capable of working, and on foolish "green" programs that cannot work?

How about supporting Trump's idea that the countries that we protect should pay for that protection? How about supporting Trump on making the NATO members pay their fair share of the costs of NATO protections?

Trump is saying exactly what you are saying. Are you listening?
America's infrastructure: Beams disintegrating under bridges
By Rene Marsh, David Gracey and Ted Severson, CNN

Updated 8:32 PM ET, Wed May 25, 2016

America's crumbling infrastructure -

Washington (CNN)Nearly 40 million Americans will kick off one of the busiest travel seasons in history this Memorial Day weekend, jarred by potholes on America's roads, crossing her aging bridges, riding her antiquated railways and taking off from airports that draw international scorn.

Long a source of national pride, America's infrastructure is in critical need of repair, but federal government spending on the issue has gone down 9% in the past decade. As former Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood says, "We're like a third-world country when it comes to infrastructure."

Anyone that believes we should cut a single cent out of infrastructure funding really does want to live within a third world shithole. If anything it is time to put more money into our infrastructure as even Trump has side and work to remain a world power.

Of course, that is common sense.
Matty, only 6% of scientists are Republicans, this means that Democrats build the crumbling infrastructure just to keep their union thug financial backers gainfully employed
We get new roads every couple years if not every year here in KC. Most of our bridges have also been rebuilt or replaced.
Perhaps if you have problems in your area you should look to your local politicians & ask them what they are doing with their federal dollars rather than asking for more from the feds.
America's infrastructure: Beams disintegrating under bridges
By Rene Marsh, David Gracey and Ted Severson, CNN

Updated 8:32 PM ET, Wed May 25, 2016

America's crumbling infrastructure -

Washington (CNN)Nearly 40 million Americans will kick off one of the busiest travel seasons in history this Memorial Day weekend, jarred by potholes on America's roads, crossing her aging bridges, riding her antiquated railways and taking off from airports that draw international scorn.

Long a source of national pride, America's infrastructure is in critical need of repair, but federal government spending on the issue has gone down 9% in the past decade. As former Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood says, "We're like a third-world country when it comes to infrastructure."

Anyone that believes we should cut a single cent out of infrastructure funding really does want to live within a third world shithole. If anything it is time to put more money into our infrastructure as even Trump has side and work to remain a world power.

Of course, that is common sense.

So why don't you stop advocating trillions on wealth redistribution schemes so we have the money to address infrastructure, or you just want to pile that on top of the trillions in debt we're piling up?
While there is need for infrastructure to be fixed across the nation, why hasnt it been done already?

Answer that and you will find the explanation for the collapse of the professional political class.
Exactly. No guts or integrity in the leaders who are meant to protect our countries from being stripped.

We need to bring back nationalisation and shout down anyone who calls it "socialism".
I dont know that we need to nationalize anything.

Let the businesses stay in private hands, but aggressiveley enforce trade laws.
Well, i suppose tht is the difference between British mentality and American mentality.

I think you mean regulation?
Sure as 'trade laws' means the same thing as 'trade regulations' on this side of the pond.
So why don't you stop advocating trillions on wealth redistribution schemes so we have the money to address infrastructure, or you just want to pile that on top of the trillions in debt we're piling up?

Howq is funding repair of our bridges so they dont collapse when we drive over them a 'wealth redistribution scheme'?

America's infrastructure: Beams disintegrating under bridges
By Rene Marsh, David Gracey and Ted Severson, CNN

Updated 8:32 PM ET, Wed May 25, 2016

America's crumbling infrastructure -

Washington (CNN)Nearly 40 million Americans will kick off one of the busiest travel seasons in history this Memorial Day weekend, jarred by potholes on America's roads, crossing her aging bridges, riding her antiquated railways and taking off from airports that draw international scorn.

Long a source of national pride, America's infrastructure is in critical need of repair, but federal government spending on the issue has gone down 9% in the past decade. As former Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood says, "We're like a third-world country when it comes to infrastructure."

Anyone that believes we should cut a single cent out of infrastructure funding really does want to live within a third world shithole. If anything it is time to put more money into our infrastructure as even Trump has side and work to remain a world power.

Of course, that is common sense.
I dont give a shit about the bottom of the bridge, I drive on top.
America's infrastructure: Beams disintegrating under bridges
By Rene Marsh, David Gracey and Ted Severson, CNN

Updated 8:32 PM ET, Wed May 25, 2016

America's crumbling infrastructure -

Washington (CNN)Nearly 40 million Americans will kick off one of the busiest travel seasons in history this Memorial Day weekend, jarred by potholes on America's roads, crossing her aging bridges, riding her antiquated railways and taking off from airports that draw international scorn.

Long a source of national pride, America's infrastructure is in critical need of repair, but federal government spending on the issue has gone down 9% in the past decade. As former Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood says, "We're like a third-world country when it comes to infrastructure."

Anyone that believes we should cut a single cent out of infrastructure funding really does want to live within a third world shithole. If anything it is time to put more money into our infrastructure as even Trump has side and work to remain a world power.

Of course, that is common sense.
I dont give a shit about the bottom of the bridge, I drive on top.

Mathew probably cares because he probably lives under a bridge. He's concerned it may fall on his head.
America's infrastructure: Beams disintegrating under bridges
By Rene Marsh, David Gracey and Ted Severson, CNN

Updated 8:32 PM ET, Wed May 25, 2016

America's crumbling infrastructure -

Washington (CNN)Nearly 40 million Americans will kick off one of the busiest travel seasons in history this Memorial Day weekend, jarred by potholes on America's roads, crossing her aging bridges, riding her antiquated railways and taking off from airports that draw international scorn.

Long a source of national pride, America's infrastructure is in critical need of repair, but federal government spending on the issue has gone down 9% in the past decade. As former Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood says, "We're like a third-world country when it comes to infrastructure."

Anyone that believes we should cut a single cent out of infrastructure funding really does want to live within a third world shithole. If anything it is time to put more money into our infrastructure as even Trump has side and work to remain a world power.

Of course, that is common sense.
Please indicate where any cuts have been made to federal or state transportation funding.
Your crusading words are boring
America's infrastructure: Beams disintegrating under bridges
By Rene Marsh, David Gracey and Ted Severson, CNN

Updated 8:32 PM ET, Wed May 25, 2016

America's crumbling infrastructure -

Washington (CNN)Nearly 40 million Americans will kick off one of the busiest travel seasons in history this Memorial Day weekend, jarred by potholes on America's roads, crossing her aging bridges, riding her antiquated railways and taking off from airports that draw international scorn.

Long a source of national pride, America's infrastructure is in critical need of repair, but federal government spending on the issue has gone down 9% in the past decade. As former Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood says, "We're like a third-world country when it comes to infrastructure."

Anyone that believes we should cut a single cent out of infrastructure funding really does want to live within a third world shithole. If anything it is time to put more money into our infrastructure as even Trump has side and work to remain a world power.

Of course, that is common sense.
I dont give a shit about the bottom of the bridge, I drive on top.

Mathew probably cares because he probably lives under a bridge. He's concerned it may fall on his head.
I cant speak on where Matthew lives, could be a 10,000 sq ft McMansion for all I know. But, if he did happen to reside under the bridge in question, I suppose I could see his concern over this matter.
America's infrastructure: Beams disintegrating under bridges
By Rene Marsh, David Gracey and Ted Severson, CNN

Updated 8:32 PM ET, Wed May 25, 2016

America's crumbling infrastructure -

Washington (CNN)Nearly 40 million Americans will kick off one of the busiest travel seasons in history this Memorial Day weekend, jarred by potholes on America's roads, crossing her aging bridges, riding her antiquated railways and taking off from airports that draw international scorn.

Long a source of national pride, America's infrastructure is in critical need of repair, but federal government spending on the issue has gone down 9% in the past decade. As former Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood says, "We're like a third-world country when it comes to infrastructure."

Anyone that believes we should cut a single cent out of infrastructure funding really does want to live within a third world shithole. If anything it is time to put more money into our infrastructure as even Trump has side and work to remain a world power.

Of course, that is common sense.
BTW genius. How many times have you happened by a construction project and witnessed so called workers standing around doing nothing.
Elsewhere in states where unions have lockdowns on construction work or have laws requiring all public projects pay union scale wages, the projects cost many times more than if competitive bidding is required.
There is plenty of money available for infrastructure projects. The problem is much of the funding is wasted.

What no R&D ??
America's infrastructure: Beams disintegrating under bridges
By Rene Marsh, David Gracey and Ted Severson, CNN

Updated 8:32 PM ET, Wed May 25, 2016

America's crumbling infrastructure -

Washington (CNN)Nearly 40 million Americans will kick off one of the busiest travel seasons in history this Memorial Day weekend, jarred by potholes on America's roads, crossing her aging bridges, riding her antiquated railways and taking off from airports that draw international scorn.

Long a source of national pride, America's infrastructure is in critical need of repair, but federal government spending on the issue has gone down 9% in the past decade. As former Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood says, "We're like a third-world country when it comes to infrastructure."

Anyone that believes we should cut a single cent out of infrastructure funding really does want to live within a third world shithole. If anything it is time to put more money into our infrastructure as even Trump has side and work to remain a world power.

Of course, that is common sense.
BTW genius. How many times have you happened by a construction project and witnessed so called workers standing around doing nothing.
Elsewhere in states where unions have lockdowns on construction work or have laws requiring all public projects pay union scale wages, the projects cost many times more than if competitive bidding is required.
There is plenty of money available for infrastructure projects. The problem is much of the funding is wasted.

If I had a nickel for every time I have driven past some road work being done
or pretty much any project there always seems to be one person working
and six or seven standing around and watching.....

There needs to be accounting for all government run projects before one more penny
gets taken from taxpayers...
So why don't you stop advocating trillions on wealth redistribution schemes so we have the money to address infrastructure, or you just want to pile that on top of the trillions in debt we're piling up?

Howq is funding repair of our bridges so they dont collapse when we drive over them a 'wealth redistribution scheme'?


Didn't say it was, in fact I said it wasn't. Try reading it again and see if you get it this time?
I think it would be easier to just admit that you work for the government and want your pay at the tax payers expense, rather than try to convince us that the funding is lacking (which it isn't - we are not idiots).

Then we could start a true discussion about the issue.

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