Americas awful choice

There must be one democrat they can decide on. ? America needs to elect more progressive politicians to steer it into calmer waters.
Beating up students is a disaster. Even our shit govt hasnt tried that yet.

lol, your OP seems to suggest you are being middle of the road..then you come back with “America needs more progressive politicians”. So in one post you rail against the divide and in another, you advocate for progressives taking over…
lol, your OP seems to suggest you are being middle of the road..then you come back with “America needs more progressive politicians”. So in one post you rail against the divide and in another, you advocate for progressives taking over…
I have never been middle of the road. Trump being shit doesnt make biden better. I will never vote conservative. never have never will. But I wish the civilised part of the US was better organised and planned ahead.
Maybe have a 50 year old who wasnt up Netanyahus arse.
I have never been middle of the road. Trump being shit doesnt make biden better. I will never vote conservative. never have never will. But I wish the civilised part of the US was better organised and planned ahead.
Maybe have a 50 year old who wasnt up Netanyahus arse.

Well, I’m glad you will never vote conservative. That may serve you well in your country, but here, it doesn’t.
There must be one democrat they can decide on. ? America needs to elect more progressive politicians to steer it into calmer waters.
Beating up students is a disaster. Even our shit govt hasnt tried that yet.

The problem is that only Biden can unite the quirky 'Liberal Coalition'. It seems incredible becuase there are so many intelligent Democrats that would be great Presidents, but Liberals are quirky as hell. Any slight difference in opinion from the candidate and they don't vote.

It's the Universities that are requesting assistance from municipal police departments. The Federal Government has nothing to do with this.

These protestors are outside of the Constitutional right to peaceful (legal) assembly. They deserve what they get.

At my son's university, there are a few hundred protestors. This is finals week and if the protestors try to disrupt the rest of the student body, the other 40,000+ students will hang them by the balls.

They'll wish the police had arrested them!
On the one hand you have Biden. Generally well meaning but totally out of touch with the country. He is sending troops into universities to beat up kids who dont support his policies in Gaza.
He knows that Netty is a fascist thug. But backed him anyway, This is his mess He should be punished for it.
But on the other hand look at his opposition.
An actual fascist who is also a convicted fraudster and sex offender who steals top secret papers and tries to steal elections.
What a choice for the US.
There is no credible choice for the US. Only 2 parties can win.
One that looks the other way during genocide and one that lacks simple decency and appeals to the worst of humanity.

Biden didn't send in those troops or police, that crap is local...

I think Biden handled the present ME crisis badly... But how many more would have been killed if Isreal were not restrained. Biden was dealt a bad hand and didn't play them well.. Everyone in Europe knew Israel would go over board and only a few highlighted that (Ireland, Portugal)... Ireland was the most interesting considering their history. Ireland didn't actually understand what the IDF millitary objective was.

They said they were going to destroy Hamas but anyone who understands this type of conflict knows that indiscriminate bombing would only strengthen them like it did to the IRA under Thatchers reign. Thatcher was the recruitment poster for the IRA.

We don't know what Biden was saying in private.

What do know, if Trump was in charge, the would have been no restraint on Bibi... Multples more would have died...

So Tommy, Biden faults and all is the only real option. Trump would make this problem far worse...

The underlying problem is very influential group in US who condone the actions of Isreal with little consequences...
No. Trump is by far the bigger, grosser turd.

Still a turd, same as Biden. There's no lesser of two evils. FFS. Bad is bad. Evil is evil. Stupid is stupid. etc etc etc
Neither of them are good.

The left and the right have a stupid habit of kicking good candidates to the curb.
The left picked Biden over Tulsi. The right picked Trump over DeSantis.
Their stupid cup run'th over, every election.
Still a turd, same as Biden. There's no lesser of two evils. FFS. Bad is bad. Evil is evil. Stupid is stupid. etc etc etc
Neither of them are good.

The left and the right have a stupid habit of kicking good candidates to the curb.
The left picked Biden over Tulsi. The right picked Trump over DeSantis.
Their stupid cup run'th over, every election.

Biden is doing a very good job and is not very different than most Presidents - even Republican Presidents.

All politicians are somewhat turds.

Tulsi? Are you joking?

You seem to think that Democratic Presidents have to be 'walk on water' perfect or you equate them with the worst Presidents.

Though Biden isn't perfect he is far, far better than Trumpolini.

Socialism doesn't work as awesome as the far left think it does. The democrat party itself doesn't support full blown socialism.

America has been semi-socialist since the 1890s.

Most of Western Europe and Japan as well are socialist. They've been very successful.

You're right, the Democratic party does not support "Full-Blown Socialism".

However, that doesn't change the fact that the President does not have the power to control the economy.

We would have to increase our level of socialism by a lot before that became possible.

Perhaps the private sector could improve our economy. Perhaps we should blame the private sector for inflation and the high housing costs.
Biden is doing a very good job and is not very different than most Presidents - even Republican Presidents.

All politicians are somewhat turds.

Tulsi? Are you joking?

You seem to think that Democratic Presidents have to be 'walk on water' perfect or you equate them with the worst Presidents.

Though Biden isn't perfect he is far, far better than Trumpolini.


I don't expect any human to be perfect. But there are some lines that don't need to be crossed. Overbloated spender and debt ceiling increases is one of those lines.
Those are two things that makes both Trump and Biden turds.
America has been semi-socialist since the 1890s.

Most of Western Europe and Japan as well are socialist. They've been very successful.

You're right, the Democratic party does not support "Full-Blown Socialism".

However, that doesn't change the fact that the President does not have the power to control the economy.

We would have to increase our level of socialism by a lot before that became possible.

Perhaps the private sector could improve our economy. Perhaps we should blame the private sector for inflation and the high housing costs.

It's the private sector that always improves the economy, after presidents like Trump and Biden inject trillions of new money into the system, creating all that inflation.

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