Americans...the shootings wont go down...they will just keep going up.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2019
Born L.A.-NYC is 2nd home-Rustbelt is home base
All you have to do is to look at the trends in mass shootings to prove me right. Guns are not the issue. People going off the edge is the issue. When I was a kid growing up in the 50's and 60's we didn't have any mass shootings. We had plenty of guns to kill people with. The mass shootings all started in the mid 60's.

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There is something called a carrying capacity. When the carrying capacity is exceeded, nature takes its toll by killing off the excess. That is the point America is in now. If you keep packing people like rats, feed them an unhealthy diet and destroy their world...something has to give. Look at dem Kamala Harris. While on NPR she admitted she would be open to the 60 million people around the world seeking asylum. Well, there goes the carrying capacity!

NPR interview of Kamala Harris

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The dems don't get it. The further they take America from its roots, the faster America will slide into the shidder.

The dems are hell-bent on turning America into Mexico. They are against white people running America any longer. They want it run by blacks, Mexicans or Muslims...anything but white is fine with the racist dems.

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People are being squeezed to death by greed and a failed capitalist system. America as we had known it is long gone. America was America because most of what we consumed was made in America. Once China and the world opened up our production moved overseas. All we do now is consume for the most part.

CA was lost to Mexico because of greed. Cheap labor was the drug. The vote in CA is controlled by Mexico. CA can control D.C. through lawsuits. So...Mexico can control D.C. There are many more states falling to Mexico's as Reconquista progresses with the full faith and backing of the dems.

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Nowadays people are lucky to live in a closet and eat some dog food...and the dog food is probably be made in China too.

Pod Life...$1200 a month for a bed.

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People are bombarded with radio waves, fed a bad diet of factory and generically modified food. Many of us are drinking recycled human waste. Something has to give.

Water tests across America...toilet to tap.

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I'm not going to disuses our failed health care system in the USA. That is too long for this post. The only thing I'm baffled by is why we don't have mass shootings every day, multiple time's a day? I guess people are actually a doing pretty good job staying sane in spite of what people think. A handful of people going off the edge each year out of hundreds of millions of people being squeezed to death is not too bad.

Someone brought up how other people around the world are being squeezed to death and don't go on killing benders. She made a good point. Other countries use cars, acid or knives or other methods to kill. We happen to have a lot of guns. And if they don't go on killing sprees, maybe the people are used to being squeezed to death from an early age. I don't claim to have all the answers. I can only outline some of the problems.

While living in L.A. for 35 years I was under constant racial attacks by blacks. Growing up adjacent to So. L.A. I was almost killed a few times from blacks. My family was driving in Watts one time to look at the Watts Towers. A black guy stopped in front of our car at the stoplight and aimed his finger at us pretending to shoot. Back in the 80's blacks liked shooting at people on freeways and shot at me on my m/c. Another time they tried to run me off the road on my m/c. They played a game were they would ask white people for a match. If the person said they didn't have a match they would shoot them. Another time a car full of blacks robbed me. They drove up and asked me what time it was, I looked at my watch and boom the gun was in my face and wallet gone. But it started much earlier than this. From walking home from school and being jumped for being white, to a couple of blacks holding me down in the pool and almost drowning me to going to a cub scout meeting and having blacks threatening to get me as I walked home. Never gave any of this much thought until I moved out of L.A. I just shrugged it off as how things are. So being raised under duress becomes normal to you as that is all you know. Blacks are only +/- 13% of the US population. Can you imagine what would happen under a USA that was 70% black?

Americans, the best you can hope for is to take down the active shooters ASAP. The dem fueled gender wars have changed the world and not in a good way. They have created a world where 2 hairy men can be husband and wife and a man with as penis is really a woman. The soft civil war the USA is in will eventually move into a hard civil war. The shootings wont go down...they will just keep going up as America slides down the shidder and more and more people snap and the racial / gender / white replacement wars fueled by the dems escalate. You have 2 choices. Vote dem for a faster slide down the shidder or vote rep for a slower slide down the shidder. Those are the only 2 choices you have.

Eventually we won't be paying $1200 for a bed, we may be paying $1200 for a spot to park out tents. And if you can't come up with $1200...they will ship you off to the desert. For there will be no shortage of new 'replacement' illegals being brought into the USA by the dems that will be happy to pay the sidewalk fee...the shootings wont go down...they will just keep going up.

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Well, that about covers it, doesn't it?
Are you a believer in the Guidestones?
All you have to do is to look at the trends in mass shootings to prove me right. Guns are not the issue. People going off the edge is the issue. When I was a kid growing up in the 50's and 60's we didn't have any mass shootings. We had plenty of guns to kill people with. The mass shootings all started in the mid 60's.

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There is something called a carrying capacity. When the carrying capacity is exceeded, nature takes its toll by killing off the excess. That is the point America is in now. If you keep packing people like rats, feed them an unhealthy diet and destroy their world...something has to give. Look at dem Kamala Harris. While on NPR she admitted she would be open to the 60 million people around the world seeking asylum. Well, there goes the carrying capacity!

NPR interview of Kamala Harris

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The dems don't get it. The further they take America from its roots, the faster America will slide into the shidder.

The dems are hell-bent on turning America into Mexico. They are against white people running America any longer. They want it run by blacks, Mexicans or Muslims...anything but white is fine with the racist dems.

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People are being squeezed to death by greed and a failed capitalist system. America as we had known it is long gone. America was America because most of what we consumed was made in America. Once China and the world opened up our production moved overseas. All we do now is consume for the most part.

CA was lost to Mexico because of greed. Cheap labor was the drug. The vote in CA is controlled by Mexico. CA can control D.C. through lawsuits. So...Mexico can control D.C. There are many more states falling to Mexico's as Reconquista progresses with the full faith and backing of the dems.

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Nowadays people are lucky to live in a closet and eat some dog food...and the dog food is probably be made in China too.

Pod Life...$1200 a month for a bed.

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People are bombarded with radio waves, fed a bad diet of factory and generically modified food. Many of us are drinking recycled human waste. Something has to give.

Water tests across America...toilet to tap.

(source violates forum policy)

I'm not going to disuses our failed health care system in the USA. That is too long for this post. The only thing I'm baffled by is why we don't have mass shootings every day, multiple time's a day? I guess people are actually a doing pretty good job staying sane in spite of what people think. A handful of people going off the edge each year out of hundreds of millions of people being squeezed to death is not too bad.

Someone brought up how other people around the world are being squeezed to death and don't go on killing benders. She made a good point. Other countries use cars, acid or knives or other methods to kill. We happen to have a lot of guns. And if they don't go on killing sprees, maybe the people are used to being squeezed to death from an early age. I don't claim to have all the answers. I can only outline some of the problems.

While living in L.A. for 35 years I was under constant racial attacks by blacks. Growing up adjacent to So. L.A. I was almost killed a few times from blacks. My family was driving in Watts one time to look at the Watts Towers. A black guy stopped in front of our car at the stoplight and aimed his finger at us pretending to shoot. Back in the 80's blacks liked shooting at people on freeways and shot at me on my m/c. Another time they tried to run me off the road on my m/c. They played a game were they would ask white people for a match. If the person said they didn't have a match they would shoot them. Another time a car full of blacks robbed me. They drove up and asked me what time it was, I looked at my watch and boom the gun was in my face and wallet gone. But it started much earlier than this. From walking home from school and being jumped for being white, to a couple of blacks holding me down in the pool and almost drowning me to going to a cub scout meeting and having blacks threatening to get me as I walked home. Never gave any of this much thought until I moved out of L.A. I just shrugged it off as how things are. So being raised under duress becomes normal to you as that is all you know. Blacks are only +/- 13% of the US population. Can you imagine what would happen under a USA that was 70% black?

Americans, the best you can hope for is to take down the active shooters ASAP. The dem fueled gender wars have changed the world and not in a good way. They have created a world where 2 hairy men can be husband and wife and a man with as penis is really a woman. The soft civil war the USA is in will eventually move into a hard civil war. The shootings wont go down...they will just keep going up as America slides down the shidder and more and more people snap and the racial / gender / white replacement wars fueled by the dems escalate. You have 2 choices. Vote dem for a faster slide down the shidder or vote rep for a slower slide down the shidder. Those are the only 2 choices you have.

Eventually we won't be paying $1200 for a bed, we may be paying $1200 for a spot to park out tents. And if you can't come up with $1200...they will ship you off to the desert. For there will be no shortage of new 'replacement' illegals being brought into the USA by the dems that will be happy to pay the sidewalk fee...the shootings wont go down...they will just keep going up.

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It's what we are. It's what Americans are and what we want. Nothing is going to change that. Nothing.

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